End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 81 Firepower Coverage, Harvest and Awakening

As soon as Lin Feng finished speaking, Shen Jie volunteered to step out of the queue:

"Report, I'm coming!"

Zhang Liying beside him wanted to go with him, but was stopped by Shen Jie:

"You stay, they still need you to lead them."

Then he found two boys, and the three of them formed a small team and got on a security off-road vehicle. Under Lin Feng's gaze, they slowly drove into the heart of the Zerg.

Before leaving, Lin Feng stood aside and instructed:

"Don't drive too far, just within three kilometers. The Zerg patrols will be more frequent now, and we will run into them soon."

"Once you make contact, turn around and run away first. After you have distanced yourself, the other two will shoot from the trunk to attract the patrolling black-spine insects and chase them all."

"The car doesn't need to be too fast, maintain 70 to 80 yards, and ensure safety first. In fact, the black-spine insects are not fast, about 50 to 60 yards, and you can completely outrun them as long as you drive."

"I will provide fire support in the rear, but I won't be too far away. You have to attract the black-spine insects out first."

"We can eat them safely."

As he said, Lin Feng picked up the walkie-talkie that Chen Yanyan brought back from Han Yuxin. This is the standard equipment provided by the Public Security Bureau, which is convenient for keeping in touch during the mission.

"Remember to listen to the news on the car radio. If I find anything at that time, I will contact you in advance."

After Lin Feng explained the details of the mission, these are all key information to save lives, which is very important.

Shen Jie and his companions nodded earnestly and kept it in mind.

Watching the security SUV leave in a cloud of dust, Lin Feng climbed onto the second floor of the chariot and told the others to get back into the car to prevent being attacked by green-winged insects.

Although there had been no battles, green-winged insects would not be attracted, but now that the mother nest was attacked, who knew what would happen.

Lin Feng had to be on high alert first.

That's why he didn't take the risk and let the armored chariot take the lead, so as not to stimulate the Zerg queen and attract a large group of black-spine insects, resulting in the failure of the live insect capture mission.

This is also one of the reasons why he trained new subordinates.

The firepower of the armored chariot is too strong, and it is very likely that it has been marked by the Zerg, so the risk of going deep into it is multiplied every time.

Let Shen Jie and his companions drive ordinary vehicles, so the risk will be greatly reduced. The simple insects will only think it is an ordinary invader, and the defense level will no longer be like encountering an armored chariot, where hundreds of insects will come directly.

As the security SUV drove into the heart of the Zerg, Lin Feng directly used telepathy for the first time.

In an instant, with him as the center, an imperceptible mental fluctuation was released.

Just like sonar detection, when encountering a life with a health value of more than 50 points, a bright spot will flash in Lin Feng's brain.

The higher the health value, the larger the single point of light, and the more the group of creatures gather, the denser the bright spots will be.

In this way, all Zergs of level 5 and above within a radius of three kilometers will be nowhere to hide in the three-dimensional graphics in Lin Feng's brain.

But what surprised Lin Feng was that the detection range of telepathy not only includes the sky and the surface, but also has additional discoveries underground.

However, the spread range of mental energy underground is limited ten times, and can only detect a semicircle with a radius of 300 meters on the original site, but it can also detect the Zerg's underground tunneling raid a few hours in advance.

This ability is not very useful at present, but in the future Wucheng blocking battle, staying in the bastion of the outpost base can play a very good effect.

Lin Feng estimated that the military was also equipped with corresponding detection means, but it was definitely not as convenient as his own, which could sense and guard at any time and anywhere.

After reaping the unexpected surprise, Lin Feng ignored the five or six wormholes dug by the red beetle swarm under his feet. As long as he did not see the light traces of the black-backed beetles, he did not need to care.

And his attention was all on a group of high-speed moving light spots not far away, two kilometers away.

From their moving speed and the brightness of the light spots, Lin Feng judged that this was the closest group of black-backed beetle patrols to them.

Without hesitation, Lin Feng directly picked up the walkie-talkie and said to Shen Jie and others who were still searching and investigating in the distance:

"Did you hear it? Now the black-backed beetle swarm is 500 meters southwest of you. Turn around and return directly. After avoiding them, shoot to attract them!"

The communication range of the walkie-talkie is within three kilometers, but in the open plain area, there are no buildings to block it, and the signal can be received even five kilometers away.

Shen Jie, who was in charge of driving, kept his spirit tense. When he heard the order from Lin Feng, he turned around with a drift and brought out the full performance of the security car.

As the accelerator was pressed to the bottom, the engine roared, and the speed suddenly increased from more than ten yards to eighty or ninety yards.

And under his thrilling operation, just a few dozen seconds later, a group of black-spine insects rushed directly into the road, almost cutting off the retreat of the off-road vehicle.

Fortunately, Shen Jie reacted quickly. When he realized that the black-spine insect swarm would appear behind him, he accelerated and rushed out of the encirclement.

Only on the highway can they increase their driving speed and escape the pursuit and encirclement of the black-spine insects.

At this moment, facing the black-spine insect swarm chasing behind them, the two companions in the back seat, following Lin Feng's order, directly broke the glass on the trunk and half-crouched to shoot.

In this way, they don't have to lean out of the car to avoid being attacked by green-winged insects.

After escaping from the insect mouth, Shen Jie slowed down his speed to 70 or 80 mph and moved forward at a constant speed, keeping a distance of 200 to 300 meters from the black-spine insect swarm.

In order to prevent the other side from not taking the bait, he also turned on the siren of the security car.

