Glancing at the nervous woman behind him, Lin Feng shook his head at Cheng Zhan and said slightly apologetically:

"Forget it, I didn't want to get involved in this matter in the first place, but Qin Hu forced me to come forward and be responsible for providing long-range fire support from the rear."

"I have just entered the late stage of the first level. I still need to kill a dozen black spine worms to reach the peak of the first level."

"I will not participate in this adventure."

"If you can succeed, just remember to take me with you next time..."

As he spoke, longing and regret appeared on Lin Feng's face.

Cheng Zhan laughed and was not angry at Lin Feng's rejection. He, as an outsider, was originally excluded from the plan.

It was just that Cheng Zhan had an impromptu idea when he saw that he had entered the late stage of the first level.

Being rejected now is also expected.

This dangerous mission is entirely voluntary.

Cheng Zhan didn't want anyone to give up halfway, which would harm the whole team.

So even though many of his old teammates in the Awakened Camp also rejected him, Cheng Zhan still didn't care too much.

However, although the young man in front of him was very cautious, Cheng Zhan still wanted one thing:

"It's okay. You're still young. There's still a long way to go, so don't rush it."

"It's not like us, who are bound by these clothes."

"By the way, if you don't want to come with us, I hope you can help me with something."

Lin Feng also needed important information brought back by the other party, so he agreed:

"Okay, if I can help, just ask."

Cheng Zhan nodded and whispered:

"We just broke in and were easily discovered by the Zerg. They surrounded us and finally caught the turtle in the jar."

"So I need you to help us cover. Just like the containment mission you completed last time, as long as you attract the Queen Mother's attention, you can help us gain a certain amount of safe time to act."

Lin Feng frowned slightly. This task was not easy, but it was not difficult either.

How to grasp this degree is very critical.

The swarm of Black Spine Insects attracted was only in the hundreds or even thousands and could be managed with difficulty, but if there were thousands of Black Spine Insects, even Lin Feng would not be able to compete with them on his own.

In particular, the red beetle has pushed the wormhole to three or four kilometers away from the actual territory of the Zerg, so it is very likely that Lin Feng will be harvesting bugs from deeper depths, and swarms of black spine worms will suddenly emerge from behind.

Surrounded from front to back, it is impossible to escape with wings.

This is why when he was adding upgrade points to the RV yesterday, Lin Feng only caught live insects with higher value. After filling the trunk, he could obviously remove the giant jaws of the dead insects and tie them to the roof of the RV without wasting time. The reason for the effort.

Out of caution, Lin Feng would not let himself stay in the hinterland of the Zerg for too long. Although it would only take one or two days to reach level one, the safety would be greatly improved.

The Zerg are not idiots, the Mother Queen is definitely smarter than humans, and the Black Spine support will only get faster and faster.

It was okay to do this a few times, but if things continued like this, Lin Feng was afraid that in the later stages, the boat would capsize in the gutter.

What Cheng Zhan wants now is to let Lin Feng stay on the front line for a while to help him buy time.

Although there is no danger of going deep into the Zerg mother nest, it is not something that ordinary people can accomplish.

The other party obviously saw that Lin Feng had successfully completed a containment mission and wanted him to copy it again.

Seeing the embarrassment on Lin Feng's face, Cheng Zhan raised his hand and patted his shoulder:

"Don't worry, you just need to bring the female star back. As for this group of people, let them attract the attention of the Zerg."

"You don't have to be too eager to fight. After seriously injuring hundreds of black spine worms at once, just run away."

"This number will definitely allow the Queen Mother to control thousands of black spine worms to surround them."

"At that time, we will be able to get closer to the depths of the nest and find the hidden second-order tiger spine insects."

Lin Feng thought for a long time, struggled, and finally nodded in agreement.

In fact, this show mission has nothing to do with the female star, but is the first test of the Zerg mother nest.

Seeing that the young man finally agreed, Cheng Zhan finally showed a happy smile on his face and returned to the car with his upper body:

"Okay, without further ado, you guys will make the final preparations and we'll set off in fifteen minutes."

He saw two jeeps going away. Their vehicles were equipped with various heavy weapons, including four machine guns. Lin Feng also caught a glimpse of two 100mm mortars hidden under the camouflage cloth. This firepower was enough to deal with the situation. The pursuit of hundreds of black spine worms is more than enough.

It seems that they are not acting on their own initiative, there are people behind them providing support.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng shook his head slightly, turned around and walked to the luxury car. Looking at the melancholy female star behind the window, he said:

"You have seen the situation. Their main task is not to help you catch live insects at all. This shooting and your super awakening seem to depend on my mood."

