End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 342 Negotiations with the Late Queen Mother, the Road to Becoming King

The title is wrong, Chapter 342.

The soldiers at the frontline post sent the mixed second-order Zerg team and the remaining white cloth to the Mingcheng camp 150 kilometers away overnight.

Mainly because the above content is a bit too scary.

When the things were sent to the command post by the second-tier late stage team leader of the second-tier battle group, Lin Feng had already received the news in advance, walked out of the scientific research ship, and sat in the command post to wait.

The team leader presented the white cloth with great respect.

Lin Feng took it and took a look. The first side was densely written with blood and crooked hieroglyphs.

On the other side are the crooked federal characters.

The word "negotiation" can be vaguely discerned.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, and everyone present felt the same, especially some old people who had experienced several human-insect wars earlier, and they also felt unbelievable.

This is the first time that humans have received an invitation to negotiate from the Zerg.

Someone said:

"Could it be that our Salvation Army is strong enough to make the Zerg Queen choose to give in?"

"Perhaps this is true. After all, we have captured most of the southern part of the federation, and now only three places are left: Guangdong, Guizhou, and Dianzhou."

"As long as the last late mother queen is killed, the entire southern border of the Federation can be unified and the empire can be officially established."

"And last month, one of our Beishan rescue teams, under the leadership of the leader, completed the siege of the federal capital and rescued millions of survivors. At the same time, it also received support from top federal officials and all over the north. "

"Obviously this is the late Queen Mother who is afraid."

"I'm worried that in the front-line battlefield and the top-level strength showdown, both sides will lose in the end."

But there are also worried and rational people who believe that this is just a delaying tactic by the Zerg Queen.

I want to use this to confuse the Salvation Army and extend the time for the mother queen's high-level Zerg reserve plan in the later stage.

As more and more Tier 3 Zerg hatch, the balance of victory will gradually tilt towards it:

"This logic of yours simply does not hold water. In the eyes of the Late Mother Queen, if it and its millions of Zerg troops cannot withstand the Salvation Army's offensive, the first thing the Late Mother Queen should do is to withdraw its troops, shrink its strength, and Collect your troops and hoard them where the terrain is more favorable."

"At the same time, it will leave the front line to prevent our third-level powerhouses, led by the supreme legion commander, from going to behead it."

"This invitation to negotiate was hidden on the body of the Samurai Hunter. It is obviously just a way for the mother queen in the later period to prevent the team from being wiped out."

"This time, more than a hundred second-order Zerg species brazenly crossed the state boundary set by our tacit agreement and attacked the frontline outpost."

"This is the result of our frontline soldiers winning the battle, but what if we lose?"

"In the later stage, the Mother Queen will find that as long as she organizes a hundred second-order Zerg, she can destroy a stronghold of the Human Salvation Army and kill more than a dozen second-order battle group members and hundreds of first-order soldiers."

"Everyone, our total strength is less than 40,000, and the number of second-order battle group members is only more than 2,500. More than half of them, in the battle of Hangcheng and Mingcheng, relied on Zhejiang The new second-level army was just cultivated by the Zerg tribe in Zhouzhou and Minzhou.”

"But in the later period, the number of second-order insect swarms of the millions of insect swarms under the Queen Mother alone numbered more than 10,000. This is only a conservative statistic."

"Once the Late Mother Queen understands that she can rely on the Zerg's numerical advantage to directly consume the Salvation Army alive..."

"Do you think this white cloth inviting negotiation will still appear here?"

"The Zerg Mother Queen never thought about negotiating from the beginning to the end."

"Especially since it now has three states, as well as the small subcontinent country in the southern part of the federation, and there are also insect swarms that are penetrating and expanding inland."

"It has enough biomass resources to create thousands of second-order Zerg species, as well as third-order Zerg species that are hatching..."

"Before we fight another battle, this negotiation will either test the reality or delay time!"

After this person finished speaking, someone wanted to put forward new opinions. Lin Feng pinched his eyebrows, looked at Chen Yanyan who was also helpless on the side, and sighed:

"Ask them to sort out one piece. I'll go look for Chiyi first and see if the hieroglyphics on the back have any special meaning."

Chen Yanyan patted Lin Feng on the shoulder:

"It's okay, go ahead. Just leave it to me."

Lin Feng nodded and stood up slowly:

"Don't report this matter yet. The troops at the frontline post have done a good job. Let them rotate down and rest for a while."

