“Sister He, there is still no news from Luo Tian. Do you think he will…”

“Become a coward?”

Cheng Shaoting, as He Manyong’s confidant, is now standing respectfully beside her with a look of disdain on her face.

Before, under the pressure of the authorities.

They had to take the initiative to inquire about Luo Tian’s news, but what they got was the other party’s indifference. Even when the authorities began to take action, the other party did nothing.

After the officials left.

He Manyong also took the initiative to contact Luo Tian several times, but no matter how she tried, there was no response on the intercom.

“With Luo Tian’s courage, he should not do such a thing.”

He Manyong shook her head.

The other party dared to break into the Tianfu Lin Residence alone.

There is no reason for him to retreat without a fight without even seeing the officials.

He Manyong felt that Luo Tian had received her hint and became suspicious of her situation.

So he simply did not contact her.

“No matter what, let’s wait and see…wait and see.”

He Manyong supported her hands on the table and said to herself.

Although the official was well-equipped and had a large number of people, and was carrying a thousand kilograms of C4 explosives, it could blow up an entire community.

But somehow, she felt that Luo Tian would not lose.

In previous business wars, this sixth sense helped He Manyong win many battles.

So, this time she decided to take a small gamble.

However, Cheng Shaoting on the side was not as optimistic as her, but felt that Luo Tian must be timid.

After all, the other party had to face a group of fully armed official soldiers.

How many divisions did Luo Tian have to dare to fight the other party?

In her opinion, there was no force in the entire Qinshui City that could fight the official, and Luo Tian would never have the hope of winning.

Tianfu Lindi was taking a risk by doing this!

Seeing Luo Tian’s face turn cold, Hu Yi couldn’t help but hurriedly said: “Brother Luo, Brother Luo, don’t worry, I have a way to sneak in…”

“What way?”

Luo Tian motioned him to continue.

Hu Yi flattered: “Actually, the guy you killed and I were ordered to do one thing just now, which is to move some supplies over…”

“So as long as you disguise yourself as Feng Ming and go with me to get the supplies, you can come to the building unimpeded, and even have a chance to meet the official leader!”

This is full of official soldiers.

Everyone’s vigilance is very low, and they don’t think anyone can sneak in without being noticed. After all, the people responsible for the vigilance outside are all professionals.

Luo Tian couldn’t help but nod and praise: “Very good, it seems that you are still useful.”

If you can see the other party up close, what else is there to worry about?

Catch the thief first!

Hearing this, Hu Yi breathed a sigh of relief on the spot, and a smile of surviving a disaster appeared on his face.

He knew that his life was saved.

“Where do we move the supplies?”

“Over there, Luo Ge, just follow me!!”

Hu Yi said attentively.

Under his guidance, Luo Tian and the other party soon came to an open space, where there were several coolies carrying supplies with them.

In addition, there were several snow armored vehicles parked around.

Groups of soldiers with live ammunition stood quietly in place, their eyes hidden under combat helmets, sharply scanning every person who came to carry supplies.

What they needed to carry seemed to be boxes of various supplies provided by the official base.

After all, the official summoned cannon fodder in Sha Shi Biya, and it consumed Fang Hu’s men, so they had to give them some sweetness to make the other party cooperate willingly.

This batch of supplies included ammunition and canned food.

They were all just needed in the end times.

“Have you heard? This batch of supplies is promised to us by the authorities. As long as we cooperate with the operation tomorrow, it is said that each person who comes back can get at least a dozen cans of meat!!”

“Oh my God, it’s worthy of being the authorities, they are so generous!!”

“I don’t know how long it has been since I smelled meat. Slurp~ I will accept death tomorrow with so many cans!”

There are more than a dozen people carrying supplies, and they are now lining up in an orderly manner.

They were treated as cannon fodder and were completely immersed in the dream of receiving canned meat.

Little did they know that these supplies would eventually benefit Fang Hu, the boss of Sha Shi Bia.

As for the other cannon fodders who were selected, it was impossible for them to come back alive.

As the team moved forward, Luo Tian was suddenly stunned, and his eyes could not help but look at two of the armored vehicles.

“…C4 explosives, in the armored vehicles?”

Luo Tian murmured.

Originally, he thought that supplies like C4 explosives should be moved into the room.Let the soldiers guard it well.

But what I didn’t expect was that after a scan of the space perception, I found that among the armored vehicles parked side by side, there were actually two with several boxes of C4 stored inside! !


When it comes to ordinary anti-theft doors in the community, how can they be safer than the solid iron shell of the armored vehicle?

Without the key, who can pry the door open?

And if it is forcibly destroyed, the armored vehicle will definitely sound an alarm.

“But the question is, how can I take away the nearly 1,000 kilograms of C4 explosives in the car under the eyes of so many soldiers?”

Luo Tian frowned.

Hu Yi, who was queuing, was suddenly patted on the shoulder.

Then Luo Tian whispered: “I need you to cooperate with me, you will…”

After listening to the plan.

Hu Yi blushed: “Luo, Luo Ge, are we sure we really want to do this?”

It’s too embarrassing!

“Just do it if I tell you to, don’t talk nonsense!”

Luo Tian said unhappily.

Under his threat, Hu Yi gritted his teeth and agreed.


In the queue, a loud shout suddenly broke out: “Wow–!!!”

The crowd suddenly became agitated, and many people staggered in fear.

Even the soldiers in charge of the alert looked over, and even raised their guns and aimed at the team.

Hu Yi’s expression was exaggerated: “Official master, you are so generous! Give us so many supplies!!”

“With so much food, I don’t have to worry about starving to death anymore! Ole Ole… I can be a local tyrant too! I want this sky, it can no longer cover my eyes, I want this land…”

While Hu Yi shouted, he did a breakdance on the spot.

The scene was very eye-catching.

Taking this opportunity, Luo Tian also had a thought, and the two armored vehicles storing C4 were taken into the space in the blink of an eye.

The next moment.

Two identical snow armored vehicles appeared in the same place in an instant.

“Hey, am I dazzled?”

A soldier next to the armored vehicle rubbed his eyes in confusion.

Just like the frame drop in a game, he seemed to feel that the armored vehicle flashed slightly.

However, looking at the row of armored vehicles in front of him, which looked normal, he couldn’t help shaking his head.

“It should be an illusion…”

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