End of the Sky

Chapter 883: I am the swarm

The Milky Way has two meanings in the "Man in Black" series.

One is energy, the cosmic atomic energy, which easily destroys a planet, that is, the marble pendant held by Russell in his hand.

Cosmic civilization Aquilon Empire held a galaxy. Because of its powerful power, it did not dare to store it in the homeland, so a royal-born custodian concealed it and kept it on the cat.

Unfortunately, the Akilons and the Zerg fought, and the Zerg spies stole this important information and went to Earth to find interstellar weapons.

[People in Black 1] The plot begins, that is, around this galaxy, the earth as a neutral cube, unfortunately involved in the war between the Aquilon and the Zerg.

The second meaning of the Milky Way is purely a celestial system, one of the structures that make up the universe.

These two meanings are quite different, but there is no contradiction in the "Black Man" world view, because at the end of the plot, the Milky Way where the earth is is hidden in the marbles of the aliens.

One leaf, my universe; my ants, my god!

Whether it's marbles or lockers, the meaning is the same.

The world is layered and the universe is endless. The world is so big that humans don't need to be complacent about their achievements.

Russell looked at the marbles in his hand, wondering if there was really a galaxy in it. He raised his hand to the surveillance camera, and packed away with the orange cat.

It is impossible to actively contact the man in black. The price is too low. He is a person of identity, and the other party must visit him.

Russell left alone, just like when he came in. No one cared about him.


Bridge Tunnel Authority!

The Black Man's Headquarters, an independent office building in New York, don't care about the name, who has not had a few vests these days.

For example, Hydra has always used itself as the SHIELD. In order to pursue realism, it specially chose a fake director to handle diplomatic work.

One layer of vest is not enough. When SHIELD agents go out to do business, they find it inconvenient to reveal their identity and call themselves FBI.

This is the norm. Sometimes NSA is also FBI, DHS is sometimes FBI, CIA is sometimes FBI, FBI is sometimes FBI ...

In short, if you hide your identity, the FBI is right!

The FBI had no choice but to frighten and frighten teenagers, looking for a little sense of existence.

J and K returned to the headquarters to report. They were told that the earth is in chaos and the surface is calm. The chaos is aliens living on the earth, one by one dragging their homes, and boarding an interstellar spacecraft to leave the earth.

Tourism aliens are not counted. Most of the aliens who settle on Earth live in New York and are concentrated in the Manhattan area. Many people have lived for decades, such as Stallone, George Lucas, Spielberg, and the woman Sun and Moon, Beckham, Huang ... and so on.

Soon, the organization of the people in black understood the truth. The dead Aquillons were the princes of the imperial family. This was a serious diplomatic event. If they were not handled properly, the ending would refer to the deceased heir of the empire, Grand Duke Ferdinand.

Just when the black men's organization was in a hurry to lose their hair, the Aquilon warship arrived, indicating that the prince's affairs could be set aside and that the Milky Way should be handed over first.

There are many princes, but there is only one in the galaxy. The battleship of Aquilon issued an ultimatum. If the galaxy was not handed over as soon as possible, they would bombard the earth and turn it into cosmic dust.

The Aquillons couldn't help it. The galaxy has huge energy. If it is found by the hostile Zerg, the war will be defeated.

People in black have not yet figured out what the so-called Milky Way is. The only clue is the last words of the prince.

The Milky Way is in the star belt of Orion!

K and J dispatched again to the Prince's property on earth, a jewelry store, looking for clues to the Milky Way.



There was a loud noise, and the tire-removal vehicle running on the road burst a tire, slamming into the teeth, and was blocked by a big tree.

The rustic tall man in the soil walked out of the cab, and the thread puppet was generally stiff in bones, took two steps and stood for three seconds, and then sculpted in place, like an extremely high-ping soldier.

Men are not human. Agents sent by the Zerg to Earth cover their skins in search of the Milky Way, an energy weapon.

[Man in Black] Like the other worlds, the Zerg in the background of the story is responsible for the important tasks of evil villains, daily destruction of the world, high IQ, and has successfully assassinated the prince of the Akilon Empire.

But in fact, in the interstellar era of rushing for resources, it does n’t make sense to be good or bad. The enemy is my hero, and war is just for survival.

Of course, moving on the earth is his fault.

It was found that the tire of the car burst and his manliness deteriorated. His aircraft was hidden in the compartment of the insecticide car. The car must be repaired as soon as possible.

Getting used to the spacecraft, coldly repairing a four-wheeled car, the man holding the spare tire for a while can not start.

Huh! !!

The horn sounded aside, and the man looked back and found a trailer.

"Man, do I need to help you to the repair shop?"

