End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 340: Ready to go, Thunder Warrior Fusion Plan

After confirming the transformation plan of the Thunder Warrior, Lin Feng drove the rested lv36 colonization armor and headed north to the 100-ton dock in Gancheng.

The river here is only 60 to 70 meters wide, and can only pass a 10-meter-wide ship, which can carry a load of 500 tons at most.

Therefore, the supplies transported to the front line are like a road for ants to move, like a trickle, continuous.

But the delivery input is too low.

In order to ensure the logistics supply of the nearly 40,000 Salvation Army, at least tens of thousands of tons of supplies must be delivered, including food, replacement armor, and the most important medical supplies.

Once the war enters the white-hot stage of stalemate.

There will be more and more bloody close combats, and the demand for nutrient solution and medicine, as well as the number of medical rescue personnel on the front line, will increase exponentially.

Fortunately, during the days when Lin Feng was away, good news came from the Wucheng base in the rear. With the help of hundreds of second-level combat group members, Zhang Yurou successfully launched a clearing operation.

By winning over the management of the middle and lower levels and using a large number of second-level awakeners under his command, all the middle and upper levels of the entire Iron and Steel United Group were captured and detained in the bureau.

As for the several elders of the board of directors, except for her father who was arranged to go to the northern mining area to appease the people, the other members were all confined to their homes.

As the highest executive president of the entire alliance, Sister Yu Rou is now the highest-level existence in the public.

It is natural to take over all matters.

And immediately began to transport supplies to the Salvation Army far away in Mingcheng, Minzhou, and provide logistical supplies.

However, the problem now is that the transportation route is too far, and the river is too narrow. It is necessary to cross several rivers, load and unload at the dock and start again.

After entering Ganzhou, the large ship of thousands of tons can only be replaced by a small boat of hundreds of tons. It takes broad daylight to unload and load the supplies.

Most of the manpower and material resources are wasted in transportation. Often, a thousand tons of supplies require hundreds of tons of supplies to ensure that it is delivered to the front line.

The transportation tools for delivery are not good, the cost on the road is too high, and a lot of precious resources are wasted.

This is why in ancient times when transportation was inconvenient, marching and fighting all emphasized the theory that food and grass should be sent before the troops move.

Because in actual wars, after the original infrastructure and operation system were destroyed and paralyzed, they could only be transported thousands of miles by manpower.

This is still the convenience of the river.

The use of river transportation greatly reduces losses.

Otherwise, the cost of delivery cannot be less than 100%, at least twice or three times the consumption.

That is, if one thousand tons of supplies are delivered to the front line, the transportation cost in the rear is as high as two or three thousand tons.

Such consumption, even the Zerg cannot bear it.

All before Chen Yanyan accepted the work and began to deal with the plans of the Salvation Army, she informed Lin Feng of the request and suggestions sent by Zhang Yurou.

That is, on the map of the southern part of the Federation, a new location must be selected as a transit point for the delivery of supplies and a temporary front-line storage base.

At present, the location of Gancheng is still too far and too awkward, which not only affects the delivery efficiency, but also increases the delivery cost.

Zhang Yurou's suggestion is to choose Rucheng near Gancheng for material delivery.

Rucheng is located on the left side of Gancheng. It is the border between Yuezhou and Xiangzhou. It is also the place where the Zerg troops are currently piled up. If the Salvation Army does not clamp down on it in the future...

This part of the Zerg army is likely to march north, take down the southern cities of Xiangzhou, and approach the Donghu below the Wucheng base.

There is also a large base there, Shacheng.

It is an annex of the Wucheng base, which is responsible for the refining and forging of colored gold, and sending the finished metal ingots to Wucheng for deep processing.

As the only branch of the Iron and Steel Alliance Group, Shacheng must not be exposed to the Zerg offensive.

Therefore, Zhang Yurou's move, in addition to seeing that Rucheng can directly reach Donghu through the Xiang River, and finally reach the Wucheng base by taking the big river, also wants to use the power of the Salvation Army to build an impenetrable solid front before the cities below the Sand City.

Lin Feng has no opinion on this. After all, he still has to deploy troops and set up defenses in the end. If left alone, the late queen in Yuecheng will expand the territory, absorb the accumulated biomass, hatch countless third-level Zergs, and break the human defense line into pieces.

At this moment on the dock, Lin Feng upgraded a 100-ton small second-level initial lv20 cargo ship, using the power of artistic conception to upgrade it to a lv29 land cruiser.

