End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 345: Different opinions, I can also cooperate

During the day, Lin Feng disappeared in Mingcheng.

As the highest legion commander and leader of the Salvation Army, and the center of the vortex of the negotiation storm, Lin Feng deliberately avoided everyone in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the purge plan.

Disappeared from everyone's sight.

In addition to letting the problem ferment and leading out many termites in the team, Lin Feng also wanted to see the remaining forces that ruled the north, including the old federation and the research institute.

At this moment, their representatives, as well as the candidates sent to promote to the third level, are in the Mingcheng camp.

In order to stay away from disputes, Lin Feng drove the colonization mecha and left Minzhou directly, even within the federation.

Started his own journey alone.

Anyway, the colonization mecha is fast enough. Maintaining a 30% fusion degree, it still has a speed of Mach 7. A circle around the equator of the Blue Star is only 40,079 kilometers, and half of it is just over 20,000 kilometers.

It only takes two hours for the colonization mecha to fly to the back of the planet where it is, and it takes five hours to go back and forth.

With a 30% state duration, there is no problem at all.

During this period, Lin Feng could stop and go along the way, kill the third-level Zergs he encountered, and replenish his nutrition.

As long as he did not face the late-stage mother queen head-on, with Lin Feng's current strength with the lv36 colonization armor, even if he encountered a mid-stage perfect mother queen, he could use the hunting king chain saw sword to kill it with one blow.

It just so happened that Lin Feng also wanted to find out if there were any human forces in the world that were as stubborn as the Salvation Army.

If there were, he could also help weigh them.

While solving the crisis they were currently facing, they could also continue to accumulate upgrade points and upgrade the hunting king chain saw sword and ion laser cannon to level 36.

Naturally, it also included the lv32 golden battleship.

And Lin Feng's real and most important goal was actually to find the four third-level late-stage mother queens that had been born around the world.

In addition to the late-stage mother queen in the south of the Federation, three late-stage mother queens had been born on Blue Star this month.

Among them, the one that Lin Feng was closest to was the joint attack target mentioned by the late-stage mother queen of Yuecheng.

It occupies the entire southern part of the continent, and its power radiation range is about to reach tens of millions of square kilometers.

Due to geographical factors, the base camps of India and it, where it started and made its fortune, are all in the south, in the central and northern parts of India, especially in the state close to the world's high veins, where the environment is harsh and the vegetation is sparse.

The weight of biomass is naturally less.

Just like the Central Plains of the Federation.

This also makes the country's invasion progress slower and the degree is lower.

But with a population of more than one billion, the Zerg queens who landed here are still well fed.

Among them, there is a late queen who stands out, kills the rest of the mid-term queens, and takes the fifteen early queens nearby under her command to help herself continue to control the million-strong Zerg tide army, killing all directions.

Lin Feng drove the colonized mecha to the west of Blue Star.

During the flight, the figure of the colonized mecha Gundam was fully revealed in the camp.

Because Lin Feng did not speed up or hide intentionally, the figure of the colonization mecha can be seen in the Mingcheng camp and the front-line outpost to the west, and it can be found back to Yuezhou.

For a time, the news that the negotiations are likely to start began to fly all over the camp.

And according to the time when the colonization mecha went, there is also a great probability that it is to conduct peace negotiations to end the expedition to the south that normally lasts for more than half a month.

The last and most difficult decisive battle will be concluded in the highest form without bloodshed.

So there are also advocates of defeating the enemy without fighting, and even some teams have begun to indulge, fantasizing that when the empire is established in the future, the power and status they gain by relying on their strength will also rise.

But there are also some people who firmly believe that there is only one way to deal with the Zerg, that is to kill.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

These alien races that invaded the blue planet have slaughtered so many human survivors, destroyed human cities, and destroyed human civilization.

The tug-of-war has been tormented until now, and the sacrifices of both humans and insects have been so great that they cannot be reversed.

Either after the birth of the fourth-order insect king, all the biomass on the surface of the blue planet will be devoured to satisfy this greedy insect king and continue to upgrade.

For humans, if they don't expel all the Zerg without leaving a single one, they will kill them! Drive them away!

There will be no peace in the future. After all, the crisis of the spine king in the inner world will completely destroy this planet.

Humans have only one way, that is to keep fighting.

