
Guo Tian never appeared in the group again. Without even thinking about it, the owners knew that he must have been killed.

After a while, the frenzied villains took a photo of a corpse with a tragic death and sent it to the large group where everyone was.

And said sternly: "Luo Tian, ​​did you see it? Xu Cheng will die because of you!"

Luo Tian sneered. These guys wanted to throw dirty water on him, but the method was too low-level. He didn't even bother to pay attention.

But other residents were not as confident as Luo Tian. When they saw Xu Cheng's body, the timid female owners were almost scared to faint by the tragic appearance of the body.

The whole apartment building seemed to be covered with a shadow of death.

Seeing that Luo Tian was too lazy to respond, the younger brothers' eyes turned red and they said angrily: "Luo Tian. From now on, don't even think about going out! We will always be guarding below. If you dare to go down to dig snow and boil water, we will kill you!"

And cut off your meat piece by piece and cook it! They didn't say the latter sentence in the group.

The younger brothers felt that even if Luo Tian's family had more supplies, the fresh water would always run out one day. Sooner or later, he would run out of water and have to go down to dig snow and boil water.

At that time, it would be their perfect opportunity for revenge! Even if it consumes, Luo Tian must be consumed to death!

But what the younger brothers didn't know was that Luo Tian's infinite space stored tens of thousands of tons of fresh water resources, so there was no need to do unnecessary things such as digging snow and boiling water.

Deng Tu suddenly spoke in the group: "@Everyone, if anyone finds Luo Tian outside in the future, please contact me as soon as possible. I, Deng Tu, promise that he will be protected by us in the future, and we will never touch him."

Deng Tu's words set off an uproar in the group.

Many owners were eager to make a move.

As long as they found Luo Tian, ​​they could pass the news to Deng Tu. Doing such a simple thing would not worry about being targeted by these devils. It was so exciting!

Many owners secretly thought in their hearts that if they saw Luo Tian outside in the future, they must be the first to pass the news to Deng Tu. Luo Tian's fate didn't matter, the key was that their own safety would be guaranteed.

Seeing Deng Tu's message, Luo Tian couldn't help but smile coldly: "This Deng Tu seems to be quite sober. He is smarter than those little brothers. He actually used this condition to borrow the eyes of other owners to follow me."

If it were an ordinary person, he would probably be forced into a dead end by the other party.

But unfortunately, he is different. He is a man with infinite space. If he wants, he can even stay in the safe house until the sun explodes!

However, not all residents believe Deng Tu's lies.

With Xu Cheng's painful lesson, those owners who think quickly have already made up their minds that they will never have anything to do with Deng Tu's group of demons in the future. Unless you are crazy, you will believe the words of a group of murderers.

If anyone believes the other party's promise, then there will be no good end.

"Since Deng Tu has made such a ridiculous promise, then in order to make things more interesting, I will respond a little bit."

Luo Tian said playfully.

After thinking for a while, he tagged all the residents in the group: "@Everyone, I am now issuing a reward: From now on, whoever can kill Deng Tu can hold his head and receive a big roast chicken from me."

"Kill one of his little brothers and you can receive two big chicken legs."

After that, he sent a photo to the group: a delicious and tempting big roast chicken with golden color, crispy outside and tender inside, weighing four pounds!


After reading the message sent by Luo Tian, ​​the owners were shocked!

Such a big roast chicken! !

How many barbecues does Luo Tian have! Such a big roast chicken must taste very delicious! ! Just looking at it, many owners couldn't help swallowing their saliva!

If you eat it sparingly, it can probably last for half a month! By the way, you can also supplement a lot of protein. In the current harsh environment of snowstorms blocking roads, it can be said to be a life-saving food!

There must be brave men under heavy rewards!

Those residents in the group who were desperate because they had run out of ammunition and food could not help but think: since they were going to die anyway, they might as well give it a try and turn their bicycles into motorcycles!!

If they were going to die, they would die well fed!!


Facing Luo Tian's huge reward, Deng Tu's eyes turned red and he punched the sofa heavily, like a man-eating beast.


He didn't expect that Luo Tian actually had this trick.

In terms of food reserves, he is definitely not Luo Tian's opponent.

"Damn Luo Tian!!!"


Looking at the quiet group chat.

Luo Tian crossed his legs, put his hands on both sides of the sofa, but frowned slightly.

"Deng Tu and his group must be eliminated."

They have set an example of cannibalism, just like a beast that has been fed with cooked food since childhood. As long as it tastes raw meat for the first time, it will never go back.

If they are allowed to run rampant in the apartment building, it is estimated that it will not take long before half of the living people in this building will be gone.

In the previous life, there were examples in other apartment buildings. A group of villains gathered together and lost their humanity. They no longer struggled and decided to fall into the extremely cold apocalypse. They killed anyone they saw and took pleasure in torturing the living. They killed and ate the men and imprisoned the women as star slaves.

Before long, the building became a haunted building, with broken limbs and pieces of meat. Human internal organs filled every room and every corridor. The entire apartment building became a living hell! !

"This is my territory, how can I let them do whatever they want. I don't want to live in a building full of internal organs."

So, Deng Tu and his group must find a way to kill them! !

Luo Tian's eyes flashed coldly, and he decided to cut the grass and root it out!

"But how to kill these mentally abnormal lunatics is a bit tricky."

Luo Tian frowned slightly, got up and walked to the huge French window, looking at the vast snow outside and began to be dazed.

The firewood in the fireplace burned, making a crisp sound.

Luo Tian's mind was full of thoughts.

First of all, he would definitely not go out.

Even if there was a pistol in the space and enough bullets, as long as he went out, he would inevitably take risks. This was absolutely unacceptable to Luo Tian, ​​who wanted to be the king of gouging.

After all, he only had a pistol, but his shooting skills were ridiculously bad, because he had no chance to learn shooting skills systematically in the past. When facing an ambush in a room or a narrow space, it is easy to be attacked by the enemy before he can react.

"If only there was a reliable thug who could deal with Deng Tu and the others for me."

Luo Tian couldn't help thinking in his heart.

This is almost the most appropriate and safest solution.

But the problem is that the people living in the apartment building are all ordinary people. Even if there is a food reward, no one dares to take action easily.

Even if they dare to take action, an ordinary person has little chance of winning against a group of desperate criminals.

At this time.

Luo Tian couldn't help but think of a beautiful figure in his mind: "Before the end of the world, the female police officer Hua Yanshu who almost hurt me and had a bad temper probably meets the current requirements."

The national police fighting champion, one against five is a piece of cake. Not only is he good at close combat, but his shooting level is also at the level of a sharpshooter.

The most important thing is that the opponent is very beautiful and has a unique figure.

That pair of snow-white and delicate long legs, dazzlingly white.

Even though it had been half a month since the last time he saw her, every time he recalled it, it still came to his mind clearly.

If he could recruit her as a thug, Deng Tu's problem would be solved.

Moreover, he could also learn top-notch fighting skills and close combat experience from her. He could even learn how to shoot.

"But... I don't know where she is now. And there's no way to contact her."

Luo Tian sighed with regret.

This plan could only be abandoned with regret.

At this time.

An inadvertent glance outside made him stunned in front of the French window.

Outside the window where heavy snow was falling.

The white snow had covered all the floors below the second floor. In other words, the snow on the ground was at least five meters deep.

But in this situation.

Luo Tian actually saw a woman with a large backpack hanging on her chest and a girl on her back. In the snow that almost buried her, she walked forward slowly but firmly.

"What a terrifying physical fitness... But why do I feel that this woman seems a little familiar?"

Luo Tian narrowed his eyes and said.

As if...

I have seen her before? ?

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