The elevator was in a state of panic, but the power supply was too low.

"Fuck, I forgot that the elevator was out of power!"

After pressing the elevator button several times, Deng Tu was furious and smashed the elevator with a hammer.

The elevator door was dented.

For a domineering person like him, destroying public property is not a big deal, because the surveillance camera can't be used when the power is off.

Fortunately, the sensor light has a backup power supply, so he doesn't have to walk up the stairs in the dark.

Deng Tu climbed the stairs with a hammer in his hand.

Five flights of stairs are not high, but it is quite strenuous to climb them in one breath, especially in the low temperature of dozens of degrees below zero.

As a result, Deng Tu was exhausted as soon as he climbed to the 23rd floor.


Yu Lin, who was hiding at home, was called out very reluctantly and went to smash Luo Tian's door with a hammer.

There was no way. If he didn't obey, Deng Tu would smash his door first.

Because Yu Lin was cuckolded, he swung the hammer very hard, as if he was not smashing the security door, but Luo Tian himself.


The huge recoil force came, and Yu Lin's palm was numb!

On the other hand, the security door, under the hammer, still did not move!

Not even a white mark was left.

"Fuck, Yu Lin, are you a woman? Give me some strength!"

Deng Tu saw that the door was fine, and he cursed angrily.

"Brother Tu, I'm hungry. I haven't eaten for more than a day. I'm really exhausted!"

Yu Lin said with a bitter face, raised the hammer and gritted his teeth and smashed it twice. As a result, the hammer head almost slipped out of his hand and hit Deng Tu's forehead directly.

"Fuck, you useless thing, get out of the way, let me do it!"

Deng Tu slapped him on the back of the head in anger and snatched the hammer directly.

These owners are too weak. They are used to living a pampered life. They can't compare with a ruthless person like me who often sees blood.

Deng Tu's eyes were fierce, and he swung the hammer with all his strength to smash the door!


The force was more than a little stronger than Yu Lin, but unfortunately the security door was still intact.

Deng Tu was almost cracked by the shock, and his hands were shaking in pain for a long time.

It hurts so much, fuck it! !

"What kind of broken doors are so hard? Could they be the doors of a bank vault?"

Deng Tu was so angry.

This door was really hard!

"Fuck Luo Tian, ​​don't hide in your shell like a turtle. If you have the guts, come out and I will fucking kill you!"

"Fuck your grandma, Luo Tian, ​​you grandson, get out of here!"

Deng Tu's revengeful character made him unwilling to let the other party go. He raised the hammer and smashed the door while cursing.

And the curses became more and more unpleasant.

Under his lead, Yu Lin also cursed fiercely: "Fuck Luo Tian, ​​you have the ability to play with my wife, why can't you open the door?! Open the door!!"

The two people who were swearing wildly did not notice.

A sharp crossbow arrow had already been secretly aimed at them from the shooting hole at a high place.

"Where should I shoot? Shoot him in the head?"

Luo Tian stood on a stool, holding a delicate crossbow in his hand. The arrow had already been extended secretly, aiming back and forth at Deng Tu's body.

He was never soft-hearted towards this kind of scum.

"Or, I should treat them equally, and not discriminate."

Luo Tian's mouth curled.

Killing them would be too easy for them, and there would be no point.

Watching them unable to effectively treat their injuries due to lack of medicine, and finally dying in fear under the double torture of low temperature and severe pain, I would get the greatest pleasure.

The crossbow arrow quietly moved down and aimed at the thigh of Deng Tu, who was cursing fiercely.


After a tiny sound of breaking through the air, Deng Tu's deafening scream rang out.

Under this crossbow that can easily knock down a wild boar, the human body is simply too fragile, just like using a knife to pierce white paper, there is no obstacle at all.

"Ahhhhhh!!! It hurts so much!"

Deng Tu felt a chill in his thigh, and then a sharp pain rushed into his brain!

He looked down and saw that

his thigh had been pierced by an extremely sharp arrow!


Yu Lin, who was standing by, saw that the situation was not good. He left the injured Deng Tu behind without saying a word, rushed to the door of his house, opened it and hid inside.

He was afraid that he would be hit by an arrow in the night!

In this low temperature and lack of medicine, he could even predict that Deng Tu would not live for a few days with such a serious injury!

Infection of wound

, inflammation, any one of them is extremely fatal!

Deng Tu was in great pain at this time. He realized that Yu Lin had deceived him. This was not an unarmed stinky boy, but a cruel and ruthless wolf! !

But he deserved to have committed a murder. His endurance and courage were not comparable to ordinary people. He just dropped the hammer and dragged his injured leg, gritted his teeth and fled towards the stairs.

The low temperature of dozens of degrees below zero, dragging the injured thigh, and what's worse is that the elevator can't be used!

Deng Tu could only grit his teeth, leaning on the handrail of the stairs, and moving down layer by layer with his remaining leg.

During this period, his wounds had been frozen to the point of losing consciousness by the ultra-low temperature, and he couldn't even feel the existence of his legs.

And his brain felt very tired, and he wanted to sleep immediately. He didn't want to struggle at all.

But Deng Tu knew that as long as he fell asleep, he would never wake up again!

Deng Tu dragged his thigh that was bleeding profusely, limped against the wall, and finally walked back to his home.

Sitting on the sofa, he could see clearly that his thigh had been penetrated through, blood had stained his trouser legs and even formed a layer of blood-red ice!

The temperature was too low, and his pain was not as strong as usual.

But this did not make him feel lucky, but scared him to death!

Because Deng Tu knew clearly that if he continued like this, the thigh injury would not be treated, and he might have to be crippled tonight!

Even if the injury was infected, others would not survive!

Deng Tu was finally scared.

Terrified, he picked up his phone and prepared to call an ambulance.

But he immediately realized that the road was blocked by the snowstorm, and the snow outside was not only four or five meters thick, but the hospital had been closed long ago due to the extremely cold temperature.

Even if there were staff on duty in the hospital, it would be impossible to send an ambulance to save him in such a bad weather.

But fortunately, as a real estate tycoon, Deng Tu had a group of loyal younger brothers under him, not to mention how awesome his net worth was.

In order to deal with some shameful injuries, he also hired a private doctor.

The residences of his brothers are all near him, and the nearest one is even in Building No. 7 next door.

"@Everyone, bring your weapons and come here immediately!!! Especially the doctor, let him bring the medical knives for surgery!! Do you hear me!!!"

Deng Tu started a group chat in the group and ordered his brothers fiercely:

"Hurry up, my legs are going to be broken!!"

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