The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"You are called Xu Cheng, right?"

A younger brother propped up the hammer on the ground, stared at his bloodshot eyes, and grinned.

"Brother, Xu Cheng is me... I am Xu Cheng..."

Xu Cheng was so scared that he was incoherent.

He looked at the big hammer in the other party's hand, couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and felt scared.

The big hammers in these people's hands were taken out of the basement a few days ago and lent to the other party. The original intention was to let them smash open the door of Luo Tian's house, take away all the other party's supplies, and then divide them among themselves.

I don't want to.

Now the door of Xu Cheng's house was smashed open by the hammer he lent out.

Xu Cheng regretted it so much that his intestines turned green!

"Don't be afraid, we are here to thank you this time, and we won't do anything to you."

The younger brother said in a friendly manner.

But the more he said this, the more Xu Cheng's body trembled.

Who would believe it!

Xu Cheng shouted in his heart.

The owners spread the news privately that three days ago, Deng Tu led his younger brothers to attack Luo Tian's house and suffered a great loss. That night, many people were carried back with charred bodies.

Xu Cheng didn't know that those charred people were dead.

But he knew that the other party must be coming to settle accounts with him now, after all, he provided the tools.

In fact, Xu Cheng was not to blame for this matter from beginning to end, but don't expect a group of desperate people to reason with you.

"Come, eat it. Try it."

A younger brother next to him handed a bunch of cold meatballs to him.

He ordered in a tough tone.


Xu Cheng took the meatballs in astonishment, seeming to be very unbelievable.

Could it be...

The information provided by those owners in private was inaccurate. In fact, although they suffered losses, they also snatched some food from Luo Tian. Otherwise, why would they invite him to eat meatballs now?

Xu Cheng looked at the meatballs in his hand and couldn't help swallowing hard!

You know, there is almost no food in his family. There are only a few bags of instant noodles that cost one dollar a bag. He dared to break off a small piece every meal and put it in his mouth to taste it carefully.

Long-term lack of nutrition even made him lose weight seriously.

How could he not be happy to eat meatballs, which are extremely scarce, rich in protein and very delicious?

"Tm, eat it if you are told to eat it, what are you talking about!"

The younger brother stared with bloodshot eyes, and when he spit out dirty words, the two rows of teeth stained with red stains in his mouth were exposed.

Xu Cheng felt something was wrong, but with the delicious food in front of him, he didn't think too much. He just picked up the cold meatball and took a big bite.


Delicious! !

Xu Cheng, who hadn't tasted meat for half a month, almost burst into tears!

Although the meatballs were not hot at all and his mouth was still cold when he ate them, the fragrance that filled his mouth still made him unable to help but throw the remaining half of the meatball into his mouth!

"It's delicious, but the meat seems a little sour... Alas, what's so hard..."

Xu Cheng chewed it for two bites, and suddenly bit a hard thing. He took it out with his hand and looked at it, and couldn't help but be stunned there.

Is this... a nail?

He couldn't help but be stunned. This... the hygiene conditions seem a bit poor.

Before the end of the world, if he ate it in a restaurant, Xu Cheng would have to ask the other party to compensate ten times! But the situation is different now, so he didn't care. It's good to have meat to eat, why do you want a bicycle?

Xu Cheng lost his nail, and didn't notice the younger brothers around him, all of whom had a strange smile on their faces.

He started chewing again, but he didn't expect to bite into a hard cylinder again.

"What is this again?"

Xu Cheng paused, opened his mouth and dug with his hand, and found that the thing he took out seemed to be quite similar to his finger.

Half of it, with white bones.

He also bit it twice, and half a piece of meat was missing.

What is this?

Xu Cheng was immediately confused, this thing, it seems to be a human finger?

It seems that I ate a nail just now.

This meatball with a sour taste, could it not be a problem with the meat quality, but it itself is... made of human flesh? ?

According to the residents living on the 21st floor, the brothers who were carried away looked like they were dead...

"Ah ...


"What did you give me to eat? Could it be human flesh?!"

Xu Cheng retreated repeatedly, leaning against the wall and shouting in horror.

When he thought of eating the flesh of his own kind, he felt his stomach churning and wanted to vomit out all the stomach acid! !

As soon as he said this.

The younger brothers around him all stared with bloodshot eyes and laughed loudly.

"Hahaha!! That's right, we gave you human flesh!! How does it taste? Is it delicious?!"

"That should be Lao Bao's meat, no, it could also be Rongzi's meat! Forgot, I have forgotten whose body it was chopped off from!!"

"Does human flesh taste good? Do you want to try it again?!"

For a while.

The scene was extremely chaotic, and the younger brothers seemed like crazy, shaking their bodies and laughing wildly as if they had lost their minds.

They were hiding at home and eating barbecue for three whole days!

The dead brothers were all roasted to a crisp, emitting an alluring aroma. Just cut with a knife and you can taste a large piece of delicious roast meat! !

At first, some people resisted, but later...

"Crazy, you are all crazy!!"

Xu Cheng roared in horror.

He finally understood that this group of desperate criminals must have been killed by Luo Tian, ​​and the rest of them were stimulated to lose their minds and became crazy people who eat human flesh! !

No! !

How can people do such a ridiculous thing?

Xu Cheng leaned against the wall with his legs weak, and he wanted to escape.

A voice in his heart was frantically reminding him that if he didn't run, he would become the food of these crazy people later! !

"Want to run? Sure."

A younger brother holding a bloody axe grinned and said, "Ten counts."


Run! ! !

Xu Cheng turned around and rushed without hesitation!

He never thought that his reaction could be so fast!!


When facing a life-and-death crisis, the potential of the human body can really be stimulated.

When the other party just read out a number, Xu Cheng ran five meters away. You know, an athlete can only run about seven or eight meters in one second after starting.


The younger brother laughed wildly with red eyes, picked up the axe in his hand, and threw it fiercely at Xu Cheng's back!!


As soon as he rushed to the stairs, Xu Cheng, who was excited, fell down with a stiff expression.

The back of his head was blown by the axe blade!

The blood gushed out, and at the moment it flowed out, it was frozen into blood flowers by the low temperature of dozens of degrees below zero.

"Hahahahaha... We have fresh meat to eat today!!"

"The meat is a little old, probably not very tasty. There are so many people living in this building, why don't we find someone with tenderer meat!!"

"Hehehe... You can't run away, you can't run away!! None of the ingredients in this building can escape!!"

"All of them must die!!"

In the corridor.

The younger brothers looked ferocious, their eyes were bloodshot, like man-eating evil spirits! !

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