End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 32: Live Insect Business, Administration (Please read on!)

"Mr. Lin's wisdom is admirable. Sure enough, only such a smart person can awaken such a rare power as super bullets."

Hu Fei's sincere tone was filled with exclamation.

As powerful as the army, awakened people abound. Nearly 10% of the soldiers have awakened, but less than 10% of them can awaken their shooting talents, and among these lucky ones, only 10% part, awakening the rare super power of super bullets.

Those who can shoot super bullets are the chosen ones. Luck and talent are indispensable.

Because they can actually use dark energy to give the bullets they fired all kinds of incredible properties and powers.

Lin Feng frowned slightly. After reading the internal files, he knew these things better than Hu Fei.

Sensing a trace of Mr. Lin's displeasure, Hu Fei immediately changed his attitude to a calm one.

Since compliments don't work, get right to the point.

Hu Fei took out an identity card. It was the same as the employment identity card Lin Feng had. He was also from the administration.

"You see, we are all colleagues, but I am responsible for the logistics department."

"Many of the materials found on bugs are very valuable."

“Not only are the officials collecting them aggressively, but many companies and groups in the rear area are also very interested in them.”

"For example, the carapace of the red beetle and the giant jaws of the black spine insect. The price of these things can be exchanged for the most precious resources at present, food, medicine, gasoline, and even scarce weapons and ammunition."

Lin Feng shook his head and interrupted Hu Fei's talk:

"These are not needed at the moment."

Hu Fei raised his eyebrows and smiled:

"Of course, I'm not here to acquire these giant jaws that symbolize your strength..."

"I'm here specifically for Mr. Lin."

As he spoke, he lowered his voice:

"Mr. Lin's awakened superpowers are even more powerful than those of many deeply awakened ability users."

"I have a big order here, maybe Mr. Lin will be interested. After it is completed, it can bring you anything you want."

Lin Feng pushed away the business card on the table and said calmly:

"I won't take the order to rescue people. Haicheng is hopeless now. Even if the army comes, they will die. Let those big shots give up."

After hearing what Lin Feng said, Hu Fei shook his head:

"No, rescuing people should be left to more professional people. We all care about our lives."

"The business I bring to Mr. Lin is more valuable and more satisfying to you."

Hu Fei took a deep breath and said in a low voice:

"Mr. Lin, I urgently need a batch of low-level insects here, whether they are red beetles or black spine insects."

Lin Feng realized something instantly and his pupils shrank:

"You mean, live insects?"

Hu Fei nodded slightly and raised the corners of his mouth:

"You can shoot off their legs, or even half of their body. They have already experimented with it. The Zerg have extremely tenacious vitality. As long as they can be delivered to me alive, I can pay any price."

"No matter what you need, I can satisfy you within my ability."

"I think you are the only one in the entire Jianghai Expressway who has the strength and courage to take it on."

Lin Feng's brain was running rapidly. He knew very well that there were countless employers behind this kind of business, and each of them had a great background.

Hu Fei is indeed an authentic businessman.

He has a flexible mind and a lot of courage.

It had only been two days since the alien insect swarm attacked, but he had found a way to make huge profits ten thousand times more than any business recorded in the criminal law.

At present, the government has not strictly controlled it. This kind of gray area business is completely a blue ocean, and countless upper-class people and wealthy people will flock to it.

Because the final result of individual strengthening will be that the existing rules for measuring status in terms of money will be broken.

Wealth no longer brings power, and votes cannot transfer popular power. Only individual strength will soon become an important criterion for measuring social status.

When the people at the bottom are struggling for food and clothing, when the former middle class are still confused and anxious because of their status and bankruptcy...

Those at the top have keenly sensed that the times are quietly changing and a new trend is coming.

They will use existing resources in exchange for new identity targets at all costs, constantly enhance their own strength, and keep themselves in control.

Lin Feng could only go with the flow, and he could not change it. The tide was about to rise, and countless creatures would be ruthlessly crushed under the rolling wheels.

Sister Yurou had mentioned this to herself in bed, and what Lin Feng had to do was to take advantage of the benefits brought by this business, seize resources, and rise as quickly as possible.

"I need this."

Lin Feng waved his hand and asked Chen Yanyan to bring her long knife. It was already a level 2 long knife. The upgraded material was naturally no longer the original one, but became lighter and harder.

"First give me a ton of fine steel of this strength and make it into an iron plate with a thickness of more than ten millimeters."

