End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 84 Future famine, Qin Hu lv19, waiting for the rabbit

The once rich Jiangnan water town, under the invasion of the Zerg, has turned into a piece of black and red scorched earth, and all traces of green have disappeared in their jaws.

No one knows what the Zerg rely on for survival. At present, it is only clear that they cannot live without water and need a large amount of water resources to decompose into simple hydrogen and oxygen for the survival of individual units.

Lin Feng sat on the second-floor observation deck of the lv15 armored vehicle, looking at the endless wasteland, with hundreds of earthen mounds and holes of various sizes...

In just a few days, this place has become an underground base for the expansion of the Zerg.

In telepathy, the land under his feet has been dug into holes and holes.

Their infrastructure construction speed is no slower than that of humans, but this is also closely related to the softness of the soil in the Jiangnan region.

The assessment report sent by the research institute believes that the Zerg's pace of progress will encounter setbacks and slow down in the inland hilly areas thousands of miles away from the coast.

The claws used by the red beetle to dig the ground will be more than ten times slower when encountering hard stones. In addition, the uncontrolled extraction of groundwater by industrial development in recent years has caused the land to sink. At this moment, it is a blessing in disguise, accidentally blocking the Zerg and quickly invading the inland.

At that time, the Zerg will have to surge to the surface and fight a head-on battle with the human army on the hills or plateaus.

This is also the opportunity that Lin Feng has been waiting for.

At this moment, driving on the coastal front, looking at the devastated Jiangnan Plain, smelling the strange smell coming...

Whether it is Lin Feng in the front car, or Qin Hu in the jeep military vehicle mixed in the security convoy, their hearts have become heavy.

The developed areas of most countries in the world are basically formed in coastal areas, because of the convenient transportation of sea and land transportation, plus the pleasant climate and convenient water use.

The development scale of these cities is far greater than that of the inland.

But now the cities near the coastline have all fallen under the invasion of the Zerg iron feet.

This is really a great loss to the vitality of mankind as a whole.

However, this is not the most fatal. The structure of the continental terrain determines that most of the plains that produce grain are near the coastline, just like the Jiangnan granary that the Federation is losing now.

So many refugees have fled to the inland, but the grain production in the inland cannot support the exponentially increasing population.

In the past few years, they could still hold on for a while relying on reserve grain, but as time goes by, countries that lack arable land not only have to face the aggressive alien Zerg, but also the upcoming large-scale famine.

If people can't be fed, what's the point of fighting power.

Thinking of this, Qin Hu squeezed his hands on the machine gun even harder.

He knew that he alone, or the entire awakened camp, or even the entire 13th Division, could not stop the Zerg from invading the inland...

But as long as they can delay it for a while, they can ensure that the two lakes can produce two more years of grain, so that so many innocent survivors will not starve to death in the future.

With this belief, Qin Hu took a deep breath, followed Lin Feng to the front line, and got off the car to observe.

Compared with yesterday, the Zerg expanded forward by more than three kilometers today. In three or four days, it will appear within the visible distance outside the Wucheng defense line.

Qin Hu received a phone call notifying him that the new recruits had arrived at the front line of the battlefield outside Wucheng in the north and were undergoing their first actual combat training.

Killing the red beetle can be done with an ordinary rifle, and it can also obtain a strengthening effect.

This is also the purpose of most people joining the army.

The troubled times have already appeared. After the initial panic, the survivors who understand the situation hope to seize the opportunity and improve their own strength to cope with the dangers in the future.

After receiving the news from Qin Hu, Lin Feng looked at the sky and confirmed that there were no green-winged insects. He activated the full body armor form of the red black armor and then got out of the RV.

He came to Shen Jie and the other eight people and said:

"According to the original plan, this time we will send an additional car. If we can attract two groups of black-spine insects at the same time, we can just annihilate them all."

With new recruits harassing on the front line, Lin Feng estimated that the patrol of the black-spine insects would be dispersed. In order to ensure efficiency, he had to send an extra bait car to increase the luring rate.

Qin Hu was a little surprised to see this. He didn't expect Lin Feng's method of killing black-backed insects to be so radical.

He thought that he would rely on the death of the red beetle to attract the black-backed insect group to check, but Lin Feng directly sent people to break into the heart of the insect tribe.

He used human lives to seduce the black-backed insects.

Watching the high school student, who was only a few years older than his daughter, step on the accelerator and rush into the depths of the Zerg territory, the broken highway not far away was still shocking...

Qin Hu lit a cigarette and sighed:

"What are the chances of them surviving?"

Lin Feng shrugged and threw a walkie-talkie to Qin Hu:

"As long as you are smart enough, you will come back safely."

"Don't think the black-spine worms are too dangerous. Under the absolute firepower attack, these low-level worms will only die. Since I have the confidence to bring them out, I will not watch them die."

"But life is earned by yourself."

"Wait, the same goes for you. I will seriously injure the black-spine worm group, but it depends on you to go forward and harvest."

