“Why, are you jealous of my big breasts?”

Lan Ji chuckled, her beautiful eyes swept over Yan Shu’s chest with contempt, and then the towering breasts pressed against Luo Tian’s chest became even tighter, even changing shape.


Yan Shu gritted her teeth in anger, who would be jealous of your big breasts, obviously mine are not small either!

If we really compare them, maybe mine is even bigger than yours!

Yan Shu, who has a straightforward personality, can’t compare with the skilled Lan Ji in verbal teasing.

If Lan Ji is an old driver, then Yan Shu is no different from a blank sheet of paper.

This is normal, after all, Luo Tian sometimes suffers in verbal battles.

But he has always had the upper hand in verbal battles.

“Okay, stop arguing, both of you.”

Luo Tian is used to their quarrels, and now he is much calmer.

After calming down.

Lan Ji also raised her head, looked up at him and said: “Dear, do you need me to support this operation? I am also very good at sniper rifles~”

As a mercenary roaming the battlefield, Lan Ji is extremely proficient in various firearms. She is not only good at surprise attack and blockade, but also good at ambush and assassination.

If she is ambushed nearby.

Maybe she can play a big role at a critical moment, such as secretly opening the skull of the other commander with a sniper rifle!

And if she shoots and runs away, even if the official sends people to chase, it will be difficult to see Lan Ji’s shadow when they reach the destination.

Seeing Lan Ji volunteering, Yan Shu is of course unwilling to admit defeat.

As a police officer, she also has a unique talent in the field of firearms. At least in the competition of shooting skills, she is not worse than Lan Ji.

“Master, I can do it too! Bring Shu’er this time!”

Before Luo Tian could speak.

Lan Ji in his arms chuckled, and said with a slight smile: “Miss police officer, your tricks are okay for dealing with ordinary people, but don’t make trouble in this situation.”

“There is still a big gap between being on the battlefield and not being on the battlefield.”

Yan Shu snorted coldly: “I don’t think your shooting skills are much better than mine.”

She can hit whatever she should hit.

Lan Ji’s jade hand gently covered her red lips, her beautiful eyes curved into crescents, and her tone seemed friendly but actually thorny: “Let alone other things, just in the sniper rifle, only you police officers can use single-eye aiming.”

“If you dare to do this on the international battlefield, you don’t know how many times you have died.”

When the two sides competed in shooting, Lan Ji, the mercenary, always used binocular aiming, that is, when aiming at the target with a sniper rifle, both eyes were open.

Yan Shu would close one eye to aim.

It stands to reason that Yan Shu’s aiming method is widely known to the public, because if you don’t close one eye, how can you aim at the target properly?

But in fact, Lan Ji’s aiming method is more suitable for battlefield survival.

Experts aim with both eyes.

Because on the battlefield, it is not like the police officers in the city sniping murderers. There is a safe environment around, and except for a group of teammates, everyone else is just a bystander.

You can aim with confidence.

On the battlefield, the situation must be surrounded by enemies on all sides, and you never know which direction the enemy will attack from, so aiming with one eye is looking for death.

It’s like sniping at the middle door when playing games.

The enemy is all around you, and you are still aiming with that gun. If you don’t die, who will die?

In other words, if you use binocular aiming, you can avoid many dangers of death.

Whenever you find that there is something wrong with the environment, you can react quickly.

“Humph, so what.”

Yan Shu is not stupid, but pointed out the loophole in Lan Ji’s words.

“Miss Lan, please don’t forget that we are in the end of the world now, not the battlefield for you to make money. With all the white snow around, no one can approach quietly.”

“Besides, I will definitely choose the rooftop as the sniper location.”

Such words.

Don’t worry at all, enemies will appear around at any time.

“No, I will go alone this time, you two just stay in the villa and wait for me to come back.” Luo Tian interrupted the argument between the two women and said decisively.

It’s too risky for several people to go together.

If there is any emergency, Luo Tian may not be able to protect everyone, because don’t forget that there is also Jiang Xiyue waiting for him to rescue.

Add to that Lan Ji and Yan Shu’s words, it’s really adding trouble.

It’s impossible to take care of it.

“Okay, okay, you are such a strong-willed little man. Since my shooting skills are useless, the only thing I can show off is my unimpressive body…”

Lan Ji licked her red lips lightly and said in a seductive tone: “Come on, why don’t you have some fun with me before we set off~””Lan Ji!!”

Yan Shu was about to explode with anger. How could this woman be so shameless?

In front of her, she could say such obscene words without any psychological burden. How bold would she be if she was alone with Luo Tian?

[Master, there is a survivor outside who wants to see you. ]

At this time.

The butler suddenly spoke, attracting Luo Tian’s attention.


Luo Tian couldn’t help but be a little confused. How could there be a survivor in this environment? Could it be that he had been stuck at home for too long and wanted to come over to visit?

[According to the other party, he was officially appointed to pass on the message. ]

The butler explained.

At the same time, a large screen next to it also showed the situation outside the villa.

A man with a slightly uneasy look was standing outside the villa.

I don’t know if it was because the weather was too cold or he was a little panicked inside, his body was still shaking slightly.

“Hello, the official asked me to come and pass on a message. I have no ill intentions. Can you meet me? I’ll leave after that…”

He shouted tentatively, his voice trembling a little.

Perhaps as the owner of the manor, the man knew that Luo Tian was not easy to mess with, so he raised his hand to knock on the door, hesitated for a while in the air and put it down.

Fearing that his impoliteness would eventually lead to a fatal disaster.

“Sure enough, the official sent someone to pass on a message.”

Lan Ji laughed.

“Humph, the other party is also afraid, and they don’t even dare to send their own people.” Yan Shu expressed contempt for the official’s behavior of finding an ordinary person to pass on a message.

“As for that, I still understand the principle of not killing the messenger.”

Luo Tian couldn’t help but touch his nose.

Afterwards, he gently put Lan Ji down and walked towards the stairs to the upper floor alone: ​​”I’ll go meet the other party and see what tricks the official has.”

“Be careful, dear, there may be other eyes in the manor watching this place all the time.”

Lan Ji put her chin on one hand and reminded him with a smile.

“Don’t worry.”

Luo Tian also waved his hand to show that he knew.

This is his own base camp, what waves can the official make?

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