After a long time, the construction was completed.

Two weeks passed quickly.

Luo Tian received a call from Zhao Xiao at the hotel, saying that the safe house had been completed and was waiting for him to come back for inspection.

So Luo Tian got on the Porsche and quickly returned to the community.

Under the leadership of Zhao Xiao, the two began to visit the brand new room.

SHIELD Security Company is indeed a top company in China.

As soon as he entered the room, Luo Tian's eyes lit up.

The quality of the safe house is beyond reproach!

Not only was it completely renovated, but the walls were reinforced with 300mm titanium alloy plates, and it looked no different from before from the room!

The original LCD TV was replaced with a 70-inch large screen, with the world's top AI brain built in!

In the center of the living room, there is an exquisite fireplace!

Seeing Luo Tian's satisfaction, Zhao Xiao was relieved and patiently introduced the various modifications to him: "Let's talk about the ventilation system first. This is world-class, which can refresh the air and filter all harmful gases!"

"According to your requirements, the room's warmth has also been upgraded and modified, using professional-grade materials from the Arctic Research Institute."

"Used with the fireplace, it can ensure that more than 99% of the temperature in the room will not be lost!"

After saying this, Zhao Xiao finally began to introduce the most important part of this transformation: "Then there is... this world's top super AI brain!"

"Your version is the PLUS version. In addition to the functions that I demonstrated to you in person that day, there are many practical functions that you can experience slowly by yourself."

"I will tell you about one of the more practical functions now, but because you are the highest authority to set it, you need to voice start it yourself."

Zhao Xiao smiled at him.

"You can say anything, right?" Luo Tian also became interested and said expectantly: "AI brain, start?"

The super large LCD screen lit up instantly, and a row of loading bars began to scroll.

[5%...15%......55%....94%...99%...100%! ]

[Welcome, Master! ]

[AI brain greets you! ]

A mechanical female voice sounded, very intelligent.

"After tens of billions of database training, it can almost perfectly understand every word you say... But now let's take a look at the secret service you requested."

Under Zhao Xiao's instructions, Luo Tian asked the brain to turn on the monitoring system.

In an instant,

On the 70-inch super large screen, an extremely spectacular 90 or so neatly arranged monitoring windows suddenly appeared!

"Nearly a hundred micro surveillance cameras are installed in every corner of the entire building, allowing you to grasp the wind and grass outside at any time!"

Zhao Xiao lowered his voice.

And the batteries of these cameras are all using the company's most advanced technology, which can penetrate dozens of thick concrete walls within 200 meters and can be wirelessly charged through the power supply in the room!

No need to worry about the power problem at all!

This is also because Luo Tian's price is high enough, a large order of nearly 300 million yuan, so there is such a high-level secret service!

The world of the rich is unimaginable to ordinary people!

After reading this, Luo Tian nodded repeatedly with satisfaction.

It's worth spending so much money!

It's worth it,

It completely exceeded his psychological expectations!

Luo Tian came to the balcony and found that the huge floor-to-ceiling windows before had been completely renewed.

Zhao Xiao explained: "The material of the window is bulletproof and explosion-proof, and the strength is higher than those 300mm titanium alloy plates in the wall!"

"And it is convenient for lighting, and you can freely observe the outside environment."

Following Zhao Xiao's footsteps, Luo Tian came to a small room like a server.

"This contains the server of AI brain, whose computing speed can be comparable to the top computers in the world today! And it can be used as a storage disk, with a storage space of more than 100,000T!"

Hearing this, Luo Tian couldn't help but secretly smack his lips. If he had known earlier, he would not have bought those hard drives.

Just open your mouth, and AI brain will download all the screen masterpieces starring teachers to the server!

After listening to Zhao Xiao's introduction, Luo Tian couldn't help but be very satisfied with this safe house!

It is not only equipped with the top AI brain inside, which can monitor the safety of the room owner all day long, but also can accurately answer any questions through a huge database!

The whole house is made of military-grade alloy materials. Even a fully armed private team would not be able to force their way in from the outside!

Even if the whole building is blown up, there will be no problem with the room, not to mention that there is a special buffer protection room!

"Your company is indeed strong, and I am very satisfied with this service!"

Luo Tian said to him with a smile.

Zhao Xiao was also happy to hear the affirmation.

Then he took out a document from his arms and said, "If there is no problem, you can sign it. Please pay the balance within three months."

Luo Tian signed with a smile and patted his chest to guarantee, "Of course!"

However, he laughed secretly in his heart, afraid that he would not have a chance to pay the balance.

Thinking that he had only spent more than 20 million to build a doomsday safe house worth nearly 300 million, Luo Tian felt an indescribable sense of pleasure in his heart!

Lying on the sofa in the living room, Luo Tian admired his perfect safe house.

On the huge LCD screen, the AI ​​brain was also quietly on standby.

"Smart brain, download and save the global map offline, and monitor all the news about temperature changes on the Internet in real time."

Luo Tian also gave an order to the AI ​​brain.

The AI ​​brain immediately began to perform the task, while starting the whole network message monitoring, and started to download the map offline to the server.

Although the snow accumulation will basically remain at a depth of five meters in the future, and the road surface will also be covered by a thick layer of ice and snow, in case there is a need to go out, some landmark buildings can still be used to distinguish the direction.

Downloading the map is also to be prepared.

Tomorrow is the day of the end of the world.

If I remember correctly, the sunspot will erupt this afternoon.

The electronic pulses it generates will paralyze global communications including satellites for one night!

And this is also a great opportunity for him to act!

Luo Tianke has always been thinking about the Walmart warehouse covering an area of ​​more than one million square meters in Qinshui City and the dock near the sea that exports hundreds of billions of materials every day!

When sunspots erupt, a solar eclipse will occur, making the day as dark as night!

This also provides a perfect cover for his actions!

At 17:05, Luo Tian went out.

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