In the communications room, the adjutant picked up the communications equipment

"Thunder Squad! Blood Blade Squad! Received, please reply!"


After a burst of electric sound,

"Got it! Go ahead!"

The captains of the two teams replied to the adjutant.

"Han Feng! Luo Ze!"

"Your mission is temporarily suspended!" said the adjutant.

"Adjutant Zhou Yuan! Any instructions?"

Both teams are affiliated with the base army.

They will absolutely obey the orders of the base army!

"Go to the space crack immediately and check the situation!"

"If you find anything abnormal, report it immediately!"

Zhou Yuan said

"OK! Adjutant Zhou Yuan!"

The two cut off the communication.

""Boss! What's going on?"

In the messy supermarket, the Thunder Squad was searching for supplies.

Although the team only had a dozen people, they were all elite!

The strength of each team member was at least five-star primary, and they were all capable people!

"Adjutant Zhou Yuan’s latest instructions!"

"We need to go to the space rift!"

Han Feng put down the intercom.

"Where are these supplies?" a team member asked

"I'll go check around the space gap! You guys continue with your mission!"

"Meet up at Yunxi Road in three hours!"

Han Feng, as the captain of the Thunder Squad, has reached the five-star advanced level!

He has obtained the profession of Fire Fist Warrior! He can release fire magic like a mage, and can also fight in close combat like a warrior!

It's simply a dual cultivation of magic and martial arts!

""Okay! Team Han, be careful!"

The team members did not stop him.

They knew Han Feng's strength very well!

"You too, pay attention!"

""If you encounter an emergency, retreat in time!"

Han Feng also gave a few instructions.

He has developed a strong friendship with these team members.

If possible, he doesn't want anyone to be sacrificed!

Ten minutes later,

Han Feng came to the space crack.

""Hey! Captain Han, you're here fast!" a voice came.

Han Feng turned around and punched.

The hot flames erupted instantly.


A violent whirlwind blew the flames away.

"Captain Han, you are really ruthless!"

Roze used the wind to land steadily on the ground.

"It’s too light! Next time I should let you try my new skills!"

Han Feng said with a smile

"Oh my god! Old Han is so mean!"

"We agreed to be salted fish together, but you quietly became stronger!"

Roze said with a crooked mouth

"The space crack has expanded again!"

Han Feng spoke first


Luo Ze was slightly startled.

He looked up.

The three-meter-long crack had expanded to six meters!

The originally inconspicuous black crack gradually gave people a sense of fear.

"Hiss! At this speed!"

"In three days at most, the monsters inside will descend upon City Z!"

Luo Ze gasped.

"Fortunately, Adjutant Zhou Yuan allowed us to come and check it out!"

"Otherwise, there will be big trouble!"

Han Feng also nodded.

If the team evacuates after three days, the monsters in the space crack will have already landed in Z City!

At that time, the team may not be able to leave Z City!

The consequences are unimaginable!


"Adjutant Zhou Yuan! There is bad news!"

Luo Feng picked up the communication equipment and contacted the camp.

"What's wrong?"

Zhou Yuan asked solemnly.

"The space crack has expanded to six meters!"

"And the speed is still increasing!"

"Three days at most! A monster will come!"

Han Feng reported all the information he saw to Zhou Yuan.

"Three days? If that's the case, then we're in trouble!"

"You two, hurry back!"

"The opportunity to retreat may have to be brought forward!"

Zhou Yuan said

"Well! We will rush back as soon as we collect the supplies!"

Han Feng hung up the call.

"Hurry up! Time is running out!"

Roze said

"Well! Let's go!"

Han Feng bent his legs slightly and flew several meters in an instant.

In mid-air, flames blasted out of his hands.

The powerful force pushed him back more than ten meters.

"Good fellow! I'll show you how to play!" Luo Ze's eyes twitched as he watched Han Feng gradually disappear. He didn't waste any time and rushed to the agreed location. The team would start evacuating the next morning at the latest! Once they evacuate City Z, they will lose their stable food source! Before evacuating, they must collect as much supplies as possible. In the survivors' camp

"Everyone! The team will evacuate in two days!"

"I hope everyone will hurry up and prepare!"

The camp's loud broadcast sounded

"Holy shit! Brother Li is awesome!"

""Predicting the future!"

Wang Yu exclaimed.

Little did he know that all this was arranged by Guan Li!

"We're in camp, there's nothing to pack!"

"Four Eyes! Didn't you say you wanted that robot before?"

"Let's go! Brother Yu will get it for you!"

Wang Yu said


Four Eyes said excitedly

"When did Brother Yu ever lie to you?"

""Follow Brother Yu and you will have enough food every day!"

Wang Yu patted Siyan's shoulder.

His profession is a mechanic!

He can add his own strength to mechanical items!

Only Siyan knows how to operate it!

"Great! Long live Brother Yu! I love you so much!"

Siyan wanted to rush over, but Wang Yu kicked him away.

He finally understood how Guan Li felt!

Guan Li ran wildly on the street with Long Qie.

"Spicy next door! Dare to touch me!"

"I am so tired of living!"

As soon as he left the camp, he received a message from the legion soldiers.

A team of Skeleton Sword and Shield Soldiers!

When collecting supplies, they were ambushed by humans!

The team fought back desperately and killed more than ten of the enemy.

They were wiped out and their supplies were robbed.

"Master! The leader of the other party is a six-star primary awakener!"

"He has the job of an insect trainer! He is accompanied by a five-star advanced blazing beetle!"

"There are four teams left���There are ten five-star awakeners, and the rest are four-star awakeners!"

Irene's voice sounded in my mind.

She was closest to the scene.

"Six-star beginner!"

"Irene! Keep an eye on those guys!"

"Don't act rashly! I'll be there soon!"

Guan Li said

"Yes! All right, Master!"

Irene hid in a building.

"Hahaha! What a great harvest!"

"These supplies are enough to go back to the camp and spend them well!" said a man with a scar on his face.

"I've had my eye on a pair of sisters for a long time!"

"This time when I go back, I can get them!"

""Hahaha!" said a fat man with a face full of flesh.

He was holding a butcher knife in his hand, full of murderous intent!

"Humph! I don’t know which idiot it is!"

"Send out summons to collect supplies!"

"I lost more than a dozen of my men!"

The leading man said with a gloomy face.

Although they launched a sneak attack, they had the advantage of numbers.

But the skeleton soldiers were too strange.

Even if their heads were chopped off, they could still survive.

It took more than a dozen people to kill them all!

"Brother Lin! Don't worry!"

"So many summoned creatures died! That guy is useless even if he doesn't die!"

Everyone obviously knows the disadvantages of summoned beasts.

If the summoned creatures are killed, the summoner will also be damaged.

"Humph! He got it for free!"

"If I ever meet him, I'll feed him to bugs!"

"You said so! Baby!"

Lin Hai touched the car-sized blazing beetle beside him.

This was the evolution of the red flame beetle, which could spit out flames!

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