The piercing sound of "wu wah wah" soon made the black-spine insect swarm behind him even more crazy and kept biting.

At this moment, two kilometers away, Lin Feng, standing on the observation deck of the armored vehicle, had confirmed the number and position of the black-spine insect swarm through telepathy.

There were a total of 26, of which there were three giant black-spine insects in the late stage of the first stage.

Without a reinforced company of 100 people equipped with heavy weapons, it would be difficult to take them down steadily.

But the lv19 howitzer in Lin Feng's hand not only shoots at a single point, but its firepower coverage attribute can instantly burst out the firepower of an artillery company!

With a super-large coverage area of ​​10,000 square meters, the instantaneous 40 points of damage can be increased to 100 points of damage after charging for two seconds, which is equivalent to dropping a howitzer per square meter in 10,000 square meters every two seconds.

This saturated strike force and strike speed, let alone a black-spine insect swarm, even hundreds of black-spine insect armies can't withstand many rounds.

With a weapon in Lin Feng's hand, he can shoulder the firepower strike of a line alone.

Now, dealing with just over twenty black-spine insects is naturally no problem.

In order to prevent the black-spine insect swarm from being killed directly by the firepower coverage, Lin Feng did not accumulate power, but waited until they were closely biting the security off-road vehicle and chased to 400 meters ahead, and then directly launched firepower coverage.

A saturation attack of 40 points of damage per square meter was carried out on the 200-meter-long road where the insect swarm was located.

With the completion of the pre-aiming, Lin Feng aimed at the black-spine insect swarm behind the off-road vehicle and pulled the trigger.

A red light gathered at the muzzle, and countless bullets were fired instantly in the next second. The powerful recoil generated was taken by Lin Feng, who was level 19.

The next moment, on the highway in the distance, it was like a chain explosion. In just two or three seconds, the black-spine insects from the front row to the tail were all covered by the explosion with a diameter of one meter.

The shells exploded on their bodies and feet, breaking four sharp legs, and each of them suffered about 100 damage.

The black-spine insects in the early stage of the first stage were already dying.

As for the later black-spine worms, because they are range-type equal damage, they are huge in size, and naturally suffer more artillery shells. Although the power of a single shot is not fatal, it is enough to drink a pot after the accumulation.

Dragging the broken sharp feet, he wanted to escape from here.

But soon he was broken by Lin Feng and his men, and the rest of his legs and thorns were broken. He fell to the ground, biting a pair of giant jaws, but he was unable to move and was furious.

Lin Feng asked Shen Jie and his men to kill one each, and then remove their giant jaws, and asked Chen Yanyan to kill three of the later giant black-spine worms.

They are too big, take up a lot of space, and are too difficult to control safely.

Killing them directly can keep the pair of late giant jaws. Whether it is integrated into the chariot or upgraded to the red armor, it is more profitable than selling it for nothing.

And with the help of the eight newcomers brought by Shen Jie, harvesting the giant jaw materials has also become unusually fast.

In just two minutes, they not only killed a black-backed worm each according to Lin Feng's order, but also packed up the eleven pairs of giant jaws, along with the remaining fifteen live black-backed worms, and moved them all into the trunk of the chariot.

And Lin Feng could sit on the observation deck easily, and he only needed to be responsible for guarding against the harassment of the green-winged worms.

It was much more relaxed than working alone at the beginning.

The first time he took the newcomers out for a mission, it was successfully completed. Through telepathy, Lin Feng detected that there were other black-backed worm swarms in the distance, coming to collect information...

So he directly ordered the troops to return to the court and no longer lingered.

As long as the set goal is achieved, Lin Feng will never be greedy and stay too long.

He doesn't want to attract more attention from the swarm.

On the way back, everyone's face was filled with smiles, and not long after Lin Feng and his friends left, the black-backed worm swarm that came to investigate the situation...

A late-stage lv19 giant black-backed worm spit out an egg-shaped sac from its giant jaws and threw it on the ground.

After they left, several red beetles came to clean up the mess, licking the blood splashed by the black-backed worms on the ground.

Two of the red beetles sniffed the sacs on the ground and smelled a familiar scent.

Suddenly, a human hand with mucus tore the sac skin and crawled out.

Then, a human covered with translucent mucus and exuding the strange smell of Zerg crawled out of the egg sac and stood on the highway.

Cheng Zhan slowly opened his eyes, and the swelling behind his head quickly disappeared into the cervical vertebrae.

He shook off the mucus on his body and glanced at the red beetles around him who gathered because of curiosity.

Then these low-level insects fled in all directions as if they were frightened.

Then the man looked in the direction of Wucheng, directly crossed the highway guardrail, and slowly walked into the depths of the woods.


Lin Feng returned to the service area and exclaimed at the outpost base that had been completed.

The entire bastion is eighty meters long, sixty meters wide, and fifteen meters high. The overall elliptical structure has five protruding branches to strengthen the firepower coverage of the two wings.

Coupled with its inverted trapezoidal external structure, when hiding in the bunker, you can harvest black-backed worms infinitely.

After sighing, Lin Feng asked Han Yuxin to take five black-backed worms first, and then handed the remaining ten live worms to Hu Fei for transportation.

Then he came to the hotel and let Shen Jie and others eat and drink enough, adjust to the best state, and then enter the super power awakening leading to the first level.

This time, eight people awakened at the same time.

Lin Feng hoped that at least one of them would not have the physical enhancement ability that was common on the street.

Among them, he was most optimistic about Shen Jie...

It is unknown what special powers this determined and hard-working young man will eventually awaken.

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