“What’s going on? Those outsiders didn’t even close the car door?”

A younger brother widened his eyes. This is too reassuring. Aren’t they afraid that the car will be stolen if it’s parked here?

“I guess they think that in this situation, everyone is hiding at home and no one will run out in the cold.”

Shen Hua said with a sneer.

It’s just right. Not locking the car door is a bargain for me.

“Boss, who will drive?”

Song Jun rubbed his hands and said eagerly.

Since the end of the world, he hasn’t touched the steering wheel for several months. Now he really feels itchy.

“Nonsense, as the boss, of course I will drive!”

Shen Hua took the main driving seat without hesitation.


Looking at the unfamiliar layout and a series of operating dials in front of him, Shen Hua was also dumbfounded on the spot.

This is different from the Liuling Hongguang he used to drive?

Even if it is a luxury car worth millions, the operating methods cannot be so different, do you have to take another special driving test?

Or is the interior of the snowmobile like this?

“Boss, what’s wrong? Is there any problem? If you don’t hurry up, the group of outsiders will come back…” A younger brother said anxiously.

Although they are more in number, they will not suffer even if they fight.

But who wants to bleed for no reason?

“Hey, I’m your boss. How can the boss drive himself? You drive!”

Shen Hua got out of the driver’s seat again.

“I’ll do it!!”

A man named Ma Chang volunteered and got in without saying a word.

Then, he said excitedly: “Boss, the layout of this car is really special. It drives like a military armored vehicle. A million-level snowmobile is different!”

It is estimated that they are all imported from the United States!

Because Ma Chang had service experience before, although he was a little unfamiliar with driving, he quickly started the snow armored vehicle.

“Ah, what’s the difference?”

Someone asked in confusion.

“No time to explain, get in the car!”

Ma Chang was worried that the noise from the vehicle would alarm the outsiders, so he opened the back door and shouted to everyone.

When Shen Hua and Song Jun opened the door and sat inside, they were all shocked.

“This, this TM can’t be an official armored vehicle?”

The interior decoration is not like that of ordinary vehicles, with a row of seats in the middle and back. Instead, the seats are placed close to the two sides, making it convenient to get out directly when getting off the car.

Isn’t this an armored vehicle?

“Boss, we didn’t steal the official car, did we?”

Song Jun swallowed his saliva.

Others were also terrified.

“What’s there to be afraid of? Anyway, it’s come to this point. If we don’t succeed, we will die! With the car, we can just run away. How can they find us?”

Shen Hua said viciously.

When everyone thought about it, they were relieved. That’s right. How could those guys catch up with them in the snow?

“Besides, they may not be official people. The clothes they wear are worse than ours!”

Shen Hua said disdainfully.

It’s not like he hasn’t seen official soldiers before. They all wear special combat uniforms. How can these people dress like poor beggars?

I’m afraid they all stole the car!

Everyone nodded involuntarily. The boss is still smart!

On the other side.

The captain of the soldiers led a group of disguised soldiers out of a deserted villa, and said in a puzzled tone: “It’s really strange.”

In the surroundings of Luo Tian’s shelter, there was no living person in several villas.

What’s going on.

Could they have been killed by Luo Tian?

They found nothing and could only expand the search range and came to the villa where Shen Hua and his friends were before.

“Humph, the surname Luo is really smart, but I don’t believe he killed all the people in the manor.”

The captain of the soldiers snorted coldly and turned his head to look at the nearby building standing in the snow.

When they find the owner nearby and bring him back to the base for interrogation, as long as they get a little information about Luo Tian, ​​it will be a good deal.

“If we can get Luo Tian’s weakness…”

The captain of the soldiers sneered.

He will find a chance to repay all the humiliation he suffered from Luo Tian several times!

“Captain, the footprints in this villa are very fresh, it seems that many people have just come out!”

A soldier reported.

The captain of the soldiers narrowed his eyes when he heard this: “Haha, it’s just right, it’s not my fault, you guys are the ones who got into trouble!”

“Follow the footprints and catch them!”

The soldiers said in unison: “Yes!”

But in front of the soldiersAs they followed the footprints forward, they felt something was wrong. Why did the direction of the footprints seem familiar? Was it the place where the snowmobile was parked?

As expected.

When they walked for a while and came to the parking spot, they were shocked to find that the snow armored vehicle was gone!

“Where is the car?”

The captain of the soldiers was shocked.

Where did such a big official snow armored vehicle go?

“Captain, it was stolen by the guys who just came out of the villa!”

A soldier reported.

“Nonsense, of course I know the car was stolen by them! But how did they steal it without the key? Did someone carelessly leave the car unlocked?”

“Who was the last one to come down?”

The captain of the soldiers said angrily.

Who made such a small mistake? It’s simply unforgivable!

Hearing this.

The soldiers looked at each other in surprise, and then looked at the captain of the soldiers silently.

The captain of the soldiers was stunned, and then he remembered that he had driven himself on the road to vent his anger. Not only did he drive fast all the way, but he also forgot to lock the door when he got off the car…

He also forgot to take out the key!

“Since it has happened, there is no need to worry about who made the mistake!”

The captain of the soldiers immediately changed the subject.

He took out a small tablet from his combat uniform, and his expression became cold: “Humph, you dare to steal official things, you are very brave.”

“This time I will let you know that not everything can be stolen!”

On the screen.

A green dot was flashing, which was the locator of the snow armored vehicle!

The captain of the soldiers pressed a button heavily, and then Shen Hua and his group, who were driving fast on the other side, gradually became confused with their excited expressions.

“Ma Chang, what’s wrong with you, keep driving?”

“That’s right, why stop!”

Faced with everyone’s questioning, Ma Chang said with a strange look on his face: “It’s not my fault, I kept pressing the accelerator, but the vehicle didn’t respond!!”

Song Jun asked suspiciously: “Is it out of oil?”

Ma Chang shook his head and said: “No, this shows that there is still a lot of oil. Could it be that something else is wrong?”

Hearing this, everyone couldn’t help but panic.

In the low temperature of minus 70 degrees Celsius, the vehicle broke down in a white snowy field, and there was no one around. What should they do?

They couldn’t call a tow truck!

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