“Ms. Jiang?”

The captain of the soldiers called out again.

“Ms. Jiang? Jiang Xiyue?”

He couldn’t help but frown, turned his head and looked around, then angrily said: “Where is Jiang Xiyue??!”

Just saw.

Under the illumination of the strong flashlight, there was only a group of soldiers looking at each other.

And Jiang Xiyue, who was surrounded by them, had disappeared long ago.

“Where is she?” The captain of the soldiers gritted his teeth and said: “Didn’t I ask you to keep an eye on her? So many people, how can a weak woman get lost?”

A soldier said aggrievedly: “Captain, the environment here is too dark, maybe Dr. Jiang sneaked away when we weren’t paying attention…”

“I don’t care about these.”

The captain of the soldiers suppressed his anger. If Jiang Xiyue was not there, or if she ran away again, then the main responsibility would be on him.

The mission would not be completed.

“Go find him!! Bring him back to me right now!”

“Yes, Captain!”

After seeing a group of soldiers hurried away, Jiang Xiyue, who was hiding behind a cabinet in the corner, quietly showed her head.

“Hmph, I told you to be mean to me, why are you so proud?”

Jiang Xiyue said disdainfully.

Now, she wants to let the other party clearly understand who is the backbone of this team.

Without her, no matter how powerful the others are… Can they complete the task by themselves?

As for danger.

In the building of SHIELD Group, they ran from the first floor to the top floor, and then ran down. There is no figure here at all…

Could it be that there is no one on the ten floors above. She can still meet other people by coincidence in the dark basement? ?

How is it possible.

“This kind of thing will never happen!” Jiang Xiyue said with a sweet smile on her pretty face, carrying a box.

Let’s leave them alone for a while.

Jiang Xiyue spotted a room and quietly slipped in.

“Come to think of it, it’s really dark here. I forgot to bring a flashlight, what a mistake…”

Jiang Xiyue was a little distressed, took out a small tablet, and relied on the weak light it emitted to barely see things.

Dark room.

The crooked desk and the documents scattered all over the floor, the silence, suddenly added a horror movie atmosphere…

“Why is it so scary?”

Jiang Xiyue couldn’t help but hug her arms and shivered slightly.

“Is there a ghost here? Or a murderer or something… No, I am a firm materialist!!”

Jiang Xiyue’s beautiful eyes flashed a trace of panic, looking at the messy documents on the floor, she couldn’t help but slowly back away.

Let’s leave first…

Just as she slowly backed away and turned around, her head suddenly hit a tall figure, like a wall.

“Ah! Ghost… Woohoo!!”

“Shh, don’t shout. I’m a human.”

Luo Tian covered Jiang Xiyue’s mouth, then raised a finger and whispered.

After hearing Luo Tian’s voice, Jiang Xiyue not only did not calm down, but struggled even harder.

“Hiss… Are you a dog?”

Luo Tian couldn’t help but breathe.

Jiang Xiyue actually bit his finger with her teeth. Fortunately, Luo Tian was wearing combat gloves now. Otherwise, I might have to get vaccinated…

“Be obedient and don’t shout. Otherwise, I’ll take off your clothes and drag you to a corner where no one is against the wall!”

Luo Tian threatened.

Sure enough.

The threat still worked.

Looking at Jiang Xiyue, who was terrified but kept her mouth shut, Luo Tian nodded with satisfaction.

In fact, when Jiang Xiyue just slipped in, the spatial perception discovered the other party. So Luo Tian also took the opportunity to hide.

Dark room.

Jiang Xiyue couldn’t see the environment clearly, but Luo Tian could present everything in his mind like a 3D drawing by relying on spatial perception.

Although it didn’t achieve the effect of night vision, it was almost the same…

“Could this guy be a surviving employee of the SHIELD Group?”

Luo Tian said happily.

If the other party is an employee here, then wouldn’t it be possible to open the alloy door?

With the faint light emitted by the tablet in the other party’s hand, Luo Tian looked at the other party’s face and suddenly felt a little familiar.

Why do I feel like I’ve seen her somewhere? ?

Suddenly, his eyes widened and he said in surprise: “You are… Jiang Xiyue??”

This cute and sweet girl in front of him.

It’s almost 80% like the portrait that Yan Shu drew based on Jiang Zhiyue’s description before leaving! !

And if you look closely, the other party’s facial features and eyes are very similar to Jiang Xiyue…

It’s really far from the mark!

Luo Tian couldn’t help but say in shock: “Why do I feel so lucky recently? Whatever you want comes true, right…”

Before leaving, JiangZhiyue entrusted him to help him pay more attention to his sister.

As a result, as soon as he entered the SHIELD Group and was looking for information on the negative first floor, Jiang Xiyue fell into his arms…

What’s going on? ?

A Jiang sister fell from the sky? ?

“Do you know me? Who… are you?!” Jiang Xiyue gritted her teeth and said.

She was alert, with her hands on her chest, and she regretted separating from the captain of the soldiers.

At this time.

She secretly thought about how to get out of this situation in her mind…

If she could shout loudly, or pull out the pistol at her waist and shoot. The noise caused would be enough for the soldiers to find her! !

But the problem is.

There is only one chance, how to prevent Luo Tian from discovering her intention is the key…

“The room is dark now, and the only light is my tablet. And my tablet screen stays on for about a minute…”

Jiang Xiyue’s little head is working rapidly.

As long as the screen goes out.

Then the room will instantly fall into darkness.

Luo Tian was totally unprepared, and would definitely be in a daze or at a loss.

She was well prepared, so she could turn around and rush outside immediately!

Or… pull out the pistol from her waist and shoot the other party a few times! !

Jiang Xiyue was in a daze, thinking about something.

Luo Tian didn’t know.

Now he was still a little surprised, because although he didn’t bring back the blueprint of the shelter, he met Jiang Zhiyue’s sister.

It was also a pleasant surprise.

It was not a wasted trip.

However, Luo Tian soon had a flash of enlightenment in his mind: “I remember that Zhiyue seemed to say that her sister was good at hacker network technology or something…”

Such words.

Wouldn’t it be a new hope to break through the security line of the SHIELD Group?

“But wait, Jiang Xiyue, an expert in hacking, has come to the SHIELD Group, so what is her purpose here?”

Luo Tian couldn’t help but be surprised.


Did Jiang Xiyue come here by herself… It seems unlikely.

So can I think like this:

——I don’t know how many official soldiers have entered the building…

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