End of the Sky

Chapter 975: 1 qualified Supreme Master, start with careful eyes

In the cafeteria, soft music sounded, and the Avengers gathered to dine together, with brisk laughter from time to time.

The script was a hit, and the director was very satisfied with everyone's performance. In addition to this box lunch and a three-day trip to Mars, each person also had an extra bonus.

If you do n’t have much money, just write a check.

The director stated that Hydra is still in the development stage, and the conditions are harder. I hope everyone will be considerate, unite to overcome difficulties, and work hard for a better tomorrow.

It may be that the director's killing words are too touching, everyone is moving, holding a check with tears on his face, indicating that although the conditions are difficult, their love for the organization is from their heart, and they have no heart.

As a matter of course, when a big show ends, there are people who are so happy that they are crying, and some people are so depressed that they are autistic.

Agent Coleson, for example, has not yet emerged from the shadow of the idol fall event, sitting alone at the bar counter, holding a glass of agave to taste the mature taste.

Maturity is a glass of wine. The taste is bitter or sweet, or strong or light. The taste is ever-changing. As the years settle down, this glass of wine will become more and more bland, but there is definitely a hint.

Coulson felt that he had come to realize that, after the ups and downs of life, the wine in his glass became very rich.

Beside Coulson, there was Stranger, who had a unique identity. He was dejected and sentimental with a glass of brandy. He didn't know he thought his wife had run away.

The Hydra leader is the supreme mage, the master of the dark dimension, the behind-the-scenes man who took away his little left and right, and the leader who brought him into the Temple of Magic.

Strange is entangled, what should he do, thank you Supreme Master, or thank the Supreme Master family?

Otherwise, the first seven cups of the second Supreme Master, and Kama Taj changed the password of the wireless network.

"Strange, why are you sitting deep in this costume alone, waiting for the beauty to talk to you?"

Russell was sitting next to Strance with a glass of ice water, and raised his hand to grab his shoulder: "Don't wait, I see you frowning and wanting to be quiet, so you've blasted your sister away."

Strange rolled his eyes, sipped the brandy in his glass, and said bitterly, "Extreme Master, why ..."

Russell interrupted: "Don't call the Supreme Master, that is the past tense. Now you are the Supreme Master. Just add a Master after my name. I always call it Gu Yi Master."

"Well, Master Russell ..."

Strinch thinks of his own problem, which is extremely depressed: "Since you were both the Supreme Master and the master of the dark dimension, why did you play that scene and pass the title to me?"

"Why, can't you stand the pressure?"

"Well, I don't think I'm that stuff, or else you should return to Kama Taj ..."

"I think you want to fart!"

Russell refused decisively: "No, I just managed to dump the Supreme Master's pot on you, and I will pick it up if I'm crazy."

"However, Master Russell, when you passed on the title of" Supreme Master "to me, you did not say so."

This is the most difficult place for Strinch to accept. When Russell killed himself and beg for justice, he has always inspired himself to vowed to become a Supreme Master like Russell, but the result ...

The psychological gap is too big, it hurts to think about him, and to ask Christine to lean on his shoulders.

"That's it?"

Russell opened his eyes wide and wondered: "I thought you were tangling, it turned out to be such a trivial matter of sesame and mung beans."

"Is this a small matter?"

Strange also stared, and wondered: "This is the glory of the Supreme Masters of all ages, how can the spirit and faith be inherited?"

"Well, to this day, let me tell you the truth!"

Russell took a sip of ice water and drowned the underworld: "Do you know why Master Gu Yi passed the post to me?"


Strange didn't speak, and he kept away from the breaking things between the two former Supreme Masters.

"At that time, Domam had a big sleep at home, and Master Gu Yi smashed the door of his house. After pretending to force him, he ran away and left me in the dark dimension by himself."

Russell sighed: "Domam is so strong, the dark dimension is his home field, and it scared me then."

"Master Russell, skip the inner drama and talk about the results directly."

"The result is that Domham was killed by me, and the dark dimension automatically recognized the Lord, and I became the new Lord of the dark dimension."

Strinch: "..."

If you only look at the results, the person who pretends to look like it is not an ancient mage.

"Domam is very good. No one recruited and no one provoked anyone. Sleeping at home caused the killing of the body ... You said that you are not angry, you are saying that you do not create evil?"


Strange: Pissing! commit a sin!

Russell bowed and cursed Master Gu Yi for two sentences, and continued: "I was thinking, Domam died so tragically, the culprit must give someone an explanation, return to Kama Taj to find Master Gu Yi, at least more Mam's funeral costs him. "

"As a result, he was fine. He lay dead directly in the coffin. He died without forgetting to shake the pot, and made me a temporary Supreme Master. I will pass it on to you in the future."