In this negotiation, the group with the most objections turned out to be the leaders, deputy leaders, and team leaders of the second-order war group.

Their strength has reached the perfect state of the late second stage, and they are only one step away from the third stage.

In the past, their fighting spirit may not be so strong.

But now the opportunity is at hand.

Because there are a large number of ordinary third-order Zergs under the late queen, because there is no birth of the artistic conception, their strength is two or three times stronger than them.

If you work hard, match a set of equipment, and fight together, there is still a certain chance to kill the third-order Zerg.

Thus, he achieved a leapfrog promotion and became an absolute top in the Salvation Army.

The two seemed to be only one step away, but the actual status and strength were like a chasm. There was no other way to cross it except promotion.

But the most important thing was that now, with the leader Lin Feng, he drove the colonization mecha to kill more than a dozen queens and returned triumphantly with a large amount of equipment.

It also brought great news to the second-level perfection of the second-level battle group and the commanders of the 29th level.

That is to be able to transform them in advance, so as to gain the power to defeat the third-order Zerg.

Moreover, this technical transformation is different from the previous genetic transformation. It does not need to integrate the blood of the spinal Zerg, but directly uses human gene cells to transplant them to everyone to obtain the third-order power.

This can promote the light biological colonization suit of the fourth-order electric drive cells installed outside the body, so that the driver's physical strength can be increased by 200% in a short period of time.

It is enough to make up for the gap with ordinary third-order Zerg.

Such a good thing will not turn into a half-human and half-ghost appearance like a genetic warrior, but still a pure-blooded human.

At one time, all the twenty-nine-level awakeners signed up and actively participated in the preliminary experiments and operations.

Even many members of the late second-order battle group, such as the twenty-seventh and twenty-eightth levels, began to use their connections to get second-order eggs or second-order live insects after finding out this amazing news, or wanted to actively go to the front line to fight with the second-order Zerg.

I just want to start a war as soon as possible, and then I will be promoted to level 29, so as to catch the last train of transformation surgery and become a Thunder Warrior.

And on the battlefield, I will kill the third-level Zerg and become a powerful existence like Liu Yi, the general commander, and Zhou Qi.

The higher the strength, the more firmly I stand on the offensive faction.

On the contrary, many level 20 awakeners who have just become combat soldiers or have just been promoted to second-level combat soldiers choose to escape on whether to continue fighting.

Chen Yanyan sat in the bow command room of the golden battleship, looking coldly at the tens of thousands of Salvation Army at her feet. Just because of such a small matter, they were caught in a dispute with many opinions.

"Write down everyone's remarks and the factions they support, so that we can arrange their stay in the future."

Chen Yanyan said coldly.

The female assistant behind her nodded, holding the list of all members of the Salvation Army:


On the other side, the colonization mecha driven by Lin Feng had passed Yuezhou, and opened telepathy during the period to scan the area within a radius of 200 kilometers.

Soon, ten early queens and a late queen lurking under Yuecheng were discovered.

The other party also used spiritual power to send an invitation message, which was directly blocked by Lin Feng.

All the way to Guizhou and Yunnan, entering the border.

Passing by the familiar subcontinent, on the peninsula.

Without the control of the queen, the tiger-backed worms and black-backed worms here have returned to their original state, and began to form their own clans and tribes in groups.

And the red beetle group is still farming, collecting food and hoarding it day after day.

There are more than three million red beetles distributed in the insect tribe under the command of the eighteen queens.

After killing the late queen of Yuecheng, Lin Feng decided to let Lingyi stay here to unlock the genetic shackles of millions of red beetles, so that they can evolve and give birth to second-level individuals that can inherit the artistic conception of the red tribe.

Summon the Red King.

After leaving here, Lin Feng entered the south of the main continent, where the Indian country is located.

I have entered it. Different from the primitive rain forest in the southeast of the continent, which is full of earthy smell and leaf smell, the entire Indian country in the south of the continent is filled with a foul smell.

And it is everywhere.

It seems like a cesspool on this blue planet.

Although from the geographical location of the planet's surface, it can be seen that its location is indeed like a place to shit.

But what Lin Feng can't stand is that in this country that looks like a cesspool, there are still more than one billion humans living.

It is estimated that when the mother queen eats the ability liquid they extract, she has to pinch her nose and swallow it with difficulty.

