Delay the battle?

Xie Junshi’s words shocked Captain Ou, who seemed to be thinking about the feasibility.

The soldier next to him couldn’t help sweating on his forehead.

Should we do this?

They finally paid the price of six casualties before the news reached Luo Tian’s ears.

If the plan changes temporarily, won’t they have to go to Genting Manor again?

As the only driver with the experience of “escaping death”, he will probably have to be sent to Genting Manor with other teams to convey the news.

“I escaped by luck last time, I really don’t know if it will happen again…” The soldier thought coldly in his heart.

“Captain Ou, for the overall situation!” Xie Junshi persuaded.

Captain Ou rarely showed difficulty in making up his mind in a short time.

He admitted that Xie Junshi’s analysis made sense, and in the previous fight with Luo Tian, ​​the opponent had almost always had the upper hand.

But… isn’t it a bit exaggerated to put the opponent at the level of a superhuman?

Consider for a while.

Captain Ou’s attitude seemed to be a little loose, and he said in a deep voice: “Military Advisor, I personally think your suggestion this time is still…”

Just then, the door of the combat meeting room was suddenly pushed open.

A pair of long legs wrapped in flesh-colored silk walked into the room with a “clack clack” on the floor.


The news about delaying the combat plan proposed by Military Advisor Xie was first passed to the ears of Shu Wen, the female assistant.

“Did I hear you right, military advisor?”

Shu Wen crossed her arms and said in a cold tone: “The arrow is on the string and has to be shot, but you retreat at the last minute?”

Looking at Shu Wen, who was aggressive and seemed to be bringing several female soldiers to ask for punishment, Military Advisor Xie said calmly:

“Assistant Shu Wen, I am doing this for the overall situation, not to escape at the last minute.”

“Luo Tian’s threat to the base is obvious…”

Before he finished speaking, Shu Wen interrupted with an impatient look on her face, and said firmly: “Listen, military advisor, it is impossible to delay the battle plan!”

“The letter of challenge has been issued, how can you take the initiative to break the contract? Let’s not talk about how Luo Tian will look at you, this is also a big blow to our morale!”

“Tomorrow’s plan remains the same and must be implemented!”

Shu Wen’s tone was aggressive and it seemed to make sense.

But Xie Junshi frowned. He keenly realized that there was some reason behind it, which deeply influenced Shu Wen’s decision.

“Hmph, delaying the battle, what a joke?” Shu Wen sneered in her heart.

Finally came across such an opportunity to send Jiang Xiyue to death openly.

How could she give up easily?

Even the C4 self-destruct vest specially prepared for Jiang Xiyue has been developed and is waiting for the other party to try it on.

You know, Shu Wen had planned it long before, spent a lot of thought, and got the other party’s sister out by hand.

You can say.

For her own interests, Shu Wen would not care so much.

What high-end talent network hacker, keeping it will be of great use to the official base, anyway, all those who hinder her are thorns in the eyes and thorns in the flesh!

She is now eager to execute the plan immediately, and then let Jiang Xiyue wear the vest and be blown to death.

“Assistant Shu Wen, this operation is of great importance and is not a joke. I hope you can think about it carefully.”

Military Advisor Xie frowned.

He also realized the problem at this moment.

Previously, it was Shu Wen’s jealousy and dissatisfaction with Jiang Xiyue that allowed the plan to proceed smoothly without any obstacles.

But the problem that followed was… the plan could not be terminated!

It seemed that they could not make more adequate preparations.

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