End of the Sky

Chapter 928: Gravekeeper

In Texas, a sudden overcast cloud shrouded the sky, and the thunder stirred the tearing air, splitting a dry tree in half as soon as it landed.

The flames ignited and black smoke rose.

Dense black raindrops fell down, and the second that covered the flame, dyed the red flame into a thick black ink.

Russell stepped out of the shadows, looking at the background board next to him, and frowned.

"It's too bad. This way of playing, I said I'm a good person, and no one believes it!"

No one really believes it, and the general devil does not have such a battle at all, and the start is also a boss of the devil level.

This can't be blame Russell. He wanted to have a lot of white light, countless holy feathers scattered, and accompanied by the singing of 'Hallelua'.

However, it takes a lot of energy to reach the world from hell. When the energy is transmitted to the world, the aftermath of the overflow will directly show the nature of energy.

Black is black, white is white, God never lied.

"After all, cute and excusable! Next time, you must use the Holy Light to open the road next time!"

Russell nodded secretly, and telepathic swept the surroundings to see if there was any place nearby to gather information.

The passage between **** and the earth is located in the middle of the desert. The possibility of human activities in the surroundings is extremely low, but it is not at all possible. After all, rabbits don't eat grass on the nest!

Just like photographers, the surrounding grass is a spare ingredient, and it is not necessary to eat it easily.

Also, it's okay to understand that there are hidden nests, so that they cannot be seen through at a glance.

The result was not satisfactory. Russell found a bar on the desert road, but there was no living person in it, and it was all hung up.

The black six wings swept across the ground, and Russell fluttered and landed at the door of the bar. Before he entered it, he smelled the smell of sulfur.

The smell of hell!

At the entrance of the bar, a specific amount of water evaporates, and the dark blue to black twisted corpse of the whole body raises its hand to the sky, and its dry limbs and skeleton-like features are trembling.

Especially the hollow eyes of the skull are weird. No matter which angle you stand on, you can feel the sight of it.

"Hell's trick, someone is spreading fear ..."

The devil feeds on human fear. Killing is not their purpose. It is only a most basic and least technical means to create fear by killing and then gain its own strength from fear.

If we compare the world to a dimension, the greater the human emotion of fear, the stronger the power of the devil.

Unfortunately, in this materialistic society, before the devil moves, humans fall, and then the devil can become stronger when he lies at home ...

It may be unbelievable to say it, so the devil fell into it and became a squatting mansion for thousands of years. At last, he was defeated by the on-site brave.

Russell pushed open the door to the bar. Dead bodies were everywhere in the room. Like the outside, these bodies were all twisted, as if they had suffered a lot of pain before they died.

No intelligence has been gained, but he can already confirm that these people died in the hands of the devil.

The death was so painful that the corpses could not be seen directly. People looked at each other a lot, and at night they would have nightmares and felt that people were everywhere in the house.

This is the devil's means. After the death of the slain, he must not be safe. Hell magic is applied by the devil, the corpse is re-used, and the devil is harvested again.

"Which idiot is doing a good job, novice, don't even spare the spare ingredients at the door?"

Russell shook his head again and again, either a novice or a brain damage. The mature devil will never expose the location of the door for this little bit of profit.

Even if it wasn't the devil, he was replaced by his master of the dark dimension, and the channel connected to the earth, whether it was Kama Taj or Wakanda, was raised in vain.

Russell took the locomotive key from a deceased person, glanced at the map on the wall, and prepared to go to nearby cities to try his luck. As a result, when he looked up, he saw an explosive poster.

"The best locomotive stuntman of the century, Hot Johnny challenges the death record ... leap from one end of the 300-foot (90-meter) course to the other ..."

Immediately, I gained important information. Russell fixed his sights on the locomotive show stadium, shook the car key, and went out before leaving.

With the words 'Hot Johnny', he had already guessed who the other party was, the evil knight Johnny Blazer.

Looking at the poster, Russell speculates that this is the plot of the movie version, and there are countless universes in the Marvel world. It is not surprising that such a world appears.

Russell is curious whether there are other heroes in this world besides the superhero of the evil knight, or there is only the evil knight here, which belongs to his own single copy.

"I don't know if Mephisto and the Underworld here are the two I saw at the meeting of the demon king, or other branches of the parallel universe ..."

Russell was not interested in the evil knight, but Mephisto was more able to attract his attention. Every time this product appeared, it was accompanied by conspiracy and tricks.

Of course, he has been under a lot of pressure lately, and it's not bad to press the evil knight on the ground and rub it.

