End of the Sky

Chapter 899: Superhero blockbuster romance drama

"It's so cruel to start, you disfigured but you ..."

Russell covered her nose, and a few drops of nosebleeds flowed from her fingers, which delayed the self-healing rate without much.

Remove ‘men’ and say it again! x2

The Superwoman gave a cold hum, her figure turned into an afterimage, disappeared in place and came to Russell.

After getting along for a few days, the Superwoman knew Russell's rhetoric and was the best at flirting, but she was always soft to Russell, and the other flickered, she didn't move, so she must not let that mouth move.

Flying sand and stones, Superwoman flashed behind Russell, infinite gloves and palm into a knife, hit Russell's neck, fast as lightning.

Russell bowed his head slightly, avoiding the sweeping hand knife. When the body was straight, he grabbed the Superwoman's wrist, pushed and dragged it, and let go of his strength. At the same time, he didn't forget to use the beautiful man measure, and the soul voice contacted her.

"Don't make a mess, concealing your identity is not what I want, and I really can't tell the truth, otherwise I'll stubbornly accept this crime."


Superwoman's brows frowned, and she was guilty of the softness of Russell's roots again. He grabbed his wrists and dragged them into his arms, his hands locked in place.

Shen Menghan's eyelids were drawn. Although this scene was no different from looking in the mirror, she still felt that her forehead was extremely heavy. She accelerated her pace and appeared on the side of Russell in a teleportation. She pushed away the 'unmovable' Superwoman with a slap and raised her elbows. Swinged at Russell's face.

It was also a voice of the heart. Russell slapped the superhero's closed heart door. The latter was unmoved. After three times, the door opened slightly.

Russell: I knew it!

The moment the door opened, Russell lifted his foot to open the door, and Shen Menghan shoved symbolically a few times, and the door of the spiritual world was invaded by darkness.

Then, the same routine, Russell did not change a word, let Shen Menghan's questioning disappeared, and at the same time dragged his anti-cut into his arms.

Angle shift, Superwoman's turn felt that the forehead was a bit heavy.

The three men were fighting in close combat, Russell was left and right, and sent messages at the same time. He and two Supergirls understood and moved with emotion. Ten words were true and three false. He never talked about the bad debts on Jason ’s vest. The fists became slower and slower, but it was not ambiguous to compete for the C spot.

Outside the circle, looking at the lively group of people with black lines on their faces, Ying Yingying said silently: "The captain is not saved, and if they continue to fight, they will be embraced by the scumbag left and right."

"Bian Yan is right, give the family a critical illness notice!"

Kang Xi followed the spit, adding: "In the beginning, the slogan was louder than anyone, and they said that who dared not work was able to dig the pit, and as a result, they used the least amount of energy and took the other side out of Russell's arms. It was quite strong when squeezed out. "

"That is, my sun cannons have been ruined ... click ... click here ... this account will be reimbursed ... click ..."

"Well, where are your potato chips?"

"Eat dog food without potato chips. I still think potato chips are better."

"That makes sense, divide me in half!"


The more they watched, the more they felt that the play was too fake, and flirted like flirting, which did not meet their expectations.

Just like going to the cinema, the poster on the white paper says ‘Sci-Fi Warfare, Superhero’. The picture shows two superheroes staring at the dark shadows.

After watching the movie, it was not so much. In the first half of the episode, the Superwoman awakened from her deep sleep, confused about the identity of her replica, and fought with her body.

In the second half of the episode, the two Supergirls abandon their former suspicions and join forces to fight against the devil who destroys the world.

The Devil's aura was enough, and almost all the funds hit him on the special effects. Once he played, he easily leveled out the Superwoman teammates, which really made the audience squeeze the sweat for the Superwoman, worried that they could not beat it.

However, the audience obviously thinks more about it. Without you, the story turns, switching from the superhero script to the urban romance.

The right Superwoman fell into the arms of the Devil, because the Devil's mind was not spacious enough, the two Supergirls jumped back to the plot of the first half.

Trash movies hang sheep's heads to sell dog meat, insulting the audience's IQ, but ... you can watch it!

A few women changed their minds, and couldn't see the Superman x 2 tyrannical men. It was also good to see the Superman tear each other. After all, ordinary people can't tear her, and such scenes are rare.

boom! boom! Rumble ------

The ground shook slightly, and Kang Xi looked at the potato chips in the trembling package, dissatisfied: "Vice team, this enchantment is not reliable at all, but don't get blown."

The shadow covered the top of the head, Ying Yingying's body was stiff, and she turned her head hard: "Fool, look at the situation and say that this pot is boundless."

A few people in the drama turned sharply, and in the sight, Godzilla came to cover the sky, and a spit of atomic breath came down far away.

"Quickly stop Godzilla, the defense outside the enchantment can't stop the radiation heat!"


