End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 15 Driving, Upgrading to Level 5

Zhang Yurou picked up the car keys beside the door and followed Lin Feng.

As soon as he stepped out of the door, the strong smell of blood filled the corridor.

As far as the eye could see, the peeling wall and the blackened steps were all stained with blood.

Lin Feng made a prompt decision and consumed the upgrade reserve of the lv4 red armor shield in his hand, switching the form from ordinary to shield armor.

I saw a white light floating by, and the red armor shield in his hand turned into a suit of armor, covering Lin Feng's body, from head to toe, even the gaps between his fingers, all wrapped tightly.

The red armor shield turned into hundreds of modules, like a golden jade dress. Each module was tightly fitted and extremely smooth, allowing Lin Feng to wear it and move around without any sense of lag.

Except for the time limit, it was perfect.

Looking at the 59-minute countdown displayed on the shield, Lin Feng didn't bother to explain to the two women behind him. Amid their exclamations, he walked upstairs with a gun.

Because the direction of the bloodstains was from bottom to top.

After hearing seven or eight gunshots, Lin Feng, who was wearing red and silver armor, came back with two more pieces of red armor on his hands, but they disappeared in an instant and were absorbed into the reserves of the red armor shield.

Relying on the legendary pistol, with a powerful lethality of 10 points, he easily killed the two red beetles upstairs, and the rewards he got were enough for the lv4 pistol and lv4 red armor shield to upgrade.

But Lin Feng was not in a hurry, because there were still giant insects downstairs that needed to be dealt with.

He took the two women downstairs. At the door of Room 201, in addition to several corpses, there were still five red beetles, which were devouring the survivors in the corridor before.

Lin Feng fired a few more shots and solved them cleanly.

After peeling off their red armor, he asked Zhang Yurou to take the shield in her hand. After the lv2 red armor shield absorbed five pieces of armor, it was successfully upgraded to lv4.

Lin Feng set two buttons at the handle position behind him, which can switch between armor and armor shield modes respectively.

After introducing the functions of the Red Armor Shield to them, the two women exclaimed in amazement. Zhang Yurou's eyes were full of love, while Chen Yanyan's face was full of envy and expectation.

The main reason is that holding a shield is too inconvenient. If it can be converted into a close-fitting armor, like Lin Feng in front of him, he will not be afraid of the attack of giant insects and can completely let go of his hands and feet. Even if he holds a melee long knife, he can kill people everywhere.

After upgrading the equipment for Sister Yurou, Lin Feng took the two women downstairs and came to the main door of the first floor.

There were two red beetles outside the main door, attracted by the bloody smell in the corridor, but they were stupid and didn't know to go around the back and climb the wall to get in.

Lin Feng opened the door and solved it easily, stripped off the carapace and stored it in Sister Yurou's Red Armor Shield.

This operation can only be completed by himself. Others don't have a system, even if they get the equipment, they can only stare blankly.

Lin Feng has tried it, and many functions of the items can only be realized in his hands.

So he wants to take advantage of the last period of time to upgrade the equipment for Sister Yurou as much as possible and store it for backup.

The lv4 red armor shield can only last for a short hour, but according to the change rules of the additional attributes of the pistol, subsequent upgrades will definitely enhance it.

After leaving the residential building, there were no more red beetles nearby. Lin Youzhi's Mercedes-Benz stopped beside him, and his body was only a pool of blood after being eaten by the giant insects.

Lin Feng thought Zhang Yurou would take a last look, but she didn't even look back, walked directly to the Land Rover off-road vehicle, switched the red armor shield in her hand to the back armor form, opened the door, and started the ignition.

Chen Yanyan put the small shield in her hand and the supplies and equipment in two backpacks in the trunk and sat in the back seat.

Lin Feng looked back at his hometown where he had lived for six or seven years. Perhaps this time he would leave forever.

After saying goodbye, he turned around and sat in the co-pilot.

Zhang Yurou slowly released the brake, drove out of the parking space, and then stepped on the accelerator lightly to leave the community.

Lin Feng looked at the legendary pistol and killed nine red beetles in a row. Although he could only accumulate one upgrade point after causing ten points of damage, he also gained a full twenty-seven points.

Adding the remaining nine points from the previous upgrade, Lin Feng currently has thirty-six points, and it feels like he can upgrade two levels in a row.

After starting the upgrade, he rolled down the car window and searched for prey on the roadside while taking a ride.