Russell took the car keys and tried them one by one in the parking lot in front of the bar. Finally, he successfully started a locomotive and drove towards several cemeteries in the nearby city.

If it is the plot in the movie, then the contract in the cemetery is the most important prop in the plot. He does not like being passive, so the contract must be in his own hands.

[Evil Knight] The main storyline is very simple. Mephisto's son, the Underworld, is like the son of **** in all the worlds. After being a prince for countless years, he is finally intolerable. Lord of Hell.

But he was not strong enough. He had only been smashed in front of him, his intelligence was touching, and his scheme was not Mephisto's opponent, so he chose to use props.

Covenant of Saint Vincent Gonzales!

Looking at the name, it seems like a very sacred contract, but this is an evil contract that the devil binds the human soul and turns it into an evil spirit.

Once this contract is signed, the evil spirits and the power of the evil spirits will become the private property of the devil, and they shall never live.

The previous generation of evil knights was ordered by Mephisto to sign this contract with the townspeople in a small town named San Van Gonzales. Because of lack of conscience, they refused to hand over the contract to Mephisto and disappeared incognito not see.

In the small town of St. Van Gonzales, you can tell by name what people are living in this town, or they are kind and devout.

In a word, their soul has very few impurities.

Once the pure soul is degraded, the power contained in it is far more terrible than the darkened soul.

Mephisto took notice of this, and constantly made deals with the residents of the town. Of course, the devotional faith was defeated by the devil's temptation, and the townspeople fell and sold everything to the devil.

Seeing that the situation was fixed, Mephisto asked the first generation of evil knights to retrieve the contract, and then the two or five children ran away with the goods.

The underworld was informed about the contract, and it was determined that the contract could have the power to defeat his father, and sneaked into the world to find the contract.

Because Mephisto could not exert all his powers in the world, he ordered his knights to dispatch, defeat the Underworld, and recapture the contract of Saint Van Gonzsa.

Here, the protagonist of the story, the second-generation evil knight Johnny Blazer.

Johnny and his father depended on stunt cars to make a living in the amusement park. The resolute and brave father has always been Johnny's idol and dreamed of becoming an excellent motorcycle rider like him.

At the age of 17, Johnny's father suffered from cancer and died shortly afterwards.

Just when Johnny was in deep grief, Mephisto found him, promising to make Johnny's father heal, but Johnny had to sign a contract, at the cost of his soul.

Johnny had no choice but to sign the contract for his father's life, his father's body was healed immediately, and as a result ...

He died on the spot while playing acrobatics the next day.

Mephisto: When you die on the spot, you will not die from cancer. According to the contract, your soul is mine.

Johnny was furious because he couldn't fight, and since then he has become Mephisto's running dog, cleaning up the human resistance for him.

Johnny is unfortunate, but Russell will not sympathize with him, and the people who trade with the devil have never ended well.

This point, when Johnny signed the contract, he certainly knew it, just because of luck, the fantasy devil had compassion.

Heaven reincarnate who Cangtian has spared!

Mephisto snatched Johnny's father. After many years, he became the king of **** 'Satan'. He was handsome for three seconds. He was robbed of the "Satan" throne by Johnny's anti-army, and eventually fell into freedom. .


The locomotive was galloping on the night road, and Russell looked for two cemeteries backwards and arrived at the third, the smallest cemetery.

The gloomy purpose needs no words, the mist is hazy, and the night creatures such as owls are screaming. No other special effects are needed to shoot horror movies.

Russell stopped the locomotive, telepathically guided through the tombstones, and found the gravekeeper's house.

The sound of the locomotive engine was extremely loud in the empty cemetery. As long as it was not deaf, it could be heard clearly, and the gravekeeper was no exception. He held the shotgun at the door, squinted his eyes and looked at Russell, and his heart made a sudden noise.

It's dark, darker than night!

The visitor is not good ...

When the gravekeeper looked straight at Russell ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Russell was also examining him, a spirited old man wearing a cowboy hat.

Confirmed the eyes, the first evil spirit knight, just him!

The gravekeeper shook the shotgun in his hand and warned: "Foreigners, this is not where you should come, you will wake the sleeping dead."

"It doesn't matter, they dare to wake up and I can let them sleep again."

Russell said, striding toward the old tomb guard, who clenched his shotgun and aimed his gun at Russell.

Eyes squinting at the two sides, Russell stopped suddenly, glanced at the wall of the house, picked up the shovel and turned away.

The Saint Vincent Gospel is hidden in the shovel!

Gravekeeper: "..."

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