End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 27: Final Rush, Upgrade Completed

"Don't look back, look ahead!"

"Hold the steering wheel tight! Don't shake your hands! Don't crash the car!"

"Calm down, trust me, we can get out!"

Lin Feng kept reminding him. It wasn't that he didn't want to drive, but the scattered red beetles behind him, after the Queen Mother appeared, rushed towards the RV like stimulants.

This forced him to lean out, raise his pistol, and shoot at the thousands of red beetles behind him.

Block their pace and distance the RV.

Fortunately, the speed of this group of guys is much slower than that of the black-backed beetles, only 20 to 30 yards. The RV quickly got rid of them after driving to 80 yards.

But Lin Feng didn't take it lightly. Who knows where a few black-backed beetles will jump out and overturn the RV.

At the moment, he must be extremely cautious and pay attention to the situation nearby at all times. As Qin Hu said, it is not safe if you are not 30 kilometers away from the Queen Mother.

Fortunately, this RV has a very high configuration, and it is a high-end brand like Benz, so the central control system is very good.

In addition, the original owner modified it, so even if it drove a hundred yards, the body was extremely stable, and there was no violent vibration.

The roar of the RV engine hummed.

At this moment, it became the most secure sound of nature.

With Lin Feng's encouragement and comfort, Chen Yanyan wiped away the tears and snot secreted due to extreme panic, and gradually stabilized her emotions.

The two hot slaps on her face also restored her stiff and numb limbs. Under the stimulation of a large amount of adrenaline, combined with the upgraded and strengthened warm current, a steady stream of power poured into her body.

Only then did they overcome their fear and staged a doomsday hurricane.

After driving away from the insect tide behind them without any danger, the two dared to breathe heavily.

Lin Feng stepped back from the car window and stared at the rearview mirror:

"Slow down a bit, keep it at 70 or 80 mph. We won't be caught up now, just don't get into a car accident."

"Wait for the next intersection, there's a highway entrance, let's go directly on the highway."

Chen Yanyan nodded, slowly released the accelerator that she had been pressing tightly, and slowed down the car.

At this moment, Lin Feng's own lv9 upgrade was completed, and the attribute data did not change much:

"Lin Feng, lv9/9"

"HP 50, PH 45, SP 50"

"Leap-level ability: Hawkeye lv11, God Arm lv11"

"Equipment: God-level pistol lv9/9 (upgrading)"

In addition to the increase of 5 points in HP and PH, Lin Feng's spiritual attribute increased very rapidly this time, increasing by a full nine points to 50.

The psychological shadow left by watching the Zerg Queen before was swept away at this moment, and the heaviness in his heart was reduced a little.

The results of the appraisal just now appeared in front of him:

"Queen Mother, lv32/39"

"12k HP, 2.1k physique, 2.5k spirit"

"High-level unit of Zerg, low-level Zerg breeder and commander, with extremely high HP and spirit, Zerg frontline base, strong defense, and extremely slow movement speed"

This luxurious data made Lin Feng's eyes dazed.

With a HP of up to 12,000 and strong defense, even a large-yield missile can't kill it completely! ?

Unless the strongest weapon of mankind, nuclear bombs, is used, Lin Feng doesn't know what other ways to kill such a destructive beast.

And the files sent by the Federal Research Institute show that the real reason why the Zerg Queen Mother is so difficult to kill is that this guy will only break out of the ground when launching an attack, release a large number of low-level Zerg swarms to the surface, and command them to attack.

The rest of the time, they either hide deep underground or there will be many flying units around them, responsible for surveillance and surveillance. Human aircraft bombing or missile targeting will be known in advance by these flying insects.

This is why the Queen Mother is difficult to kill.

Not only is she tough and thick, but she also has many eyes in the sky, which can know the overall situation, control low-level units, and resist damage for herself.

Human long-range means cannot break the defense, and land forces cannot stop the rolling insect tide, so they retreat step by step and find it difficult to recover the lost land along the coast.

Lin Feng took a deep breath. He and Chen Yanyan had only one idea in their heads at this moment, run!

The farther the better!

After walking more than ten kilometers, they soon arrived at the place where they parked before.

Qin Hu and Zhang Xuan had already walked out of the residential area, and there were still many people in the school bus behind them who wanted to search for more supplies. The driver and the survivors on the bus were calling at the door, urging them to gather and set off.

This place is less than 20 kilometers away from the south of the city where the Queen Mother appeared. It is completely within the attack range of the black-spine insect tide and is not safe at all.

