End of the Sky

Chapter 873: I will definitely come back

Buzz! !!

In the sky, two scarlet hot sights swept down, and the target was the swallowing star surrounded by the elemental giant.

The red light bursts into the sound of whistling sounds. The Superwoman transforms the stellar energy, eyes are red, and full power releases hot sight.

Swallowing the stars, the attack was detected. While defending Russell's violent offensive, he raised his arms sideways, and opened his fingers with five cosmic rays to fight back.

The two strong lights collided, and a brilliant light burst in an instant. The white energy ball squeezed at the center, blooming a powerful shock wave that could not open the eyes.

The clouds accelerated, the waves rolled, and Mars' Mediterranean deteriorated by three points.

The Superwoman missed, and was far away ... it was a savage collision with her hands, her fists on her side and her elbows, and she hit the waist of the star swallow.

There was a crisp sound of golden iron and iron, and a few whirlwinds of delay swept in all directions. The Superwoman was unable to break through the armor of the swallowing star, and was flung out by the force of the shock.

Swallowing Stars' eyes were protruding, her waist plate was straight, her feet were lame, her body couldn't stop and walked forward a few steps.

good chance!

Russell, who waited for a long time, slashed his arm forward, and swallowed the star, and crossed his neck. At the same time, four large hands were found in the magma ground, and they pinched the left and right ankles.

Tun Xing stretched out his hand and grabbed a mass of air, the huge body fell back, and thundered and fell into the red burning stream.

His feet were clasped by magma's large hands. The same was true of his hands. When he swallowed the star, he was accidentally imprisoned and unable to move. He screamed angrily and tried to break away from the puppet on his arm.

At this moment, the highly-impacting fist is getting bigger and bigger in front of him, hitting the door in front of him, and blasting the entire head together with the half body to the ground.

Rumble! !!

The earth trembled violently, and the oscillating wave set off a heat wave of magma. The sound was like a meteorite hitting the ground, and the wind wave stretched all the way farther away.

Russell slowly lifted his fist, staring at the angry eyes of the star swallowing the fist, and energetically shook his fist, then slammed it.

At the moment when the heavy punch and the swallowing face gate were close together, a huge cluster of light clusters lit up in the middle.

Buzz! !!

The cosmic rays were radiated in the mouth of the star, and the dazzling light beam directly flattened Russell's fist, and then straight into the sky with an imposing momentum, the sky burst, and the storm waves spread out in a row of mountains and the sea.

Russell's eyes froze, and a plan came silently in his heart. He could not break through the shell of the star swallower, nor did the Superwoman. If he defeated the star swallower in a short time, he could only consume his energy.

At the beginning, Russell saw that IQ Online was online, thinking that it would be difficult to anger him. However, he did not expect that his temper was so explosive, he slaps his face and became angry.


The side of the Superwoman is roundabout, her body crosses an arc in mid-air, and it accelerates into a rampage. The two-footed war spear is generally on the cheek of Swallowing Star.

With a heavy blow, Swallow Star's head was deflected aside, and to see how much his neck was twisted, Russell sweated for it.

This foot interrupted the energy release of the swallowing star. Angrily, he turned his head to look at Russell, his eyes whitening and wanting to launch the energy again, while his hands struggled to get out of place.


Russell hit a left uppercut, and swallowed Xing's head to the side again, then grabbed the two horns on his helmet with both hands, raised it and hit the ground heavily.

boom! boom! boom!

Three times in a row, swallowing the golden flower in front of the star swallowing eyes, spraying energy in his mouth, wiped Russell's head, swept it down, and cut it off with one arm.

When the star swallowed up, his right arm condensed his strength and slammed the big magma hand, and his fingers spread open and grabbed Russell.

Obstructed in mid-air, the Superwoman accelerates the sprint like a teleportation, hits the palm of the star with a heavy punch, and volleys to disperse the strength of the big hand.

Then, she hugged a finger, stepped on the air with both feet and pressed the star swallowing palm, together with her entire arm, back to the place again.

On the magma hand, clamp the freed arm again.

The magma and soil spread, and Russell's damaged body was repaired. He raised his hand against the swallowing chin, then covered his face with his large hands, and tightened tightly to squeeze his features into buns.

boom! boom! boom! boom----

Russell just held the star swallowing head and hit the ground tirelessly again and again, not afraid that swallowing the stars would not hurt, he beat his face.

Star swallowing and struggling desperately, breaking his arm several times, were pushed down by the Superwoman again, and the release of cosmic rays from the palm of his hand also became useless.

Hu Luo Pingyang was bullied by dogs!

This is the mentality of swallowing the star at this time, and I hate the Silver Shadow Man very much. If it was not for the energy in the body being greatly reduced, Russell and Superwoman would not be one punch.