Chen Yanyan hummed, understanding Lin Feng's intention.

The Zerg are willing to take the initiative to negotiate, which is not a good thing.

The Salvation Army includes the rear and human survivors. The general public is willing to unite as one and participate in the normal war against the invasion of alien aliens. The biggest reason and motivation is actually not that the former homeland was invaded by the Zerg. The biomass on Blue Star Resources are endlessly grabbed, absorbed and consumed...

But the Zerg always have a condescending attitude and do not have any communication with humans.

There is a kind of contempt that regards human beings as primitive animals, and destroying you has nothing to do with you.

It is also true that they refuse to answer and communicate, and they directly want to push across the world, destroy the existing order and civilization of Blue Star, and turn all humans into biomass resources for the advancement of the Zerg...

This kind of extermination expansion makes every human survivor deeply feel that their own death is close at hand.

Only then did strong resistance and support erupt.

If the news that the Zerg are willing to take the initiative to negotiate now spreads...

Lin Feng knew that even among the Salvation Army, there would be some signs of war weariness and giving up the fight.

Not to mention the survivors of the base who are not fighting on the front line, and those who are still in high positions of authority.

Maybe you have already popped your hat and toasted to celebrate this day.

It was after seeing through this that Lin Feng chose to become independent, pull out a team of his own, and train them into the most powerful resistance force in the mainland, the ever-victorious Salvation Army!

And if the news that the Zerg are willing to negotiate is leaked...

Among the strength of the bases in the rear area, and even among the top leaders of the Federation, there will definitely be a considerable proportion of human surrender faction.

Even if the Zerg puts forward any excessive conditions...

For example, leading the entire human race, like the Zerg tribe, surrenders, paying the price of being a slave in exchange for the chance of survival.

As long as their power and status among humans is not shaken, even if they are required to sacrifice tens of millions of men and women every year, or the abilities and artistic conception cell genes of first- and second-order awakened people, or even third-order awakened people...

They will offer it with respectful hands.

Lin Feng was worried about this, so he asked Chen Yanyan to keep it a secret for the time being.

After finding out whether the Queen Mother really wants to negotiate this time, or is taking advantage of the negotiation to achieve other goals, she will consider whether to make this news public.

With this thought in mind, Lin Feng took the white cloth dyed red and returned to the scientific research ship.

Before entering, there was a questioning voice from Zhiyi:

"Have you already been in contact with that late-stage mother queen?!"

Lin Feng slowly walked out of the shadow corridor and saw Zhiyi, who was replicating the fourth-order electric drive cells in the reproductive mecha, staring at his hand.

To be precise, it was the white cloth in my hand.

"Is this what it was given to you? No wonder it smells so bad."

Zhiyi frowned and spoke.

Lin Feng smiled:

"It seems that the relationship between your mother and queen is not harmonious."

"This was brought back by the soldiers on the front line. It was stuffed into a warrior hunting insect by the late mother queen."

"This group of second-order Zerg who crossed the line to test were discovered when we were cleaning up the battlefield after we repelled them."

"Look what's written on it."

As he spoke, Lin Feng took the two corners of the white cloth and spread it out in front of Zhi Yi.

Seeing the word "negotiation" painted on the white cloth, no matter how serious the expression on his face was, he couldn't help laughing at this moment:


"You made me laugh so hard!"

"So that's why it came to you?"

"It is impossible for a late-stage mother queen to negotiate with humans. Even if it were to offer one, the terms it proposes are not something the Salvation Army can agree to."

"You are not really interested, are you?"

"Come on, before the fourth-order insect king is born, if humans have not given birth to a fourth-order existence, then human civilization on the Blue Star can be declared over."

"The fourth-order Zerg will absorb and devour any biomass on the Blue Star and use it as biological material to cultivate the Zerg army, preparing for a wormhole jump and the next invasion of the planet."

"So you don't have to fantasize. This negotiation may even turn into a Hongmen Banquet. Working hard to prepare for war is what you should do now."

"What you can't get on the battlefield is even more impossible at the negotiation table!"

Lin Feng nodded, fully agreeing with what Chi Yi said, but then, when Chi Yi laughed and burst into tears, he slowly turned the white cloth in his hand.

Showing the hieroglyphs scrawled across the back.