Russell rolled down the window and glanced at the damaged front tire. He commented: "Meet me, you're lucky today, I just happened to be on my way, so take you for a ride."

The man looked at him, grinning for a moment, grinning, "Thanks so much, I really don't know how to thank you."

The journey of the interstellar journey is far away. The man pondered the lack of food on the road, and Russell took the initiative to deliver it to him, so he decided it was him.

Thinking about it that way, his smile was even brighter, and the corner of his mouth reached the back of his ears, smiling like a child in a horror movie.

"What's this, our place ... New Yorkers have always been helpful."

Russell also smiled happily. He pointed out that Liangchen and Jiri should get rid of insects. The man has a **** disaster today.

The two fixed the deworming vehicle, and Russell took the driver's seat. "Dude, fasten your seat belts. I'll take you to the nearest garage for repairs."

"No, no, before I go to the garage, I want to go to the jewelry store first. Some goods are in a hurry to sell, you know!"

Then, the man pulled out a diamond from his pocket and shook it in front of Russell's eyes: "I know the facade of an acquaintance. He won't kill me. He will drive me there ... Well, after it is done, I will divide you A lot of labor. "


Russell's eyes lighted up, and he rubbed his hands and held the steering wheel: "Brother, then you have to fasten your seat belts. I drive very fast. Don't apply a brake. You are gone."

When the trailer hit the road, Russell stepped on the accelerator to overtake and eventually drove into an abandoned warehouse.

The man smiled sneerly: "Man, this is neither a repair shop nor the jewellery store I want. Wouldn't you want to steal money?"

When the car was halfway, the man knew that Russell was uncomfortable and punched the diamond in his pocket, but he didn't remind him, because it was all within his plan, he also wanted to find a quiet corner to make Russell, Pickle and eat on the way.

"How is that possible, who doesn't know the Global Village. We New Yorkers have always been helpful. I just think it's not safe for you to carry so many diamonds and want to help you share the risks." Russell sneered.

Russell will do everything he can, using his superb acting skills to play a robber who is greedy for treasure, a little aggrieved, but the thought of the arduous mission of defending the earth is not a big deal.

Therefore, it is not terrible to have a routine this year. The key depends on who has a deeper routine.

The man thought he understood Russell's routine, but he didn't know that Russell's routine made him think he understood the routine.

"Hey ..." x2

The two sneered at the same time, and then the two guns arrived at each other's forehead at the same time.

Huh! x2

After the shot, the man's brain [red flag] exploded, and the green mucus splashed, revealing the worm's body crowded under the skin.

He quickly pushed the door of the car, walked two steps, tripped his left foot over his right foot, rolled over and fell to the ground.

In a burst of torn skin and clothes, the man's body swelled and turned into a giant cockroach.

The forequarters are upright, more than three meters tall, two pairs of gastropods walking, one pair of forelimbs with favorable claws, as if the arthropod insect evolved into a humanoid form.

There was a gunshot wound on the back of the big cockroach, and the mucus dripped, causing his teeth to grin.

The skin was damaged and he needed a new identity to continue searching for the Milky Way.

Just as the big cockroach pondered and peeled Russell's cramps, Russell pushed the door and walked down, in his stunned mouth, spit out the bullet in his mouth.

"Sorry, you missed."

The big cockroach gnawed on his face with an anthropomorphic shocked expression, and suddenly said, "What are you, human?"

"Well, can you speak?"

"Oh, I know more than three hundred languages, who are you looking down on?"

The big cockroaches screamed, and the Zerg were a notable higher life in the universe. On the path of evolution, they almost came to an end.

Both social systems and population potential have reached their limits.

This is the truth. Without human aesthetics, the Zerg social system is indeed very advanced, at least they are very united.

"That's really sorry, the inherent thinking is haunting, after all, your looks can't be complimented ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You look ugly too!"

The races are different and the aesthetics can't be discussed together.

The big cockroach spit out corrosive mucus, spreading and spreading, covering the place where Russell was located. The latter waved an arc with a wave, and evaporated the dirty green liquid.

When the big cockroach realized that the situation was not right, the white light bloomed in front of his eyes, and he looked back, smashing his hands and feet into the ground.

His head rolled twice, and he found out that it wasn't his hands and feet that didn't listen, but the whole body was gone, and only his head rolled in place.

Powerful life!

Russell was filled with emotion, added a shot, exploded his head on the ground, diverged his thinking, and wondered if he was the main god, he would surely separate the script of [Man in Black 1] as a team battle task, not this one. Kind of casual use.

After all, it is the Zerg, and adding a ‘I am the Swarm’ BOSS will kill a lot of reincarnation.

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