Then he gave Wang Lei, the third-level awakener stationed here, the task of preparing for the transfer:

"You will lead this second-level battle group of 100 people, cooperate with three dreadnought battleships, and go to Rucheng on the west side to build a temporary dock there."

"80% of our material supplies are now transported by the Wucheng base. Going through Rucheng can save 40% of the transportation distance and more than half of the time."

"But the problem is that Rucheng is 50 kilometers away, which is the intersection of the state borders of Xiangzhou and Yuezhou. There are already tens of thousands of Zerg troops nearby, gathered there."

"I will continue to send three more hundred-man battle groups and more than 10,000 soldiers to ensure the stability and reliability of Rucheng's defense line and the abundance of rotating troops."

After the instructions, Lin Feng immediately boarded the brand-new lv29 land cruiser behind him, and the colonized mecha also docked on it.

Although the upgraded Land Cruiser is on par with the Dreadnought, its firepower is as weak as that of the Flying Wing Chariot, so as to obtain more abundant forward power and storage space.

At this moment, the Land Cruiser is a hundred meters long and twenty meters wide, and can accommodate 10,000 cubic meters of cargo. When the maximum load is below 3,000 tons, it will not affect its average speed of 200 kilometers per hour on land.

Specially designed for transporting goods.

Rushing all the way to the outskirts of Mingcheng, Lin Feng went to the combat command center when passing by and announced his arrangements for Rucheng.

Let Chen Yanyan discuss specific implementation measures with a planning staff.

Then continue to board the battleship and rush to the coastal area of ​​Minzhou.

After an hour, the empty ship traveled more than 200 kilometers and saw the coastline not far away.

Then, with a sky-high momentum, it plunged into the vast ocean, gained the buoyancy of the sea water, and the giant tires and tracks under the hull changed into a row of propellers, and then drove at full speed to the depths of the sea.

According to Lin Feng's arrangement before he left, Jiang Yuner was asked to control her fully loaded land cruiser, 50 kilometers away from the coastline, and circle the southern part of the Federation.

In this way, they could reach Minzhou.

And there was no need to worry about being discovered by the Zerg Queen, because the barrier of seawater to mental power was even more serious than underground.

The underground area was reduced by ten times, one tenth of its original area, while the seawater was filled with water elements, and was basically airtight.

Moreover, the seawater also had extremely strong water pressure. When it went down, the seawater was under pressure from the upper layer, and the gaps between atomic molecules would become tighter, and the density would naturally increase.

So the original coverage of 100 kilometers was less than one kilometer in the ocean.

Even at ultra-low altitude above the sea surface, the perception would become blurred and distorted in the distance due to the influence of sea breeze and steam.

So as long as it was far enough away from the coastline, the Zerg would not be able to find Jiang Yuner's trace.

In addition to her own mental cover, there was no need to worry about this matter.

When Lin Feng rushed all the way, he found the traces of Jiang Yuner and the Land Cruiser at the junction of Guizhou and Yuezhou, 800 kilometers away.

After the successful meeting, half of the fully loaded Land Cruiser was divided into another empty ship.

In this way, each side has half, and each ship is less than 3,000 tons. There is no need to worry about the weight pressure under full load, which leads to the problem of slow speed.

The Land Cruiser, which originally had a speed of only 50 kilometers per hour, suddenly increased to more than 100 kilometers per hour.

More than twice as fast as before.

Soon you arrived near the coast of Minzhou five hours later, and found the seaport where you disembarked when you came. Lin Feng controlled the two warships, one after the other, and completed the landing in turn.

Carrying one-third of the upper limit of the load, the speed of the two Land Cruisers did not drop significantly. They can still maintain a speed of 150 kilometers per hour on land, and it takes less than two hours to reach Mingcheng.

Two hours later, when two land cruisers entered the outskirts of Mingcheng, Chen Yanyan had brought five logistics warships to assist in the transfer of the second-level insect eggs.

And the most important mother queen brain.

Now, in addition to the human strongmen of the same level and the third-level weapons and equipment in Lin Feng's hands, the only weapons that can threaten the third-level Zerg are weapons mixed with golden plate bones.

For example, the lv29 golden chain saw sword.

And their source is naturally the golden ball plate bones outside the eighteen mother queen brains in front of them.

Fifteen early-stage mother queens, each with an average of fifty tons, a total of about eight hundred tons, and three mid-stage ones, all with more than a hundred tons, the two add up to a full eleven hundred tons.

According to the content of more than one ton in a tiger tooth chain saw sword, it can probably make a thousand second-level peak golden chain saw swords.