"The rest of the food, gasoline, etc., can provide enough food and drink for my people. As for weapons, I need powerful explosives."

Hu Fei took the long sword and observed the formation carefully:

"Yes. Mr. Lin's requirements can be met, as long as there are enough low-level insects."

"Especially this time, if you can bring back a living black spine worm, the needed supplies will be delivered to you tomorrow."

"We can also send professional technicians to help you continue to modify this RV and turn it into an armored vehicle."

Lin Feng shook his head and declined Hu Fei's kindness:

"Just prepare the supplies. I need to fill up the gas first."

Hu Fei stood up slowly:

"No problem at all. This hundred and ten liters of gasoline can be regarded as our first cooperation and a meeting gift for you."

"The teams participating in this mission are about to assemble and set off. I think Mr. Lin should set off now."

Lin Feng nodded, put away the business card on the table, stood up and shook hands with Hu Fei to reach cooperation.

"I'll clear the way for you in front."

After leaving a few words, Hu Fei returned to his car. He was driving a large off-road vehicle with an all-steel frame. It had no shortcomings except that it was a gas-powered vehicle.

Lin Feng put away the tables and chairs and called to the two girls:

"Let's go, it's time to report on the job."

Chen Yanyan took the pistol from Lin Feng and walked into the driver's seat excitedly.

Liu Yueqi looked back at Liu Ruojiao, who was full of apologies in the car behind her.

While Lin Feng was negotiating the business, Zhang Xuan tried his best to persuade his fiancée with sweet words and persuasive words, and made Liu Ruojiao change her mind and agree to Liu Yueqi temporarily joining the Management Bureau.

But the premise is to follow Lin Feng.

There is no doubt about Lin Feng's strength, judging from the attitude of the staff at the Recruitment Department and the fact that big figures in the administration now come to visit him respectfully...

Everyone can see that Lin Feng is now the person with the highest status here.

Liu Yueqi struggled for a moment and told Lin Feng that she wanted to take her aunt there.

Lin Feng pulled down the window:

"Why, you still want to abandon her here and leave her to that guy Zhang Xuan? After all, she is also your relative, but she was too well protected before, too traditional and conservative, and you can't accept it in a short time. The fierceness of the world Change."

"Besides, she is also worried about you. If you were my sister, no matter what, I would not let you take a broken knife and go up to fight with the giant insect."

"Go back. Your efforts are not only for yourself, but also to protect those around you."

"When you get food and gasoline, no one is qualified to judge you."

Liu Yueqi nodded, relieved her knot, returned to the back car to accept her aunt's apology, and then sat in the back seat.

Of course, she won't apologize.

Because what Lin Feng said was right, she was right.

And what is right is right.


The RV and the car behind him slowly started to follow Hu Fei, who had been waiting for a long time in the emergency lane.

The two cars, one behind the other, followed Hu Fei for more than 20 kilometers and arrived at a service area.

There is an inspection checkpoint every five kilometers on the road, and those who want to jump in line have no way to go.

After arriving at the brightly lit service area, Lin Feng saw hundreds of cars parked here. At the previously closed rear, the fence had been bulldozed and a road connected the same blocked provincial and county roads.

The gas station next to the exit was tightly controlled by more than a dozen soldiers armed with live ammunition.

I guess it's the same in urban areas.

As long as we control gasoline and diesel, we can control the pace of migration refugees and make way for the transfer of some important supplies in advance.

After driving into the parking lot of the minibus, Lin Feng and the others followed Hu Fei and walked to the shopping mall in the service area. The supermarket was still running normally, and the toilets nearby were available and they could get hot water.

But it is only limited to management personnel and their families, and ordinary people only have a rated amount of three to four liters per day.

The temporary office of the Management Bureau is located in a rest hotel nearby. At this time, forty or fifty enhanced people and awakened people have gathered outside the door.

They are all participants in this emergency mission.

There are more men than women, and most of them are strong men.

They have all killed bugs before, and their courage and strength are not small.

Seeing that Hu Fei finally brought Mr. Lin, Han Yuxin, who was trying to maintain order, secretly breathed a sigh of relief and announced:

"Okay, everyone, everyone is here."

After saying that, dozens of eyes looked at Lin Feng and the others, especially the leading young man.

A wave of doubts emerged in their minds. The man in short-sleeved pants and short sleeves that they had been waiting for for a long time...

What's the origin?

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