Without any delay, Lin Feng ordered Chen Yanyan to continue driving and just slow down a little. When they passed by, he opened the window and shouted:

"Run! Get on the highway!"

After that, he drove westward at full speed.

Seeing Lin Feng and the other two fleeing in such a hurry, Qin Hu's face darkened, and he recalled the scream he heard in a trance when he was searching for supplies in the room just now...

Because of the long distance and the obstruction of the house, Qin Hu didn't hear clearly what the scream was at first.

But out of instinctive caution, he decided not to stay any longer, and urged everyone to return and set off early.

So he happened to meet Lin Feng and the other two who had changed to a motorhome, and when he heard Lin Feng say the word run, he recalled the scream, which seemed to have been heard once on the front battlefield.

Qin Hu's expression changed from heavy to worried, and finally to fear:

"Let's go! Get in the car and leave, we can't wait any longer!!!"

After saying that, Qin Hu got directly into the passenger seat and urged the driver, Zhang Xuan, to start the engine and drive off.

Although Zhang Xuan was a little confused, he still obeyed Qin Hu's order and kicked off the accelerator. He asked as he drove on the road:

"what happened……"

Qin Hu took a deep breath and instead of answering him directly, he asked:

"Did you see a large number of worker insects gathering in the southern district of Haicheng? The kind of insects with red backs that gather together together?"

Zhang Xuan looked back at the two women behind him. After the three of them looked at each other, they nodded in unison:

"Yes, it's in the main campus square of Haicheng University."

Qin Hu solved the doubts in his heart and said with some relief:

"I see, it's true! Fortunately, I ran fast. If we had been slower to leave the city, our group would have been buried in the sea of ​​insects!"

Zhang Xuan was even more confused, as were the two women in the back row.

"Concentrate on driving and don't get into an accident! Go all the way to the end of this road. The large troops may have already evacuated the outskirts of the city. We have to catch up with them!"

Qin Hu stared at the rearview mirror with lingering fear, and his thoughts returned to yesterday:

"The place where workers and insects gather together is digging underground tunnels."

"There was a scream just now, did you hear it?"

"That's the super giant insect from the Zerg tribe. We call it a land mother insect. Like an aircraft carrier, it can release a large number of soldier insects."

"It was also at that time that after the female land worm screamed, countless black spine worms rushed towards us."

"The entire line collapsed, and more than half of the personnel were killed or injured. We, who were originally ambitious and wanted to take the initiative and regain Haicheng, turned offense into defense. We could only try our best to stop the alien insect swarm from encroaching inwards..."

After finishing speaking, Qin Hu fell into silence for a long time, and the car became dead silent.

Until Liu Yueqi looked out the window and asked softly:

"Sir Qin, how many times have you strengthened it?"

Seeing that there was only one school bus behind him and not the swarm of insects chasing after him, Qin Hu let out a long breath:

"I have killed several soldier bugs. According to the researchers accompanying the team, I have surpassed nine enhancements and reached the early stage of first-order awakening."

"And the superpower I awakened is a general physical enhancement. They call it a Berserker."

"It can greatly increase the physical fitness value in a short period of time. I used this ability when I leaned out and took aim before, so I was able to stabilize my body and seriously injure soldiers."

Perhaps he was lucky to have survived the disaster, but Qin Hu, who was taciturn, seemed to open up his chat box at this moment, using the method of talking to relieve the fear tumbling in his heart.

He was the only one here who had ever seen a sky filled with black spine worms, charging madly without fear of death, while the human front line was a tragic scene with no trace left.

The other three people in the car swallowed their saliva. No one thought that they were only a few hundred meters or a few hours away from death...

"Let's go. Fortunately, that guy went back and saw what happened in the city. Otherwise, by the time we find out, we won't be able to escape."

Qin Hu looked at the RV speeding ahead. It was not going very fast. Zhang Xuan's car quickly caught up with it and followed the RV onto the highway, heading west.

On the school bus following closely behind, there were originally more than twenty survivors, now one-third less, including the driver, there were only about ten people left.

The rest of the people coveted the few supplies and were left in the community forever to welcome death.

The thrilling escape lasts for more than half an hour.

When I saw the highway in the distance, it was full of blocked vehicles, and some soldiers with guns were maintaining order. The scene was extremely noisy and chaotic...

Lin Feng then breathed a sigh of relief.

After running for forty kilometers and leaving Haicheng for nearly a hundred kilometers, they finally caught up with the large fleeing force.

Out of danger for now!

This is when Lin Feng's mind moved and he looked at the bright black pistol tightly held in his hand:

"Level-up upgrade completed!"

"Blast gun lv10/19, red quality"

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