For a while, Swallow Star had a strategic transfer idea, temporarily letting Russell and Superwoman come together, and then came back to find a place when they were full.

But he was unwilling again, after all, he was a big man with a head and a face.

Geng Xing gritted his teeth and decided to try again. After winning the next move, he swallowed the earth and lost a few years before returning.

The energy condensed in the body, the energy lines on the armor that swallowed the star suddenly stopped, and countless dazzling lights bloomed after a one-second pause, enough to destroy all the energy storms blowing on the surface of Mars.

Russell's pupils shrank sharply, and Star Stroke was about to start a big move, but this move seemed to be more serious than he thought.

He didn't think about it. He held the palm of the Superwoman next to him and quickly walked away from Swallow Star, using his magical technique to dig a hole vertically, and marched toward the Martian core.

The energy storm stirred, Mars turned upside down, the sun and the moon were dark, and the speed of swallowing the stars to release energy was extremely fast. As soon as Russell dug out, his big move was released.

Countless white light spilled out of the swallowing star, and with his roar, the surging surge swept out.

Doomsday is coming!

The white energy on the surface of Mars expands, crushes, and dissipates, dissipating matter to nothing, and the bright light rises like a small sun on the ground.

The energy spread was unstoppable, and soon spread behind Russell, who dug the hole.

He raised his hand to put the Superwoman in his mouth, crossed his arms to protect his head, and the surrounding soil rolled in to help him block the impact of energy.

Rumble ------

The energy sphere explodes, and the majestic impact radiates around like a wavy flower, collapsing the ground, and cutting a plane on the surface of the Martian sphere.

Between the shaking of the earth and the mountain, a beam of light like a rainbow tears the sky, rushes straight into the vast universe, bombards the asteroid belt, and sets off a large wave.



The hurricane repeatedly shuttled and crossed, pulling a gully on the flat ground, starving so hungry that he pressed his chest against his back, watching the damage caused by himself, and frowned subconsciously.

The energy is weaker than he thought, and ...

He glanced at the armor on his body, wondering when a crack was opened, so that the energy lost control, and he had just attacked and missed, unable to fully act on Mars.

"Wait for a few planets, fill the energy and come back to kill you ... and the earth, I will definitely come back!"

Swallowing His Majesty's words, the figure turned into a beam of light directly into Jupiter's orbit, and returned far away from the solar system.

If you do n’t go, you ’ll have to wait for a mixed doubles. His energy is not as good as before, and now you lose even more face if you do n’t go.


Russell broke through the rock formations, spit out the Superwoman in the exit, and saw the star swallowing away, leaving nothing to chase after him.

Three pairs of wings spread out, Russell locked the swaying light spot, and after the expiration of Kronos's character card, he chased the stars.

Just kidding, it was difficult to make Star Swallow a star-level combat power standard. If he ran away, the picture would not be taken.

Uh, it doesn't seem to be a good thing to shoot!

Russell suddenly awakened, thinking about the consequences of the digital camera falling into the Superwoman's hands, and immediately took a nap.

The Superwoman immediately followed Russell and transmitted through telepathy: "Russell, why did you switch modes again?"

"It's a long story, and I'll explain it to you later ..."

Ahead, the star swallowed the less energy, but the speed became faster and faster. It was found that Russell and the Superwoman were pursuing, regardless of energy consumption, and accelerated out of Jupiter's orbit.

Suddenly, he lost his sense of Russell and Superwoman, and he was so frightened that he was afraid that his opponent ’s space jumped and blocked his way, telepathically transmitted, and left the solar system.

It was another big energy expenditure, which was a loss to his heart.


Russell and the Superwoman chased after each other. When they rushed to the vicinity of Jupiter, they swept to the edge of the enchantment and quickly decelerated. After stopping, they found that they reached out and touched the light curtain.

The plot is over!

"It's over! Shouldn't the plot end by killing the swallowing star?"

Superwoman frowned: "The earth was included in the target of devouring ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ temporarily removed the symptoms and not the root cause, he may come again in a few years, the earth is still destroyed ... The Lord God decided to complete the plot, what is What standard? "

"It is better to swallow the stars ..."

Russell went back, and he remembered a comic version that swallowed the stars and devoured the energy of the life planet, in order to maintain the seal, or balance, to prevent the birth of more terrible rule gods, which caused the destruction of the multiverse.

Although I do n’t know if there is the task of swallowing the stars in the story of [Fantastic Four Heroes 2], Russell will not try it easily. He did not want to kill the swallowing star at first, and he took a few photos at most.

It's okay to take a photo now!

"As for a few years, you will return to Earth after a few years of swallowing the stars ... maybe in a few years, the son of the invisible woman and Mr. Wonder will be born." Russell finished, walking into the light curtain side by side with Superwoman.

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