Their cutting ability far exceeds that of ordinary second-level weapons. Even the king spine worm of the third early stage, with a solid armor tempered by magma, can't withstand the blow from the mother queen's golden plate bones.

In addition to the Zerg Queen, the Golden Chainsaw Sword can cause substantial damage to all Tier 3 Zergs.

One thousand Golden Chainsaw Swords are just right for the Thunder Warriors that are about to be born in batches to be assembled and formed.

Combined with the biological colonization suits of electric drive cells, a large number of Tier 2 peak Thunder Warriors that can threaten Tier 3 Zergs are about to enter the battlefield.

Not long after, Liu Yi in the research ship completed the transformation. After Lin Feng checked that there was no problem, he consumed an upgrade ability and equipped him with a real Tier 3 melee weapon, the lv30 Hunter King Chainsaw Sword!

There is also a set of Level 33 golden armor.

Combined with the electric drive cells in his body, activating the fourth-level state of the cosmic power, with such strength, it is not a big problem to deal with a Tier 3 mid-term Queen.

After completing the equipment enhancement, Lin Feng immediately appointed Liu Yi as the commander of Rucheng, replacing Wang Lei there, and he continued the electric drive cell fusion transformation.

Now every pure-blooded human Tier 3 awakener is extremely valuable and is the key to improving human power.

Moreover, it does not improve their combat effectiveness and increase their survival rate on the battlefield. Once killed by the third-level Zerg, the corpse will be captured by the late-stage Queen Mother, which can make it rise to the next level.

Become a terrifying existence of level 38.

The power of summoning the arrival of the God Realm has become stronger, making it more difficult to kill.

After completing the deployment, Lin Feng came to the two sealed scientific research ships.

As soon as Jiang Yuner arrived in Mingcheng, she was called away by Lingyi to help deal with the work related to the Thunder Warrior Project.

They still have two and a half days, less than fifty hours in total, to develop a light power armor that can carry fourth-order cells and play a role.

They need to add biological tissue structure to the inside of the Flying Tiger Armor of the original second-order regiment members, and integrate the muscle extension and driving function.

Let the third-order cells in the body of the transformed Thunder Warrior activate the electric drive armor and exert a certain degree of fourth-order cosmic power.

Lin Feng entered the laboratory of the scientific research ship and discussed the property plan of the light power armor with Long Yi.

"What are the arrangements now?"

Long Yi is debugging a group of third-order cells from Zhou Di.

Observe and experiment whether they can form a stable contact fusion with the cells of human second-order awakeners.

After all, in terms of the manifestation of superpowers, the third-order cells include the second-order cells, which is equivalent to the second-order cells with physical enhancement superpowers, and is a subset of the third-order cells.

The third-order cells are derived from the second-order, but the gene content and expression contained in the cells are much higher than the second-order cells.

Therefore, if the second-order cells want to withstand this force, they must be replaced selectively.

Replace their own structure and expression with the core part of the third-order cells, and discard the other additional functions.

Only the part that can activate the fourth-order electric-driven cells is needed to control the electric-driven light armor outside the body.

At present, there are three plans for the second-stage late-stage battle group members who participate in this transformation plan, and they often choose to transform:

"The first is the most radical plan No. 1."

"Pull the fusion degree to the maximum 30% upper limit, and then it can stimulate the three-fold physical improvement of the colonization armor, which can allow the awakened person of the first and second stages to burst out the middle-level power of the third stage."

"It can barely resist the attack of a third-stage early-stage king spinal worm, and with the golden chain saw sword you made, it can even counterattack."

Lin Feng nodded, three times the strength is probably the threshold of level 32.

Challenging the early king spinal worm is indeed no problem.

Then, Long Yi changed the subject:

"But the price of doing so is also high. Such a high degree of fusion requires the consumption of a large number of second-order cells in the body, accelerating the proliferation and division of stem cells, and thus madly overdrawing their life potential."

"At the moment of activation, the chance will consume 1% of vitality, and every minute thereafter, it will consume 1%."

"It sounds very exaggerated, but it is the fact. They are just late-stage second-order awakeners, and they have not even awakened and mastered the power of artistic conception. They are the most ordinary existences."

"If mortals want to master the power of God, they will continue to pay a corresponding high price!"

Lin Feng's mouth twitched,

1% per minute...

A peak second-order warrior,

can only fight for an hour and a half,

will be exhausted and completely old and die...

The price is too high.

"No, let's go to the next one!"

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