End of the Sky

Chapter 871: Unrivaled Uncle Swallow exploded

In the deep space universe, darkness is the same theme as ever, with little stars and distant stars casting light.

Silent, but no lack of vitality!

But this is a scene seen by the human eye, and replaced with a precise scientific instrument, everything will be the opposite.

The universe is full of complex and indistinguishable rays, colorful and diverse, far exceeding the number of lipstick colors of girlfriends.

These energies are generated by the basic forces, and they are tangled into a mess because of the basic forces, maintaining a wonderful balance, giving people the feeling that their hearts will be destroyed at any time.

Active but full of crisis!

On the edge of the enchantment, the Superwoman punched her on the invisible curtain, and the ripples rolled away.

She frowned and said unhappyly: "Fucked, Silver Shadow didn't keep his promise, we must be ready to fight against the stars."


Russell didn't answer. Capricorn's chin was thinking about what's wrong. It's unlikely that Silver Shadow would eat his word. When he saw Susan, his body was as hard as iron. Go back and forth.

After all, a small broken ball was picked up all over the universe. It was Russell who replaced him.

"Russell, are we missing something important, such as destroying Dr. Maybe he is the key?"

"No, just by referring to the abilities of the Four Wonder Heroes, Doctor Destruction is average. There is only a fraction in the comics. The enchantment does not need to be so large ..."

Speaking of this Russell slightly shook his head: "I think I can see that the Lord God put the enchantment so large, and arranged for the star swallow to appear in the morning."

The Superwoman frowned, referring to her own experience of completing the task, and opposed: "There must be a way to avoid it, but we have omitted it."

"Don't waste your brain cells. Star swallow is about to arrive on the battlefield. Visually destroying the earth is a mission failure. Be prepared for battle!" Russell looked through the list, looking for the appropriate card, and looked forward to triggering the star card.

Having said that, the maggots in the stomach of Swallowing Star are so beautiful, as long as it can satisfy her stomach, it is also good to bring home to raise them.

"Russell, the ability of the Devourer of the Planet ... Regardless of his ability, it is difficult for us to overcome just his size." The Superwoman looked grim.

In the plot, the star swallow is composed of a cosmic mass of matter, has no fixed shape, and is astonishing in size, enough to suffocate the dish of the earth.

To deal with enemies in the form of swallowing stars, strength and speed are not the key points. Energy is the key. There is not enough energy to match them, and even the least to prevent its movement cannot be achieved.

Russell is also having a headache. As far as the performance of the star swallower in the plot is concerned, it is very suitable for the original comics. He was defeated by the inferior person for the Nth time and became a background board.

But even so, Russell did not dare to underestimate him. After all, it is the five gods, and it is worth everyone to treat it with its name.

Under normal standards, the planet-level fighting unit Thor, the interplanetary-level fighting unit exterminates the tyrants, and the universe-level fighting unit swallows the stars.


On the other side, Yin Yingxia met the planet devourer at the edge of the solar system, smiled at the beauties in the back, and dared to insert his two bosses.

Masses of immeasurable cloud cover down, occupying a large universe of starry sky and introducing surrounding light into the body.

The Planet Devourer, also known as the Planet Destroyer, is unknown in its specific form. Generally, it appears in a humanoid state, wearing armor made of unknown metal, a bit like the Tenjin group.

When each creature sees the star swallow, it looks like its own racial form. For example, the star swallow in human eyes is a middle-aged uncle wearing armor, which is a bit bigger.

"Why betray me?"

The majestic voice came directly into my mind. Silver Shadow didn't know what to explain, and could only tell the truth: "On that life planet, I met a woman who reminded me of my love."

"Good reason, but not enough for me to forgive you!"

The cloud spreads and spreads, swallowing the star to swallow Silver Shadow, and indifferently said, "As a punishment, I will confine you for a long time, and I want you to witness for yourself how the earth was destroyed by me."

Yin Yingxia heard this and hurriedly said, "My master, there are countless planets like Earth. Why do you insist on there, can I find an alternative for you?"

"You don't understand, the earth is different!"

Star swallowing accelerated into the solar system, but later jumped over Uranus and reached Saturn's orbit: "Moreover, my stomach is too hungry and I need to replenish energy as soon as possible."

"My master, please ..."

"To shut up!"

Swallowing the star and humming, no longer care about Yin Yingxia, the effort of speaking passed Saturn's orbit, and Jupiter's orbit ahead.

