The sun was shining, and the sky was full of stars.

A shotgun appeared in the room. This was the ability of Jiang Tong's identity card. Now Jiang Tong could only use this firearm. This shotgun had only one bullet, but under Jin Jin's operation, it became three. If a werewolf dared to stab him, Jiang Tong would not mind giving him one.

The hourglass flowed quickly, and soon the sand ran out. Then the hourglass automatically turned over and started to flow again.

"It's dawn, please return to the round table. Player No. 7 died last night."

Jiang Tong pushed open the room and saw a werewolf lying in a pool of blood. The werewolf had a card on him. Jiang Tong picked it up. It was player No. 7.

The rest of the players also came out of the room, with different expressions, some were confused, some were secretly happy, and more were expressionless.

Back to the round table, Jin Jin appeared again, but this time he was wearing a blood-red tuxedo.

"Player No. 7 died last night. His identity was a werewolf. Now please let Player No. 1 speak."

Jiang Tong put his shotgun on the table, and then chose Player No. 2 to speak.

Player No. 2 lived opposite Jiang Tong, and Jiang Tong did not hear any movement last night.

Player No. 2 was a middle-aged man with a mustache. Judging from his paradise mark, he seemed to be from the Paradise of Light, and his temperament looked like a charlatan.

"The protection of light, I was not hurt last night, I am just a civilian."

Then it was the turn of Player No. 3. Player No. 3 was a soft and cute girl from the Paradise of Life. Judging from her profession, she seemed to be a priest. I don't know why she was assigned to the most difficult trial place like the Demon Castle. If it wasn't an accident, she would not be a simple character.

"Well, I seem to hear some movement in Room No. 5. I am a civilian." No. 3 said weakly.

Player No. 4 is a young man from Dark Paradise. One of his eyes is a mechanical eye that keeps turning. "I am a wizard. I saved myself last night. I have a bottle of poison. If I am killed tonight, I will take the hunter away."

Player No. 5 is a strong man from Earth Paradise. He said that he is also a civilian, and there are three civilians at present.

Player No. 6 is from Enlightenment Paradise. He is an old man with a goatee. "I am a prophet. I checked the ID card of No. 7 last night, but it is obvious that he is a werewolf."

Player No. 7 died last night, and the cause of death is unknown.

"You are a prophet? Then what am I? I checked you, No. 6, last night. You are a werewolf card."

Player No. 8 is from Holy Light Paradise. At this time, he stared at Player No. 6.

"Take off your clothes for me. Don't wear the prophet's clothes. I checked No. 10 last night. No. 10 is a werewolf card."

Number 9 is a little boy wearing glasses. He comes from Water Source Paradise, a paradise that ranks slightly higher than Abyss Paradise.

"I am a guard. I was guarding myself last night. I was attacked."

Number 10 is a male contractor from Fengling Paradise.

Number 11 and 12 both said they were civilians. Both of them were from Apocalypse Paradise and both were female.

"The speech is over. Number 7 left two words before he died."


"Please vote according to the information you have and vote for the werewolf hidden among ordinary people."

Jiang Tong chose to abstain. He wanted to see how other players voted.

The first to vote was the wizard who revealed his identity. The wizard voted for number 6. The guards also voted for number 6. The rest of the so-called civilians could only vote for number 6. Number 6 was eliminated with eight votes.

"Number 6 is out. His identity is a civilian. Please leave your last words."

"Hahahaha, I won't play with you anymore. Being eliminated is not death."


Number 6 turned into a pool of blood, and then a succubus servant came to clean up his traces.

"Then, the game continues. Players can move freely before dark. During the day, all identity skills of players other than hunters cannot be used."

"See you tomorrow!"

Jinjin disappeared.

These players looked at each other. Several players who wanted to save their lives by being eliminated also gave up. Number 6 committed suicide directly.

"So one of the players number 7 and 8 must be a prophet. If you don't give enough value tomorrow, both of you will be eliminated. Anyway, you will be resurrected if you win. If you are a civilian, you can block it.

Knife. "

Player No. 4's mechanical eye turned, and then stared at Jiang Tong, "Don't make trouble, otherwise I will poison you to death."

Player No. 4 warned Jiang Tong, Jiang Tong did not speak, just looked at No. 4, this No. 4 was doomed, he had no intention of intervening in them, just wanted to watch the show.

Jiang Tong's Heavenly Dao body likes to watch all kinds of things happening in the Cave Heaven World, and naturally the human body will also have a hobby of watching the show, but when the spectator is threatened, Jiang Tong does not mind making the threat lose the qualification to win.

"Guards protect me tonight, I still have a bottle of poison in my hand, believe me. "

Number Nine nodded.

Jiang Tong left his seat. He didn't want to watch these guys playing those tricks. Instead, he wanted to see what other rules were hidden in this werewolf killing scene.

The note he saw last night said that the owner of Room 56 liked to talk to people, and perhaps he could get a lot of information.

Jiang Tong walked to the door of Room 56 and kicked the door open.

"Which bastard dares to kick my door? Looking for death?"

There was a short man in the room, but he soon quieted down because Jiang Tong aimed his shotgun at him.

"Sir, please take a seat. "The dwarf forced a smile and then moved a chair.

The hunter's shotgun is a rule-based creation in the Demon Castle. It is a sure hit, and if you are hit, you will die immediately. When there are bullets in the shotgun, anyone who wants to deal with the hunter must think twice.

Jiang Tong just kicked the door. There is no need for him to risk his life to provoke Jiang Tong.

Half an hour later, Jiang Tong left the room contentedly. The owner of Room 56 repaired the house in less than a second and added a layer of iron sheet on the outside. He likes to talk to people, but doesn't like to be A man holds a gun to his head.

Jiang Tong got some information from the owner of Room 56. Some of the information was probably false. After all, with a gun to his head, he couldn't possibly tell the truth.

The next game is also related to the first game. The more information you know in the first game, the more helpful it will be for the next game.

Jiang Tong took the candy he stole from the owner of Room 56 and went to Room 13. There are 24 rooms in total, 12 of which are occupied by players, and the rest are occupied by other residents.

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