End of the Sky

Chapter 939: As much light as there is darkness

The flames spread, the chains were intact, and Russell caught in the chains was also intact.

A layer of hazy white light covered his body surface, blocking the heat and heat of Hellfire, and also blocking additional magical damage.

"It's really light, how could this be ..."

Shrei was so shocked that the burning flame above his head faintly formed a question mark.

When he was headshot by the Holy Light bullet before, he felt incredible. Before the fallen angel went to hell, all the Holy Light was turned in, and then fell into the dark power.

Russell is not only the fallen angel, but also the master of the dark dimension called Mephisto's brother and brother. Although he does not understand what the dark dimension is, this name is the absolute opposite of the light at first.

Therefore, in the blow just now, he subconsciously thought that there was a problem with the firearm in Russell's hand.

But now, the facts are in front of him, and the dark creatures that he has identified as fallen angels, the purity of the Holy Light in the body is unprecedented.

Anyway, those angels he had known before were chopped up and crumpled into a ball.

"Slei, this guy has a problem!"

Johnny yelled, and Hellfire couldn't burn Russell, who showed some similar power to Hellfire.

Like Slei, Johnny felt incredible.

Russell bowed his head, blowing out the flames on his shoulders, and calmly said, "It's useless to attack the angels with the power of heaven. It will not hurt you a leg hair for ten thousand years."

The permanent skills given by the big brothers are not useless. At least when he soaked the hellfire, the temperature was very moderate, so that he was so warm.


Lei Lengheng questioned, striding towards Russell: "It's an angel or a fallen angel, it's not from your mouth that you can tell whether it's true or not."

"What do you want to try?"

Russell shrugged: "If it's a shouting testimony, the cross icon over there sees it, shouts two voices, and someone will respond to you."

"I have a more direct and effective way ..."

Shi Lei held Russell's shoulders in both hands, and the flames swirled in the eyes of the skull: "Feel your sin, feel the pain of the innocent who died in your hands ... Lookintomyeyes !!"

"It sounds amazing."

Russell pinched his mouth, stared at the vortex in the hollow eye socket, for fear that Slei could not read his teeth ... memory, deliberately passed some pictures over.

Some pictures when destroying kills!

Countless pieces of information poured into Shi Lei's brain, floods and tsunami, lightning thunderstorms, doomsday, planet destruction, and so on. Behind these countless pictures, there is an infinitely magnificent devil.

A azure planet, held by the devil's claws in the palm of his hand, looking upward, is the demon's dark and dull eyes that are too deep to see directly.


Shi Lei hugged his head back, the huge amount of information almost made him fall into a coma.

"What evil do you point at, how do you feel after watching it?"

Russell's eyes shot a little spark, and his body shook, breaking away from the chains of hellfire.

Unsurprisingly, hellfire could not threaten his soul, or could not shake his multi-universe-level deities. The two sides are not at the same level. Where did the judgment come from?

"Damn, what did you do to him?"

Johnny helped the uncle Shi Lei, who withdrew from the state of the evil knight and returned to the original appearance with the beloved skeleton warhorse.

"Johnny, leave quickly. You are not his opponent. The Lord of Darkness is far more dangerous than Mephisto. He has destroyed more than one world."

Shi Lei smiled bitterly. In the short memory reading, he saw several planets destroyed once.

What puzzled him was that Russell was so powerful, why did he still **** the contract of Saint Vincent Gonzalez, was it more dangerous than expected?

"Everything is said, whether it is the Lord of Darkness or the Fallen Angel, it is a vest."

Russell leaned on both sides with his hands, and the dark scars and golden scars shone at the same time, smashing a black, white and two energy crosses in place.

Behind it, light and darkness spread out at the same time, on one side was the silhouette of an angel with a spear, and on the other was the shadow of a demon holding a sword.

"I know you don't understand, then I will say something easy to understand ..."

Russell converges on darkness and light, revealing a meaningful smile: "There is as much darkness as there is light. It is not me who is black, but my heart playing Holy Light is black!"


The sound of a fingertip tapping on the desktop sounded in my ear, and Russell looked at the icon of the cross that was suddenly on the line, shrugging his shoulders: "Yes, the heart of playing the Holy Light is indeed dark ... Oh, I understand, not including you ! "

"..." xN

Although I don't know who Russell is talking to, the desire to survive tells everyone that this issue should not be deepened.

Just listen ... No, it's best to forget everything when you wake up.

"I didn't make nonsense, nor was it intentional. You can't blame me on live TV ..."

Russell waved at the cross icon again and again, like a schizophrenia, but no one felt that. The police quietly put away their guns and got out of the car. a little.