Unfortunately, he didn't see any insects along the way.

The community is located between the suburbs and the countryside. Go three kilometers forward and cross four blocks to reach the university town of Haicheng City.

Haicheng University is one of the four universities and a key university on the coast. Lin Feng did not inherit his mother's intelligence and talent. After the college entrance examination, he went to the affiliated college next door, an ordinary undergraduate school...

In fact, at that time, as long as his mother He Yiwen said a word, Lin Feng could successfully enter Haicheng University. Unfortunately, she didn't hope that Lin Feng would have much success, and she never tutored her son in study when he was a child.

It seems that He Yiwen doesn't care about anything except her own research projects.

Lin Feng complained before, but as his parents disappeared one after another, he gradually let it go after searching in vain.

At least now he has a new relative, who is also his first woman.

The car was driving on the intercity highway, which was wide with three lanes. Even though there were many cars abandoned after a car accident, it was not completely blocked.

Zhang Yurou had good driving skills. She looked at her man beside her and asked with concern:

"Xiaofeng, the driver's license you took before was an automatic transmission?"

Lin Feng nodded. There are basically no manual transmission cars now, and most young people choose automatic transmission because it is simple and can pass all of them in more than a month.

Zhang Yurou frowned slightly:

"If you want to run away later, it is best to use a powerful truck, so that you can carry more supplies and break out of the insect tide..."

"The car is still too small and has little oil. Every time we go to a place, we have to find a gas station."

"Now only the coastal cities have fallen, but in the towns a few dozen kilometers inland, everyone is running away. They have more time to prepare and will take everything they can."

"Plane, train, car, this will be the first time in human history that such a large-scale escape migration."

"If you want to collect supplies, Haicheng city is the best place. Going inland, resources will only become more scarce and barren."

Lin Feng's expression gradually became solemn. He understood what Sister Yu Rou meant.

However, Haicheng is an international metropolis with a permanent population of over 10 million. The resources gathered in such a city, even if one ten-thousandth of them are collected, are enough to support Lin Feng and his men to escape the insect tide.

But what Lin Feng has to do is not just to escape, but to make the most of the insect swarm on the way to escape, upgrade equipment, and achieve level upgrade.

Only in this way can he gain a firm foothold in the future.

The alien Zerg that can launch a global war is definitely not to be underestimated. Just the fact that they can appear on the blue planet quietly is far beyond the level of human technology.

However, from the current perspective, they should be taking the technological route of biological genes, transformation and evolution, and human firepower can temporarily stop their progress.

This period of respite is Lin Feng's opportunity.

In order to successfully collect materials and escape the insect tide, Lin Feng needs a truck that can be moved at any time, as a temporary camp and safe house, to deal with the insect tide.

"Are all trucks manual?"

Zhang Yurou nodded, turned the steering wheel, and bypassed the car accident scene in front. A large truck of 100 tons directly crushed seven or eight cars into boxes.

The deterrent power of the king was fully demonstrated.

But even if someone has passed the manual transmission test, it is not easy to learn to drive a large truck. You need to take the B-level certificate again.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yurou gave a new suggestion:

"If you don't know how to drive, you can go to some high-end communities and look for them. There should be those automatic RVs. Although the space is not as big as a truck, it has everything you need for eating, drinking, defecating, urinating and sleeping, and it is more comfortable to drive."

"Use these shields to modify it, and the defense capability will be not much worse than that of a truck."

Lin Feng's eyes lit up. This is a good idea.

At this time, everyone has driven to the edge of the university town. There are many shops on the street side of the community, from catering to various entertainment.

Life in the university town is still rich and colorful.

Lin Feng remembered the days when he stayed in the Internet cafe all night.

The monster-killing and leveling game that he was once addicted to has now become a reality.

After a moment of nostalgia, the legendary pistol in his hand was also upgraded:

"Legendary pistol lv5/9, white quality"

"Upgrade points: 17/10, damage 15, effective range 300 meters, remaining bullets 700/1000"

"Additional attributes: bullet recovery, 1/1min, space magazine, 1000 spare bullets"

As expected, except for the increase of five points of average damage and four hundred rounds of spare bullets, there was no special change.

Lin Feng directly started his own synchronous upgrade, and at the same time let the lv5 legendary pistol continue to upgrade.

He had a hunch that after entering the university town, he would face a more difficult and tragic battle...

Before that, he needed to become stronger as soon as possible!

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