End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 19: Level 7 God-level Pistol, Repel the Insect Tide

"God-level pistol lv7/9, white quality"

"Upgrade points: 8/10, damage 25, effective range 1000 meters, remaining bullets 2000/2000"

"Additional attributes: bullet recovery 1/s, space magazine 2000 bullets, new active attributes: metal storm, firing rate 3000/min"

"Evaluation: This is a pistol with the power of a machine gun. It is a myth in the pistol world. Under its unprepossessing appearance, it hides the sickle of the god of death. Reap as much as you can! Hit the target and get upgrade points."

After taking a quick look at the data of the lv7 god-level pistol, Lin Feng was overjoyed. This leapfrog upgrade not only doubled his range and fully stocked his bullets, but also accelerated the bullet recovery again.

But the most important thing is that a certain attribute he has always cared about has finally appeared!

An important indicator for measuring the firepower of a gun, the firing rate!

This small pistol in his hand should have been bought by Lin Youzhi from the black market. It is just a workshop product, a semi-automatic, low-quality imitation gun.

At the beginning, when it was below level 4, even if Lin Feng's index finger pulled the trigger and smoke came out, the firing rate was only 60 rounds per minute, which was equivalent to one round per second.

It looked fast, but in reality, facing the attack of giant insects, every second counted, and life and death were only in a blink of an eye.

So for the sake of insurance, Lin Feng always adopted the three-shot attack mode and rarely saved bullets in battle.

When it was upgraded to a legendary pistol, it had the power of a rifle, and the firing rate was barely increased to two rounds per second. When it was upgraded to level 6, it finally reached the maximum theoretical firing rate of an automatic rifle, 600 rounds per minute.

Ten bullets per second was barely enough to deal with ordinary insect swarms encircling and chasing, and it could be used to fight and retreat at the same time.

But now the fierce red beetle swarm has crowded into a tide in the corridor, like a tsunami.

In this case, the firing rate of ten rounds per second is obviously not enough.

At most, three or four giant insects can be dealt with in one second, and there are more than four or five insects in the front row of the insect tide, and the speed of advancement is as fast as eight or nine meters per second.

If the firing rate cannot be increased, Lin Feng can only retreat first and then fight, using the terrain to deal with them, and he cannot stop the insect tide outside the stairs.

But now it is different!

The lv7 god-level pistol has the power and performance of a machine gun. Not to mention that each bullet has a damage of up to 25 points, just relying on the newly added additional attribute, Metal Storm, Lin Feng can pour out fifty bullets in an instant, forming a metal waterfall and bullet torrent in front of the muzzle.

It is equivalent to ten automatic rifles, aiming at the same direction and firing at the same time!

Its power is so great that after Lin Feng used the Metal Storm ability without hesitation, he pulled the trigger and fired more than a hundred bullets in two seconds!

The dense bullets formed a rain of bullets, instantly shooting and killing more than twenty giant red beetles in the front row.

The fallen legs and the sprayed blood, the bullets penetrated their bodies while still maintaining strong kinetic energy, and continued to cause damage backwards.

As the surrounding walls were covered with bullet holes, the red beetles in the front row of the insect tide were all shot into sieves.

In just two seconds, Lin Feng killed all the red beetles that broke through the door and rushed into the corridor.

The giant insects that followed had to step over the piled up corpses of their companions before they could attack.

The speed of the insect tide slowed down a lot, and Lin Feng was temporarily relieved, but before he could be happy for long...

The wrist and arm holding the gun soon felt a sharp pain.

Shooting powerful bullets in a short period of time is equivalent to holding a heavy machine gun with one hand.

Unlike those postures against the shoulders and hips, the machine gun in Lin Feng's hand is only the size of a pistol. In addition to the new attributes, he was so happy that he completely forgot the strong recoil that the god-level pistol would produce under the high-speed shooting of the metal storm.

When it was still a legendary pistol, Lin Feng could still shoot with one hand with his strong physical attributes.

But now the firing rate of fifty bullets per second is like hitting Lin Feng's wrist fifty times in one second!

One hundred bullets in two seconds, I'm afraid even an iron fist can't bear it!

With Lin Feng's current level 6, with thirty points of physical attributes, he can't hold the god-level pistol with one hand, which shows the power of the metal storm attribute.

Unfortunately, the situation is urgent now, and it is impossible to upgrade the personal level, otherwise Lin Feng would definitely let both arms be strengthened by leaps and bounds.

Fortunately, the tingling sensation in the arms and wrists only lasted for a short while. With a strong physique, the tiny tears in the muscles gradually healed.

When the tingling occurred, Lin Feng looked back and saw the stunned female high school student holding a knife behind him.

Liu Yueqi, who was holding the knife handle, reacted quickly and saw Lin Feng put down the smoking muzzle of the gun and covered the arm holding the gun with his other hand...

Although it was not clear what this ability was, the incredible scene just now must have required Lin Feng to bear a great price before it could be brought into play.

