End of the World: Investment Goddess, I have a 10,000-fold return system

Chapter 91 An unexpected encounter, Jiaqi, I am your sister Linlin!

Underground parking.

Asakura Yu broke into a cold sweat. She knew that this thing had sensed her, but she was just not sure where she was hiding?

Looking for.

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The smelly wind kept howling, and Yu Asakura could only cover his mouth and nose and try not to breathe.

The demonic wind just now was actually the breath of this monster!

Has it grown again?

"what to doโ€ฆโ€ฆ"


Yu Asakura spread his senses to look for any escape routes around him, and suddenly felt something under the car not far away from him.

I donโ€™t know exactly what it is, but I can feel that thing trembling under the pressure.

He knelt down carefully and was startled.

It's a male spider!

"Hiss, hiss..."

It also found Yu Asakura, sticking out its tongue and making a greedy hissing sound, but it was suppressed by the breath of that thing and did not dare to move.

An idea struck.

"I haven't tried it, but...it's up to you."

Asakura Yu's ability was activated, and strange ripples appeared in the blue pupils.

The human spider showed pain on its face, and soon all hostility disappeared and turned into a face as obedient as a licking dog.

Asakura Yu could feel that as long as he had a thought, this human spider could go through fire and water for him.

I didnโ€™t expect that my [Charm] would be useful against mutants!

What a surprise.

"Go, help me lure it away."


The human spider carefully crawled out from under the car, then suddenly accelerated and ran into the distance. The strengthened body can walk close to the ground at very fast speeds.


The copper bell's green eyes were startled, and the thick blood mist around him surged like a turbulent flow, and the huge body suddenly rushed towards the human spider.

Two things, one large and one small, rushed out of the parking lot entrance.

Yu Asakura breathed a sigh of relief, but her face turned pale in the next second, and the huge impact made her whole brain feel like it was exploding.

The human spider was beaten to death, and her ability backfired on her for the second time in one day.

I have a splitting headache. Let alone using my abilities, I can even walk a little staggering.

But luckily he escaped.

He wandered into his residential building.

But Yu Asakura didn't notice that a camera in a corner behind him was quietly paying attention to this side.

On the flat floor, Meng Fan had a panoramic view of everything that had just happened.

Unfortunately, the thick fog prevented the [Eye of Insight] from capturing that monster.

However, Meng Fan did not expect that the woman's information could not be viewed.

[Master, there is some kind of energy in this woman that blocks the system's scanning. It is most likely some kind of ability that she has awakened]

[But I can be sure that she is a beauty who meets the inclusion requirements]

"Interesting, in addition to hypnosis, he also has hidden abilities. Is this guy a dual-power user?"

[It is possible that people with dual powers are rare, but it is not impossible]

Meng Fan didn't pay much attention because he had more important things to do now.

A familiar figure has appeared on the surveillance camera on the other side.

"A distinguished guest is coming."

Trembling all over.

Not scared, but excited!

The day is finally coming!

Just as he was about to pick up his weapon and go out, a murderous sneer suddenly appeared on his lips.

How boring it would be to kill him like this.

Dial the cell phone: "Lv Jiaqi, I have a task for you."



At the southeast corner entrance of the underground garage, Li Yandong and his group were entering.

Everyone had weapons in their hands and grins on their faces.

Finally successfully entered the West District of Fenghua Primary School!

This is a wealthy area. They usually don't even have the qualifications to enter this community, but now they can step in here openly.

Not just Meng Fan, there is no one here who is not worth tens of millions. To them it is full of treasures. Just digging into a house is an unimaginable gain.

Looking around, the luxury cars that they usually couldn't even touch were now gathering dust in front of them like garbage.

With a bang, the younger brother punched the windshield of the Land Rover next to him. The feeling made him fly up.

"Hahaha, it's so cool!"

Someone started, and the other boys also picked up their weapons and smashed them.

The surrounding luxury cars were smashed to pieces.

The adrenaline rush made them hooked.

Many people also found many valuable watches and jewelry from the car.

Take them all and wear them on your body.

Li Yandong sneered: "Okay, these are all insignificant things. When we kill Meng Fan in the future, the entire Western District is not up to us! We don't have anything we want."

"Yes, these rich people cherish their lives very much. It is estimated that there are not many awakened people now."

"Maybe we can easily occupy the entire building, and with the help of this underground garage, we can occupy all the surrounding buildings."

"You can do whatever you want then!"

"I'll do ten of them a night!"

"How can there be so many rich women for you to play with."

"Then I'll fuck a rich woman ten times!"

The boys went crazy.

I have all seen those noble ladies traveling, all of them showing off their delicate skin and tender flesh, so noble that they are like two worlds apart.

But now you can immediately trample these pretty ladies under your feet, and even capture them and enjoy them day and night. Everyone feels like they have been given a shot of blood.

This doomsday is not so difficult.

"Let's go! Kill Meng Fan first."

"Go that way and that's my building."

With Luo Tianyou leading the way, everyone soon came to the bottom of the residential building where Meng Fan lived. At this time, Liu Ziang suddenly shouted: "Who! Come out!"

The blood mist surged in front, and more than 20 figures walked out of the blood mist.

The two sides stopped a few dozen meters apart. The blood mist blocked both sides from seeing who the other side was.

"Where are you from!" A voice came from the other side.

"Damn, they must be residents of this community."

"They must have good things on them, boss, why don't we kill them in one go and grab all the things."

The younger brothers were ready to move, but were stopped by Liu Linlin.

"Now that the rain has just stopped, those who dare to go out hunting are definitely not ordinary people. Besides, the other side has more people than us. Do you know how many awakened people there are here? What if we can't beat them?"

Although they are all awakened, Liu Linlin, Liu Ziang, Liu Dezhu and Wang Fang can basically be ignored in a real fight, and Luo Tianyou is just a scumbag.

Only Li Yandong and his four brothers can fight.

There are more than 20 people on the opposite side, and a small part of them are awakened. They can't handle it.

Li Yandong also agreed: "Dear, you are still insightful. What do you think we should do?"

"Try not to make enemies, and get rid of Meng Fan first."

"Speak quickly, where are you from!"

The other side was obviously getting impatient.

Li Yandong shouted: "Don't be afraid, we are also residents of the West District. We just want to go down to the car to find something to eat when the rain stops."

The other side became more alert after hearing: "Fuck you, this parking lot is all ours!"

"Get out of the way."

The other side cursed, but the leader raised his hand to signal: "Okay, it's all the same community, there's no need to make it so awkward."

A young, thin and tall sissy walked out from behind the blood mist: "But to be honest, this area has been occupied by us. You have to go somewhere else to find food."

Li Yandong's pupils shrank.

His intuition told him that this sissy was definitely an awakened one, and very strong.

But Liu Linlin was surprised: "Is it Jiaqi? I'm your sister Linlin."

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