Russell raised his hand and snapped his fingers, the telepathy spread out, and all the policemen froze in place.

"Okay, it's my snorkeling! Then, I'll delete everyone's memory. Is this the head office?"

"Well, why did n’t you stop the reporters? You asked so much, big brother, and the live broadcast went out. What can I do ... Otherwise, you can start a flood of extinction by yourself, and then no one knows the truth. ... "

"The truth is, of course, to play with Holy Light, or else?"

"Hey, is anyone still there?"


After a short while, Russell turned and shrugged his shoulders at several cameras, and the sound spread through families through the lens: "Now there is good news and bad news. The bad news is that you know too much; the good news is, As long as you keep a low profile on your broken mouth, the end of the world will not appear. "

"..." xN

At this moment, the world is quiet.

As for how many people are willing to believe, it is unknown!

It was another ringing finger. Except for the female reporter Luo Shan, all the onlookers present were evacuated automatically, and none were left.

Russell waved a holy light, and several paralyzed priests were resurrected with blood, because their faith was shocked and their spirits were a little bit weak.

He raised his hand and patted the shoulder of an old man with a white beard: "Study hard and improve every day. Your faith tells you to be a good person and don't make up for too much mess."

It's you who mess up!

Several clergymen laughed again and again, and Jianbu Rufei flew away. From a distance, it was hard to believe that this was a gang of white-bearded old men who were about to die.

Russell turned around, and in front of him were Shi Lei and Johnny, both of whom were still a little bit frightened.

Especially Shi Lei, in terms of Russell's dialogue with unknown people, Russell's level is very high, and it is by no means as simple as an ordinary devil.

So, he took great pains to find Johnny, and spent the last transformation, how unthinkable.

And Russell, too, obviously has the power of the Holy Light. Why not use it for the first time?

Said earlier that he and his boss ... Keke, I know people from unknown people.

Shi Lei was bitter in heart, but didn't dare to say it.

"Don't put a bitter face on it, it's all pleated. Who should I sell to ..."

Russell Nunu said: "I haven't seen the cross icon over there. The boss of the head office has been there all the time. There are not many employees like you who are so funny. Maybe he is happy and you can transform again."

Do I look stupid?

Shrei widened his eyes, didn't believe a word of Russell's rhetoric, and then ran to the icon of the cross, and then he cried.

Roughly, he sacrificed his life for heaven, shed his blood, kept the contract in custody in anonymity, and spent 150 years of his youth, without credit or hard work.

Russell nodded silently. He didn't leave because he talked casually. The ghost knew whether the other party was still watching the live broadcast.

But Slei Le, among them, went from sluggish to hopeful in life, which fully shows that this is a good-faith lie.

Russell decided to conceal the truth and hide his strength and name.

"What should I call you, Angel, Fallen Angel, Lord of Dark Dimensions?" Johnny took a careful look at Rosanne, not understanding the purpose of Russell leaving his ex-girlfriend alone.

"Daxside, this is my real name."

Russell said truthfully, and said for Johnny: "Don't worry, you won't let your ex-girlfriend leave because your identity is revealed, and there will be many people and demons who covet your power and hit her with crooked ideas."

If it weren't for you, how could my identity be revealed!

Johnny scratched his head and half-squeaked out, "Thank you, you're too thoughtful."

"You're welcome, I should do it!"

Johnny: "..."

Russell said, "By the way, I remember you could sense the Underworld. Now where is he hiding and take me to him."

"No now, if the Underworld doesn't show up, I can't feel his presence."

Johnny tried it with his eyes closed. Even if he entered the state of the evil knight, he could not find the specific location of the Underworld.

There are two possibilities. One is that the Underworld returns to Hell, obediently being the son of his promising Hell, and killing Mephisto, he is the new Hell.


In the second possibility, the Underworld hides its breath and pretends to be an ordinary person.

"Uh ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Dakeside, if I ..."

Johnny kept talking, and there seemed to be something inexplicable. Finally, he bit his teeth and said, "If I also worship the icon of the cross, can God help me to cancel the contract with Mephisto?"

"of course!"


Johnny's face was pleasantly surprised. He was sensible when he was young. He was stupid to sign a contract with the devil. It was tragic for more than ten years.

Every time I think of the original scene, I can't wait to return by the time machine and strangle myself at that time.

"Really, it's better than real gold."

Russell stated that he never fooled people. If the contract could not be unlocked, it was not his fault, it was Johnny's intentions that were not sincere enough, and he did not get a response from God.

After all, sincerity is spiritual!

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