At the entrance of the camp, there are two wooden sentry towers.

These two sentry towers are more majestic and larger in area.

There are more than 20 goblin sentries on each sentry tower.

There are many arrows and fallen rocks in the sentry tower!

The two sentry towers are connected by a wooden bridge.

There are more than a dozen goblins standing on the wooden bridge, holding spears in their hands.

The strength of these goblins has reached four stars!

The biggest enemy of mankind in the future must be these monsters and mutants!

Unless the zombies can evolve and reproduce, they will be destroyed one day!

The gate of the camp is open, and a row of iron chevaux de frise are placed. The sharp spear heads emit a little cold light.

Five teams of goblins are constantly patrolling around the camp.

Their equipment is slightly better.

They all wear animal skin armor, covering most of their bodies and legs.

These animal skins are not from ordinary beasts, but from mutant creatures.

The defense is not much weaker than iron armor!

In his hand was an iron broadsword, stained with traces of blood.

Deep in the camp, there were dozens of animal hide tents.

These animal hides also came from mutant creatures.

They had strong defensive power!

Around the animal hide tents, there were some stone pots and pans hanging.

A human thigh was hanging on the bonfire, and half of a human corpse was hanging on the rack.

All around were leftover bones.

Several skulls were hung on the tents as decorations.

Obviously, these were all survivors in the southern area.

They were unlucky and were caught by the goblins.

In addition to human skeletons, there were also many corpses of mutant monsters in the goblin tribe. In the center of dozens of animal hide tents was a more luxurious animal hide tent.

The area was several times that of the surrounding tents, and the decorations were more luxurious.

An unknown giant skull was hung at the entrance of the tent.

Two rows of goblin soldiers similar to guards were guarding the entrance.

There was no doubt that this was the tent of the goblin leader.

Guan Li's target for this trip was him!

This goblin camp has been established for a long time.

Although the facilities inside are simple, they are very complete.

The power of intelligent life is reflected here.

Guan Li has a general understanding of the situation of the goblin tribe.

There is only one entrance and no back door!

The height of the wooden wall of the camp is about six meters.

According to the current findings, there are more than a hundred goblins, and they are all four-star strength.

There must be goblins in those animal skin tents!

According to this estimate, the entire goblin tribe has at least more than 500 goblins.

If women and children are excluded, there are at least more than 400 goblins who can fight!

This is not a small number!

In terms of numbers, the legion does not have an advantage!

As for the advantage in strength, it has not reached the point of crushing.

After all, the strength of these goblins has all reached four stars!

What's more, there is a goblin leader in the tribe!

As the leader of the tribe, his strength must not be bad!

"Hmm! This is a bit tricky!"

Guan Li touched his chin and fell into thought.

Fight? Or not fight?

This is a philosophical question!

"Damn it! I'm not afraid of a thing!"


Guan Li quickly made up his mind!

He turned on the system and found that the soldiers of the Legion were still about two hours away from being resurrected!

According to this situation, it would be dark in two hours!

"Then let's act at night!"

Guan Li prepared to attack the Goblin tribe at night!

Goblins are different from zombies. They are normal life forms and will also be affected by the night!

"You guys stay here and guard!"

Guan Li asked ten soldiers to hide near the goblin tribe.

Watch their every move!

Whether there are goblins leaving or coming back, report everything!

""Yes, sir!" the soldier whispered.

After making the arrangements, Guan Li led the commanders away.

There were still two hours before the action, so he naturally couldn't waste it!

Wander around the surrounding area to see if there were any unexpected gains.

Guan Li disappeared into the jungle.

The soldiers followed his instructions, hiding in secret corners and observing the goblin tribe.

Guan Li was lucky enough to encounter a spiritual tree.

The spiritual tree was located in an open space, and a thin layer of frost condensed on the surrounding ground.

A blue fruit hung on the branch of the small tree.

The energy emitted could be felt from a long distance!

He was about to reach out to pick it, and a terrifying giant mouth bit him directly.

"A sneak attack? That's unethical!"

Guan Li reacted quickly and used teleportation!

His figure disappeared from the spot.

The terrifying giant mouth also bit into nothingness.


After Guan Li stabilized his body, he saw the guy who attacked him.

It was a terrifying giant wolf, more than five meters long.

Its snow-white fur exuded bursts of cold air.

A layer of solid ice condensed on its fangs.

【Name: Frost Wolf

Potential: Seven Stars

Strength: Five Star Primary

Abilities: Frost Armor, Frost Fangs, Frozen Rays

Introduction: A monster from the cracks of another world, it grows with frost fruit and can launch ice attribute attacks.

Guan Li glanced at the giant wolf and the system quickly gave information.

"Good fellow! It's actually a five-star monster!"

If it weren't for the instant spell, I'm afraid I really couldn't dodge the attack just now!

The pupils of the Frost Giant Wolf stared at the surroundings.

The group of guys in front of it made it feel threatened.

Guan Li and the four commanders were all four-star advanced strength, and there was also a Long Ju.

Six four-star advanced strengths were enough to threaten the Frost Wolf.

The Frost Giant Wolf hesitated a little, and it went towards the Ice Fruit, wanting to swallow it in one bite.

Although there was still a little time before the Frost Fruit could be fully mature.

But now there was no time to care so much!

The situation was critical! If you don't eat it, there will be nothing to eat!

Even if the effect is greatly reduced, it is still yours!

"Want to steal food? Stop it!"

Guan Li saw the Frost Wolf's idea at a glance.

Irene moved quickly, and shot an arrow through the air with terrifying power.

The air around seemed to be broken.


The sound of breaking through the air came, and the Frost Wolf felt the danger.

If it insisted on eating, it would definitely be seriously injured.

The Frost Wolf turned around and slapped out with a claw.

Blocked Irene's attack.

But at this gap, the other commanders had already rushed to the front of the Frost Wolf.

Bone swung the big knife and chopped it on its body.

The wolf skin felt blocked, but under the powerful force, it was still broken.

The big knife cut the flesh and blood flowed out.


The Frost Wolf felt pain and slapped Bone away.

Bone's body hit the tree, and his body shook a little.

The full force of the Frost Wolf almost made it fall apart.

"Blood Soul Slash!"

Guan Li took the opportunity to go up and slashed out a blood-colored sword energy.

Frost Armor!

Facing Guan Li's attack, the Frost Wolf's body surface condensed a layer of ice armor.

The blood-colored sword energy fell on it, directly splashing ice chips.


The frost armor shattered and turned into a pile of broken ice.

Sword Control Technique!

Shen Lian seized the opportunity and directly performed the Sword Control Technique. The black iron sword flew out and pierced into the body of the Frost Wolf.

The Frost Wolf felt pain, and its flesh and blood tightened, blocking the black iron sword.

A ball of blue light condensed in its mouth.

Frost Ray!

This is the Frost Wolf's killer move!

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