After entering this place, in order to avoid this stinking environment, Lin Feng immediately rose to an altitude of ten kilometers and observed the surroundings.

Flying all the way, he soon arrived at the bottom of this country.

A peninsula structure extending from the main road.

In the middle of this peninsula, Lin Feng telepathically sensed the location of the late mother queen.

At this moment, it has completed the promotion and is directly half exposed above the surface, enjoying the sun bath.

Seeing the colonization armor flying overhead, this late queen from India slowly released her spiritual power and sent a message to the colonization armor ten kilometers away:

"You are here, the legendary son of prophecy."

Lin Feng stopped at ten kilometers, which is the maximum range of the late queen's direct spiritual attack.

Looking at this huge late queen.

It is nearly eight hundred meters long, lying in a deep pit, with half of its body buried in the underground tunnel.

The width of the body is nearly two hundred meters, and the head of the insect is a hundred meters wide.

It is like a mountain standing on the earth.

Beside it, there are more than ten third-level Zergs and six third-level King Spine Insects.

In addition, there are tens of thousands of second-level wind-wing insects and first-level green-wing insects in the nearby airspace.

It is obvious that it has been fully equipped to deal with those who dare to expose themselves on the surface.

Whether it was an attack on Lin Feng or a long-range nuclear bomb strike...

Lin Feng, who heard the other party asking, was a little confused:

"I am not the son of prophecy."

"I am the leader of the Salvation Army in the Federation, the slayer of the middle-stage Queen Mother, the Queen Mother's nemesis, and the future killer of the late-stage Queen Mother!"

The late-stage Queen Mother of India used her spiritual power to convey a response to Lin Feng:

"A prophet on this land once told me that in the near future, there will be a warrior from the East who will change my destiny."

"This warrior exudes the power of the universe, and also exudes the divine law of my race..."

"He will reach an agreement with me and become the key to the continuation of the Zerg..."

After listening to what the late Queen of India said, Lin Feng in the cockpit of the colonization mecha frowned slightly:

"I didn't come here to make an agreement with you."

"But the first late Queen born in the Southeast Subcontinent intends to cooperate with me..."

"It will give up all the land of the Federation and its third-level Zerg swarms, and invite me to come and kill you."

"After that, it can occupy the magpie's nest, and I can also be promoted to a third-level late existence by killing you."

Faced with such a crisis, the Queen of India did not seem to panic at all, but continued lightly:

"Since you have already planned After telling the whole story, I will naturally not continue with this plan..."

"You came here for cooperation, I guess?"

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head:

"Cooperation? What can we cooperate on?"

"You are thousands of miles away. If you want to help me, it will take more than half a month just to get here..."

"I don't need cooperation. I just want to see which one is easier to solve, you or it."

The Queen Mother of India did not refute, but replied:

"You humans have an expansion strategy called making friends with distant countries and attacking nearby countries. I am indeed a little weaker than the Queen Mother of the Southeast Subcontinent in terms of strength."

"But you can't send your rescue army around by detour. to this place."

"You are the only one, and you have to deal with an entire Zerg, including me, the late queen, and dozens of third-order Zerg."

"This may be more difficult than dealing with a perfect third-order late queen."

"Believe me, you won't make such a stupid decision."

"The late queen of the Southeast Continent just wants to use your hand to break the balance between the three of us, so that she can always suppress you."

"The end of the world will not come until it is promoted to the late third-order perfect."

"Since you can cooperate with it..."

"Then I can cooperate too."

Lin Feng looked down at the eight hundred-meter-long 80 ... The Queen Mother of the late Yinbang:

"Cooperation, if a war breaks out between me and the Queen Mother of the Southeast, what kind of help can you provide?"

"Waving flags and shouting, or cheering from the other side of the river?"

"Once I lose the war, the Queen Mother of the Southeast will immediately turn around and start attacking the south of the continent until you are killed and annexed..."

"And if I win, it's just one more human awakener of the late third stage, and the threat to the Zerg and you is far less urgent than that of the Queen Mother of the Southeast."

"So how much help can you provide to make me determined to take the greatest risk and fight to the death with the Queen Mother of the Southeast?"

The Queen Mother of Yinbang pondered for a moment:

"Ten ordinary third-stage Zerg!"

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