Looking at Chi Yi whose laughter suddenly stopped, Lin Feng continued to ask:

"I seem to have seen these characters in the spiritual inheritance of the Queen Mother. They seem to be the characters used by the Zerg in the ancient times, right?"

After being stunned, Zhiyi quickly fell into deep thought and slowly said:

"Yes, this is the writing of the Zerg."

"And it's news that only high-level Zerg races, such as our Mother Queen, understand."

As he browsed through the content, Zhiyi's eyes gradually became solemn and his face became darker:

"This isn't for you."

"This is for me to see."

Lin Feng was stunned:

"For you to see?"

But he immediately reacted and said with a hint of surprise:

“Isn’t what I’m showing you the late-stage mother queen of the Zerg race in Guangdong City, until you’re here!?”

The cockroach nodded:

"Yes, it knows."

"It should be the result of inferring some of the autonomy that was restored after advancing to the late third level."

"But it could just be a test."

Lin Feng looked down at the white cloth in his hand:

"Then what does it say?"

At this time, Jiang Yun'er also came over and was also stunned when she saw the bloody white cloth in Lin Feng's hand.

"You understand it too?"

Jiang Yun'er nodded and shook his head:

"The general content is that she hopes to invite the leader of the Salvation Army, the only hope of mankind, to go near the front line. She hopes to have an in-depth exchange with the human leader about the fate of the two groups."

"At the same time, after this, she believes that she can be your partner and help you accomplish more things that the Queen of Haicheng cannot do."

"For example, I will assist you in killing other third-level late-stage Zerg Mother Queens, and then use all my strength to make you a fourth-level cosmic life form."

"As for the requirements, they have nothing to do with current humans, only the human leaders themselves."

Jiang Yoona read more and more slowly, until the last sentence:

"And these words, you should know better than me..."

"Wait a minute, this sentence doesn't seem to be addressed to you, but to me?"

Lin Feng twitched the corner of his mouth, put the white cloth on the table, then looked at the silent Chi Yi, and asked:

"What does the Queen Mother of the Late Period of Guangdong City want?"

"Is it my third-order cell gene?"

Chi Yi shook his head:

"It has nothing to do with your genes..."

"It's the Battle of Mingcheng, what happened in the underground insect nest beneath our feet."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly:

"You mean, the gift of divine power laws left behind by the Mother of the Insect God?"

"After that thing is absorbed, will it be very beneficial to your Zerg Mother Queen?"

The cockroach nodded:

"That's right."

"And it must be one-thousandth of the divine domain summons. The divine power of the law contained in it must be condensed into the statue of the Mother of Life, and finally integrated into the body of the Mother Queen."

"This set of procedures, apart from being called the second form of God's Domain, its real function and usage scenarios are not actually the desperate fight before the death of the Queen Mother."

"It's the road to becoming the fourth-level insect king!"

"In the previous summons of the Five Emperors Alliance, although after the overlap of the divine realms, the divine power laws contained in it met the minimum conditions for initiating the fusion, but because of its mid-level third-order strength, it could not be used as the carrier of the power of the laws, which ultimately led to this Gu Law A flood of energy.”

"But the Living Mother finally took action and transferred them to you to avoid the spread of contamination by the laws of divine power."

"This is the real reason why it comes to you and wants to seek negotiation or even cooperation."

"Whether it's the Salvation Army or the Zerg expansion, it's just a superficial thing."

"The only thing that can impress a later mother queen is the fourth-level insect king's throne."

"Through you, you can obtain part of the power of the law in advance without summoning the statue of the Mother of Life and integrating the laws of the divine realm."

"Thereby improving one's own strength, and at the same time, greatly increasing the chance of defeating other late-level third-level peak mother queens and breaking through to the fourth-level insect king."

"That's really why it came to you."

"For this, the divine power law originating from the Mother of Life, even if it gives up its millions of insect swarm troops, as well as the three states it currently occupies in the federal territory..."

"For the Queen Mother in the late period of Guangdong City, these are small conditions that are not worth mentioning."

"And until I appeared here, it was precisely because when you were repairing the colonial mecha, you used a small amount of extra law power. After it was absorbed by me, it was integrated into my body, and was thus thousands of miles away. The Queen Mother of the late stage outside of China sensed..."

"That's why it has been rushing to the front line in the past few days, trying to find this power."

After saying that, Chichi looked at Lin Feng:

"So, what do you mean?"

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