After collecting the supplies, Luo Tian was ready to leave.

But when he passed the duty room of the warehouse, he found a noisy sound coming from inside.

From the sound, it was a beautiful Chinese, but Luo Tian's English was good, so it was easy to understand their conversation.

"I played with a student girl in the bar last night. She just turned 18 and was so slutty. I cried when I fucked her!"

"Why don't you call your brothers for such a good thing?"

"Hahaha, I forced her. Her boyfriend was as thin as a pole. I beat him up and fucked the student girl in front of him!"

"Fuck! I'll do the same next time. Anyway, men here are all weak and women are buses!"

Then there was the sound of a group of bottles colliding, drinking and laughing.

Luo Tian stopped his steps as he was about to leave.

Damn it.

These beasts seem to be quite comfortable.


He kicked the door to pieces.

While the beautiful Chinese people in the house hadn't reacted yet, he raised his pistol and pulled the trigger repeatedly.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"


In an instant.

The blood flowed like a river.

Several beautiful Chinese people fell to the ground with their eyes open.

Their heads and chests were full of bullet holes.

"Haha, you got it easy."

Luo Tian sneered and put away his pistol.

In less than ten hours, the extreme cold apocalypse will come before dawn.

It would be a happy relief to die before then.

After leaving the Walmart warehouse, Luo Tian immediately drove towards the dock.

"The temperature has dropped."

Luo Tian frowned slightly, and the sense of crisis in his heart deepened.

Compared to when he first came, he could actually feel a hint of chill from the wind blowing in through the car window.

The moon was high in the sky.

Tomorrow morning, people would be horrified to find that they could no longer see the warm sun of the past.

Arriving at the dock, Luo Tian got off the car and looked around to see huge containers neatly arranged in red and green.

These containers not only contained millions of tons of grain, countless packaged foods, but also a lot of exported snacks and beverages.

There were even some luxury cars imported from overseas.

What BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Rolls-Royce, there were hundreds of them in total!

Luo Tian was not picky at all, as long as he could see the containers, he put them into his space!

Because the materials piled up at the dock were too amazing, he was busy for four or five hours before he emptied all the containers!

Even the cargo ships with a carrying capacity of 100,000 tons next to him were moved away!

It must be said that the materials stored at the dock alone were enough for Luo Tian to live for a hundred lifetimes!

With these supplies, he doesn't have to worry at all even if the extreme cold apocalypse lasts for decades.

Relying on that sturdy safe house, he will definitely survive comfortably to the end!

"Hiss~ The temperature is dropping a little fast."

Luo Tian exhaled and found that in the hot summer, his breath was white.

I'm afraid it will start snowing in a while.

It's already past 12 o'clock.

Except for a few night owls, some people have already fallen asleep, so not many people know about the sudden drop in temperature.

But Luo Tian knows that he can't stay outside any longer!

Although he can continue to collect more supplies outside, he has experienced the horror of the extreme cold apocalypse, and his life is the most important!


Luo Tian suppressed the chill in his heart, stepped on the accelerator, and the car shot out like a sharp arrow.

Blown by the cold night wind, goose bumps all over his arms.

The car drove rapidly towards the community.

The half-hour drive took him less than fifteen minutes.


He closed the security door that was comparable to a bank vault, locked the three locks carefully, and finally locked the heavy alloy bolt.


Luo Tian finally felt relieved and collapsed on the sofa tiredly.

Fortunately, he returned home before the snow.

[Welcome, Master! ]

[According to monitoring, the global temperature has dropped rapidly in the past five hours, and the current outdoor temperature is 2°. ]

[The indoor temperature is 26.5°. ]

The AI ​​brain displays a temperature curve on the screen.

You can clearly see the cliff-like decline.

The temperature of 2° is almost the temperature in the south in winter, but this is the temperature in June in summer!

"We have to start preparing."

Luo Tian stood up from the sofa and first checked all the doors and windows to confirm that they were


Then he walked into the bathroom, took a comfortable hot bath, and then changed into a comfortable silk pajamas.

The fireplace was lit, emitting warm heat.

The reason for using the fireplace is that after the extreme cold apocalypse, heating machines such as air conditioners and heaters are simply a pile of scrap metal.

All heating methods have returned to the primitive.

Three o'clock in the morning.

Luo Tian sat in front of the huge French window, with exquisite snacks on the table. He held a glass of red wine in his hand and stared out the window solemnly.

Within just a few minutes, dense snowflakes began to float in the sky.

At first, the snowflakes were only as big as rice grains, but after a few minutes, the snowflakes turned into heavy snow!

The cold wind outside began to whistle, and the wind cut through the window like a knife, as if it had become an icy polar environment in an instant, and everything began to become terrifying!

Heavy snow fell throughout the city.

The sky was full of dense snowflakes.

Looking at the abnormal weather, Luo Tian couldn't help but exert a little force while holding the wine glass.

This is the power of nature!

In the face of this horrible natural disaster, human beings are as small as a little ant!

Luo Tian put down the wine glass, and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Although this fortress-like safe house cost him 300 million to build, the extreme cold end of the world in the previous life left him with a very profound experience, and he couldn't avoid worrying at this time.

The temperature will drop sharply later, and I don't know if the safe house can withstand it.

Thinking of this.

Luo Tian walked to the side of the fireplace and added a few more pieces of firewood.


The flames suddenly burned fiercely, making the room a little warmer.

Looking at the flames in front of him, Luo Tian's slightly nervous mood relaxed.

"AI brain, what is the current temperature indoors and outdoors?"

Luo Tian asked.

However, he found that it was a bit awkward to keep calling AI, so he added: "You can call the housekeeper in the future, otherwise it will be too troublesome."

[Okay, master. ]

The housekeeper responded.

[The current outdoor temperature is: -35°. ]

[The indoor temperature is: 29.5°. ]

The temperature inside and outside has produced an amazing difference!

In just half an hour, the temperature outside actually dropped directly to minus 30 degrees!

And it is still falling!

Luo Tian felt more at ease. He walked to the French window to check and found that the outside was basically covered with heavy snow.

There was a thick layer of snow on the balcony.

He turned on his mobile phone to check and found that the signal had recovered a little.

3g network.

When he went online, he found that the news of the sudden drop in temperature and heavy snow had already occupied the first place in the popularity list, and was being enthusiastically discussed by countless netizens.

Netizens were all complaining: "This year's winter came too quickly. If I remember correctly, it seems to be June now!"

"It's so damn scary. It's snowing so heavily outside! The temperature is minus 20 to 30 degrees Celsius!"

"Looking at this situation, it's estimated that the snow will be very thick tomorrow, and the road will be impassable!"

Many netizens began to sell their pity. The cold winter came so quickly that they didn't even prepare down jackets for the winter. There were only short-sleeved shirts and autumn coats at home.

"Great, I don't have to go to work!"

"My sons, go online. I have to stay up all night tonight. It's snowing so heavily outside. I definitely can't go to school tomorrow!"

There were also many people celebrating.

It's snowing so heavily. I can rest again tomorrow!

It's great!

Even netizens in the south took photos on social platforms, saying that they had never seen such heavy snow!

Running out to roll in the snow late at night.

Luo Tian couldn't help but shook his head.

This is just the beginning. The heavy snow will continue for at least two months, and the temperature will continue to drop by then.

When the time comes, I wonder if netizens will still be so happy.

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