So when he looked at her, Liu Yueqi realized that she was needed now to buy time for Lin Feng.

She held the shield with one hand, and with the other hand, she tightly grasped the much lighter level 4 Thousand Slash Knife and walked in front of Lin Feng.

Several giant insects that climbed over the pile of insect corpses on the opposite side blocked their attacks and swung the long knife in her hand.

With a knife in hand, he chopped off their insect heads neatly.

With 20 points of attack damage, it was easy to cut through the carapace of red beetles below level 5 and cut off their heads.

With Liu Yueqi carrying the front, Lin Feng got a moment of respite and quickly recovered from the internal injuries of his right arm.

Fortunately, he didn't shoot continuously just now. If he had kept the trigger pressed, the muscles and blood vessels of his entire arm might have been shattered.

After recovering, Lin Feng began to hold the gun with both hands, imitating the horse stance in the movie, stabilizing the shooting accuracy while hoping to resolve the strong recoil.

At this time, the number of red beetles gathered in front of him gradually increased.

Liu Yueqi, who was at level 4, could barely deal with three at the same time. Once the number of red beetles exceeded five, there would be a risk of injury.

She was very self-aware and quickly retreated and hid behind Lin Feng.

Within a dozen seconds, Liu Yueqi successfully killed three red beetles and successfully completed the evolution of level 5. The heat flow into her body made her energetic and full of vitality.

Lin Feng slowly raised the level 7 god-level pistol and used a burst shooting method to aim at the eight or nine red beetles in front of him.

They were relatively small, about two meters, and their level did not exceed level 7. It was difficult for giant red beetles over three meters to climb over the pile of insect corpses.

There is no need to use the high rate of fire of Metal Storm to deal with these individual monsters. Ordinary bursts of fire, three or four bullets at a time, are enough to deal with them.

Lin Feng slowly dealt with several red beetles, resting while waiting for the next wave of insects to come.

The number of insects entering the dormitory building was at most more than 200. At least more than 40 of the current batch died, and some of them hid behind the pile of insect corpses, standing and watching.

Although the spiritual attributes of the red beetles are low, it does not mean that they have no consciousness and wisdom. On the contrary, the red beetles are very smart in how to survive.

Now that they encounter a strong enemy like Lin Feng, after suffering a loss once, they no longer act rashly, but use their chelicerae to hit the floor tiles and walls, making rhythmic knocking sounds.

Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong!

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes. This is some kind of signal. They are calling their own kind, just like a wolf howling.

This group of red beetles seemed to have their own unique way of communication, and wanted to launch a new round of attacks through the advantage of overwhelming numbers.

Very thoughtful, but unfortunately, the person they met was Lin Feng, who held a lv7 god-level pistol!

At this moment, Liu Yueqi behind him also gradually discovered the situation outside the pile of giant insect corpses, and a trace of worry appeared in her eyes.

But when she saw the man in front of her, she held her breath and lowered her body, just like the revolver cowboy ready to fight before the duel in the western movie, with a calm expression showing confidence.

It was this confidence that made Liu Yueqi's nervous heart and worried emotions inexplicably calm down.

After taking a deep breath, Liu Yueqi stood up the red carapace, clenched the Thousand Cut Knife in her hand, and decided to stay with Lin Feng to witness the miracle with him!

The long wait passed by minute by minute, and with the rhythmic knocking sound, the ground on the tenth floor of the dormitory building shook slightly.

At the entrance and exit of the stairs, a dense mass of giant red beetles followed the call and rushed into the corridor, gathering in front of the pile of corpses of their companions.

There were so many of them that they piled up layer by layer in the narrow corridor, forming an airtight insect nest.

With the end of the last knock, countless swarms of red beetles broke through the three-meter-high pile of corpses in front of them and quickly crawled towards Lin Feng and his companions.

Lin Feng's eyes widened. Now is the time!

The index fingers holding the guns in both hands pulled the trigger.

The bullets poured out like a floodgate.

Under Lin Feng's continuous left and right deviation operation, the fired bullets formed a piece of iron rain, evenly falling in every area of ​​the corridor.

The bright yellow metal jet penetrated the corridor and directly smashed the windows and walls at the end of the corridor.

The lives of hundreds of red beetles died in an instant.

Their corpses blocked the entire corridor, piled up all the way to the stairs, and completely blocked the subsequent swarms of red beetles.

Ten seconds later, Lin Feng slowly lowered the gun.

The shield armor transformed from the lv4 Red Armor Shield, the armor modules on both arms, all shattered and fell to the ground.

Blood stained the entire gun body from his knuckles.

The continuous impact of 500 bullets tore the skin of his palms, and the subcutaneous muscles were ulcerated.

Fortunately, the attack of the Red Beetle was successfully stopped.

Liu Yueqi was frightened and her legs went limp. She supported the handle of the knife and looked at the man with awe and fear.

Lin Feng slowly turned around, shook the blood off his palms, and replied in a hoarse voice:

"Let's go to the rooftop."

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