"and so?"

Strange is puzzled, so much to say, what exactly do you want to express?

Domam is strong, Master Gu Yi is shameless, or is Russell the real victim?

Russell widened his eyes and rebuked, "So Gu Yi is shameless!"


Strinch: I knew it!

"When he saw the earth without him, he could resist the invasion of the Demon of Dimensions, and used my sense of responsibility and justice to throw the pot of the Supreme Master to me, and he went away happily. Do you say such people are shameless?"

Strange looked at Russell's face, and refocused after three seconds: "Shameless!"

"You know everything about the later things. When the Master Gu is in the first year, I will be in the fifth day. Five years in advance will get you out of the vast crowd, ending your dull life."

Russell waved his hand: "Don't talk, I know you want to thank me, it's not necessary, it should be."

Strinch rolled his eyes and made a decision in his heart. He wouldn't say anything about the first seven Masters Song Contest of the Second Supreme Master.

Also, Kama Taj's current wireless network password is very good, so don't change it!

He can see it. The Supreme Master is good at throwing pots. The faith and spirit are nonsense. Careful eyes and cheeky are the essence of the Supreme Master.

Strangi drank his drink from the glass and no longer lost his mind. He also wanted to be a qualified Supreme Master, starting with careful eyes and returning to Kama Taj ...

Uh, start with Wang!

Strinch glanced over his memories. He had been beaten, beaten, framed, mocked by the king, and more than once, he had to take revenge, or he would not be a Supreme Master at all.


Russell comforted Strange, and suddenly a flattering voice came to his ears. He turned around and looked at it. It was Howard, a fly rubbing his hands, with a charming look, like an ancient professional with a small beginning in the palace.


"BOSS, you see that everything has passed, so what ... shouldn't it be forbidden."

"Yeah, there's this thing!"

Russell slapped him on Strang's thigh: "I forgot about it, you didn't say it earlier, you said it would lift your ban."

"Aren't you always busy!"

Howard laughed and laughed, and lifted the ban early. Russell just talked about it, he would not mind.

"Go, you will be free later."

"Thank you BOSS, you are busy, I have an agreement to be 17 years late, and I have to hurry over ..."

After Howard spoke, he took a cheerful step and ran out of the cafeteria.

"Dad, where are you going?"

In the doorway, black and white, Howard looked intently, and found Tony and Nick Fury.

Tony is here. Howard is not surprised. The Stark family is very genetic and has a battlefield sensor. Tony intercepts him in advance.

What happened to Nick Fury?

Howard consciously sees people very accurately. Nick Fury is a socialist who should have received business cards in the restaurant to collect business cards. There is no reason to confuse Tony.

"Old leader, I have just arrived when I first arrived. I have many rules that I do n’t understand. Please take care of me in the future."

Nick Fury said, took a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket, handed them to Howard, and helped him point them.

§≡ = (′ 0 `) y━? ~~

Howard spit out a ring of smoke, raised his hand to Nick Fury, and spoke with his nostril: "Yes, your boy learns fast enough, and he will be the only one in Hydra.

"I also hope the old leader has a few good words."

"Well, it's up to me. If possible, I'll help you with two good words from BOSS."

"Dad, don't talk about it, where are you going?"

Tony squeezed out troublesome Nick Fury, staring at Howard with his eyes wide open, before waiting for him to speak, he said, "Don't say it's going to the lab, you said too much before.

"Tony, you child really ..."

Howard looked around and whispered, "I went to Asgard for a black punch. I didn't practice for a long time, and my arms and legs couldn't stretch out."

"Go with me!"

Tony said that he was going to fight with his father and son, and he was going to take a black punch. Nothing else meant that he had never been to Asgard and wanted to have a long experience.

"Tony, it's not dad that I won't take you, but you can't!"

"What !?"

Tony heard that he was furious ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It wasn't a real gun fight, so why didn't he say that it wouldn't work.

No matter what Howard said today, even if it was to fight for his face, he would go, and no one could do it.

"Tony, the physical quality of Asgard women, even if it is a conventional attribute, its body density is three times that of humans on Earth."

Howard sneered at Tony: "I have played many boxing matches and I know how terrible their fighting power is. They have super speed and strength and can fight for a long time without feeling tired. Just like you ... hehe, Don't embarrass the Earth people! "

Tony even wanted to go after hearing it, his face suddenly turned blue and white, and the killer rushed: "You can't take me, but what you just said will be presented as a testimony, and Judge Maria Stark will make a verdict. . "

Then, he took out the recording pen from his pocket.

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