In the enchantment, Russell kept secret information, never mentioning 'you are all my wings', blocking the superwoman's fist, raising his hand to push it aside, then sideways to avoid Shen Menghan's whip leg, holding his ankle Clip it under the armpit.

"Where did you just say ... Oh, it's not that I want to resurrect the replica, but the situation forces me, and I can't do without the cycle of time without resurrecting her."

"Then why did you hide her statue in the space ring and redeem a resurrection card?"

"It's a long story ..."

"Then to make a long story short, I listen!"


Russell rolled his eyes, met himself and the Superwoman, and then fought. Finally, the situation of the Superwoman volunteering to die said: "Yes, she was you at the time. If I was indifferent, I wouldn't see it. What's the difference? "

"That's why you hug from side to side?"


"Huh, you are not scum, you are a scum!"


The Superwoman kicked flying, hitting Russell's back, hitting a bull across the mountain to make Shen Menghan in his arms fall out, and then hurried forward, and Russell accidentally held his arm.

"Continuing the conversation ... we are real teammates. How can you help her instead of me?"

Superwoman heard the words, Liu Mei frowned: "I've been helping you, but you haven't told me a truth."

"How is it possible that I even betray the Lord God for you ... Ahem, you must understand that she and I will leave the Lord God's space when you complete the task, but you ca n’t, we have to disappear for a while, why bother with some details and cherish time! Dear!"

"What do you sell? What contract did you sign with the Lord God?" The Superwoman was frightened, forgetting the voice of the soul, and blurted out.

"What contract, you two ... use telepathy too?"

Shen Menghan's face changed, and he realized that he was unhappy about the rhetoric such as the contract of selling himself.

"No, there is no deed for sale. I said something wrong."

Russell's face turned pale, sweat leaked out and he forgot to wipe it. He waved his hand and stepped back, and said, "Stop that, don't talk about this topic. Let's talk about Jason's vest. I'm a lady, and I'm angry." "

The Superwoman and Shen Menghan were complex-looking, and turned around a thousand times. In their minds, Russell and the Lord God signed a contract to sell their own deeds. It didn't matter what the black account on Jason's vest was, left and right, grabbed his two arms.

"Russell, selling the deed is ..."

"Stop it, can you embarrass me?"

Russell laughed, no, he opened his mouth in fright, and took several breaths.

"It's because of me that you ..."

The Superwoman held Russell's hand, her eyes turned red, and thought about the other person's efforts, and then she thought about making troubles unreasonably. She was suddenly ashamed, and she did not dare to look down at her.

"It's not, it's still a long story. Actually, what was signed long ago ..."

Russell raised his hand to take the Superwoman into his shoulder and looked at Shen Menghan with affection: "Remember that the ring was not taken by you, but it was actually deliberately taken away by you. There is a certain lucky bonus ... I ca n’t say what ’s redundant, you just need to know it ’s rare, do n’t lose it. ”

"Then I'll give it back to you, I won't need it anyway."

Shen Menghan heard that he hurriedly took out the pendant under his collar and wanted to remove the ring and return it to Russell.

"No, I can't die in general. You need it more than I do."

While talking, Russell pulled Shen Menghan into his arms again and looked up at the sky, feeling that life had reached its peak.

(?? ﹃??)?

The car was overturned, but the old driver never said that he had only one car, and driving a truck in the future could pull a car.

"Well, don't worry about it in the future, just understand it in your heart, anyway, I won't say it. I'm useless to kill you." Russell was so proud of his words that his voice was extremely distorted. Already.

At that time, the raw rice will cook mature rice.


Shen Menghan looked at the Superwoman face-to-face, and wanted to kick it apart and monopolize Russell's arms.

But think about it, Russell was resurrected because of herself. Besides leaving the space of the Lord God, the other party disappeared.

The other party had also fought for Russell, but it was the same result when she replaced herself. I simply didn't see it when I closed my eyes.

The Superwoman side is almost the same ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and I feel that she did not read the wrong person. Russell signed a contract for the sale of the Lord God with her, Shen Menghan ... Let's do this first, after all, Russell is not easy.

"I'm too difficult. Don't mention identity anymore. Then there are terms on it ... uh, you know." Russell tightened his arms, and he didn't break and stand, and the risk was always accompanied by opportunities. The ancients were sincere. Bully him.

"Um ..." x2

Hearing the soft response, Russell looked up and laughed silently. The trembling posture made the two women distressed, thinking that he said he was punished too much, and the resentment in his heart disappeared instantly.

Just as Russell pondered the idea of ​​non-dividing, the enchantment on the head shook, the blink of an eye disappeared, Godzilla's huge face came into view, and Gidola's head was still in his mouth.


The blue light bloomed into the sky, and Quitola's head blew away.


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