Seeing that it was getting closer and closer to the earth, Yin Yingxia closed his eyes and thought of Susan, specifically, his overlapping love with Susan.

He once gave up everything for his mother star and love, and chose to kill the star, this time, he can still give up everything.

Silver Shadow Man moves fast in the cloud, and finds the energy siphon device that Star Eater has added to his body!

Swallow Star uses this device to assist himself in absorbing and converting energy. Although it is not as fast as his own absorption speed, he can avoid wasting energy in the absorption process.

Silver Shadow Man knows that he can't stop the star swallowing and destroying the earth with his own power, but he knows the fatal weakness of star swallowing.


The star swallowed star is unstoppable. In the state of lack of energy, the magic four heroes are enough to defeat the star swallow.

Right now, star swallowing is hungry, but the energy is still huge. Silver Shadow Man reverses the energy siphon, making the device that originally helped swallow the stars absorb energy, which in turn absorbs the energy of swallowing stars.

The energy siphon is huge, and under full power operation, it immediately turns into a deep space vortex and stirs up energy continuously.

Because there is no vent, these energies accumulate more and more, and the compression condenses into a group of shining black spheres.

The cloud material passing through Jupiter's orbit stopped abruptly, and the star swallowed to find what Silver Shadow was doing, and immediately became furious.

He forgave Silver Shadow ’s first betrayal because there was something on earth that made him care, forgivable, and it was not easy to find another good employee.

Different this time, Chi Guoguo's betrayal left no room, which was the same as jumping the hostile company and taking a bite. He could not find any reason to forgive the other party.

The invisible restraint force is exerted on the Silver Shadow Man, who is stiff and quietly condenses and compresses while introducing his body energy into the surfboard.

"You **** it !!"

Hearing the anger in his head, Yin Yingxia opened his hands to embrace the void, and the silver-toned body exploded, hitting the energy siphon with the surfboard.

The huge energy sphere inside was momentarily stationary. Then, the black sphere started to rotate, and cracks appeared on the surface.

Gradually, more and more cracks spread, the cobweb spread on the surface, and released colorful energy flames.

A sliver of energy smashed into the cloud material, but the seemingly brilliant light twisted it fiercely when it touched the void,

The energy ran away, the hot stance was constantly generated and annihilated, and the powerful space pulling force was like a tight string, breaking after a crisp sound.

Buzz! !!

The shock wave exploded as the universe opened, and the cloud material was torn into pieces and then instantly flew around.

The universe is boiling in the deep space, trembling, and the waves generally roll for a moment.

Everything returns to peace!

On the surface of Mars, Russell fluttered away the rubble around him, and climbed up with a grimace.

Just now, when he saw a huge cloud of matter moving closer to the orbit of Jupiter, he immediately realized that the star swallowed up, because of the distressed card, he decided to take a look first.

I never thought that the invincible Uncle Teng exploded as soon as he appeared.

"So, is it safe to say that this is over?"

Russell looked around and found that the Superwoman was lost and was affected by the explosion just now. I wondered where it was flying.

"Jumped from Jupiter's orbit across the asteroid belt and fell directly to Mars. I have no luck at all ..."

Russell muttered to himself, shaking his wings over the dust on his body, and when his body was shaking, he drove the mountains and earth under his feet.

Under his surprised gaze, a giant more than a hundred meters tall crawled out of the gravel pile, and the dark purple armor spread all over his body, and energy lines like magic lines swam on it, maintaining a certain regular flash.

It's cool, but in Russell's eyes, it is inexplicably associated with a marquee.

"Damn guy, I worked so hard for so many years, so betrayed me so easily, even at the expense of self-destruction, I would end up with me ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The earth is really too evil ..."

Star swallowing shook his head and complained. His stomach was hungry and unbearable, and he found that he was not far from the earth, and he turned around and flew over.

With this turn of his head, Russell's eyes met exactly.

(One `?? one) X2

Russell's brows frowned slightly. Compared with the cosmic clouds that previously covered the sky and destroyed the sky, the uncle in front of him seemed a little ...

weak! ?

He squeezed his eyes, stared up and down to make sure he was not mistaken.

For a time, Russell was imagining and thinking. The senior leader of Whitebeard Guyi was eternal, and he was the same as the five gods of Marvel Universe, and also held important positions.

According to the formula, eternity is equal to swallowing the stars. Defeating the star is about equal to defeating eternity.

Think of it this way, Russell's eyes looking at the star swallow up, this must leave a shadow!

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