A trace of indignation flashed across Jiang Yuner's face, and she picked up her cell phone to make a call to complain.

Lin Feng shook his head:

"Stop struggling. You don't have any actual evidence. They are the elite team of the Thirteenth Division. They are all late first-order or even perfect awakeners. The superiors can't control them."

"And whether it's the senior management or the research institute, for this mission, exploring the brood is far more important than showing off."

Jiang Yun'er didn't believe in evil and made several calls in a row. When she heard the standard terminology reply on the other end, she felt a little desperate:

"Can't they send another team?"

"Is there no one left in the Thirteenth Division?"

"Can we not go?"

Lin Feng shrugged and held out two fingers:

"This task may not have been reported to the top management, so until it is successfully completed, it cannot be seen in the light and can only be used as a cover."

"Of course, there is another reason. You have no room to refuse. You must go."

After saying that, Lin Feng spread his hands:

"There are still fourteen minutes left. Let your people prepare quickly, if you still want to complete a complete awakening."

"Next time, remember not to try to gain traffic. The Thirteenth Division is not your base. No one cares about your life or death except for the top management for the sake of face."

"Oh, by the way, except for this guy Qin Hu."

"If he hadn't forced me to take over, your safety would have been almost zero."

"So those earrings worth hundreds of thousands are really worth the money, so don't feel bad."

Jiang Yuner wanted to say a few more words to Lin Feng, begging him to help her complete her awakening, but unfortunately after the other party finished speaking, she walked towards the distant car repair shop without looking back.

Back in the RV under the raincloth, Lin Feng put on his clothes and explained the current situation to Chen Yanyan.

Chen Yanyan had already made preparations and covered the observation deck on the roof of the car. She was sitting in the driver's seat and ready to go. When she heard that her man was worrying about the cover task, she couldn't help but frown:

"Would you like to bring some of the 100 kilograms of explosives that Hu Fei sent last time?"

"That C4 clay explosive is not very powerful. I heard him say that one piece of it can blow up a five-story building."

The last time Lin Feng was able to create a miracle of blocking, seriously injuring hundreds of black spine worms in an instant, was due to the terrifying power of gasoline bombs.

Nowadays, shotguns are replaced with cannons, and high-energy explosives are directly used, which can create a shocking explosion in a safer and more stable manner.

After hearing Chen Yanyan's reminder, Lin Feng thought for a moment.

There aren't many of these explosives at Hu Fei's side anymore. I don't know how long it will take before they can be delivered next time. Moreover, single-use items like this cannot be upgraded.

After all, after the explosion, there was nothing left.

Lin Feng originally planned to bury these 100 kilograms of explosives near the service area. If the Wucheng blockade could not hold on, they could be used to clear the area surrounded by the insect swarm and blast out an escape route.

At this moment, the explosives are hidden in the basement of the car repair shop. Lin Feng does not dare to bring them in the car at any time. If there is a spark, even if the RV is upgraded to lv19, the body will be wiped out in an instant.

But this cover mission would undoubtedly be much easier with the help of high explosives.

Especially when blocking the black spine army, the instantaneous fire coverage of the machine gun is far less terrifying than the explosives.

Moreover, explosives can directly blow up wormholes. As long as they can be placed at key locations, they may have miraculous effects.

Lin Feng thought about it for a while, nodded and stepped out of the RV. In the basement of the garage, he brought back ten pieces of yellow explosives.

Although ten kilograms of TNT yellow explosive is not as powerful as C4 clay explosive of the same weight, it can still easily deal with hundreds of black spine worms.

As long as he can take advantage of this opportunity and accumulate enough upgrade points, Lin Feng's lv17 howitzer and lv13 armed RV will make another leap forward.

Using ten kilograms of TNT yellow explosives in exchange for a large number of upgrade points is completely worth the money.

Moreover, Cheng Zhan needed him on the frontline battlefield to divert the attention of the Black Spine Army and the Mother Queen, but Lin Feng didn't know that the threat from Cheng Zhan's side could attract the Mother Queen's attention even more.

As long as a battle breaks out near the mother nest in the rear, the pressure on Lin Feng's front will be greatly reduced.

At least there won't be thousands of black spine worms coming out to attack him.

The containment and protection of the two are mutual.

After making up his mind, Lin Feng decided to seize this critical opportunity, even if he had to take a little risk.

What's more, his real purpose is by no means just some upgrade points. The big star in the luxury RV behind him is also one of his goals.

After returning to the RV, Lin Feng heard the siren blaring outside and immediately said:

"Let's go, let these bugs have a taste of the power of an armed RV!"

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