Qin Hu nodded. Since he was willing to come to the front line, he should be mentally prepared to face the black-spine worms again at close range. If he doesn't even have this courage, he doesn't deserve to wear this outfit.

Soon, under Lin Feng's telepathy, he found two groups of black-backed insect patrols, but they were rushing from the south to the north area. They were obviously attracted by the fierce gun battle on the front battlefield and were preparing to harass the team of new recruits.

But how could Lin Feng let go of the cooked meat that reached his mouth? He directly informed Shen Jie and the others to shoot in the direction of the black spine worm. Even if it was beyond the visual distance, as long as the sound of bullets and gunshots passed by, they could still attract it. .

So a few dozen seconds later, we saw swarms of black spine insects appearing on both sides of the road. There were two waves in front and back, chasing the two security vehicles that fled quickly.

Lin Feng counted them, there were forty-seven in total.

It was enough for Qin Hu to complete the subsequent awakening.

Immediately raised the lv19 howitzer in his hand, used fire coverage for preview locking, and pulled the trigger six to seven hundred meters away from the black spine swarm.

The next second, a terrifying saturation strike appeared on the highway, covering all forty-seven black spine worms.

The serial explosions were like cluster bombs, leaving all the Black Spine worms unscathed.

Qin Hu was immediately stunned in the jeep. He forgot for a moment and asked Li Ran, who was also stunned, to drive to harvest the black spine worms that were seriously injured and fell to the ground.

He knew that Lin Feng had already entered the late stage of first-level awakening, and had most likely reached perfection. The powers he had awakened, super bullets, were as powerful as a 155 mm caliber howitzer, and could destroy a house with one shot.

This can be confirmed by those who are also awakened by super bullets among the thirteen divisions.

And the fire support brought by such a powerful awakener is equivalent to an artillery battery that can move flexibly!

It's enough to change the situation on a front line of several hundred meters.

With a reinforced battalion, it can easily withstand the attack of thousands of black spine worms.

But Qin Hu never thought that super bullets could have such terrifying skills.

It is equivalent to pouring out the firepower of an artillery battalion in an instant, thirty or forty artillery fires, covering the strike range of a community.

Even if seven or eight Super Bullet Awakeners of the same level shoot together, they will not be able to produce such an explosion effect.

Lin Feng's hidden strength far exceeded Qin Hu's imagination.

It wasn't until Lin Feng's urging came from the intercom that Qin Hu realized and asked Li Ran in front of him to drive to the explosion zone.

Seeing the black spine worms lying on the ground, seriously injured and lying on the ground, Qin Hu finally understood why the highway in the distance was shattered into pieces.

The feelings were left behind by Lin Feng when he conducted experiments on black spine worms here before.

Qin Hu, who walked in, did not fire randomly, but first dealt with a few late-stage first-order black spine worms that were not seriously injured, with a few quick shots.

Then clean up the remaining bugs.

Make sure not to let any of them escape.

There are forty-seven in total, and Qin Hu at level 14 only needs forty to reach the late stage of the first level.

He activated his physique-enhancing powers and became stronger and stronger in the steady flow of upgrades.

The body expands at a speed visible to the naked eye.

That is the continuous growth of muscles, physical attribute data, and continuous improvement in performance.

This scene shocked Shen Jie and the others who were preparing to clean up the battlefield.

They only have respect for the unattainable Boss Lin, but Qin Hu's supernatural changes are something they can achieve with their hard work.

Soon, Qin Hu, who had finished forty Black Spine Insects, completed his final deep awakening and had the powerful effect of enhancing his physical fitness by 30%.

In the extreme explosive state, the power exceeds seven or eight tons, and the speed is close to 100 meters per second. It can easily challenge several late-stage black spine insects.

After completing the final awakening, Qin Hu returned to Lin Feng in the car and looked up at the man on the observation deck:

"Thanks a lot this time."

"I'll rush back to the frontal battlefield first and lead a group of Awakened Ones to deal with the incoming Black Spine Worm swarm."

"With the current strength, it should be enough."

Lin Feng nodded, and then threw down a few high-calorie snacks:

"Remember to eat more on the way."

Qin Hu took the nut chocolate and waved goodbye.

Looking at lv19 Major Qin walking away...

Lin Feng slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and then turned his gaze back to the Zerg hinterland.

Shen Jie and others are cleaning the battlefield.

As they stayed for a long time, several buzzing high-frequency vibrations came from the sky in the distance...

Mixed in a burst of fierce gunfire.

It's hard to tell without listening carefully.

But Lin Feng knew that the long-awaited real goal had finally arrived.

He immediately took out his walkie-talkie and notified the eight people in the distance to clean up the battlefield, capture the remaining seven live insects, and Shen Jie who cut the giant jaws, and get back to the car as soon as possible.

Now that the live insects have been stored in the trunk, there is no need to risk taking more of the remaining giant jaws.

Not long after Lin Feng finished speaking, several green lights flashed past in the mid-air not far away.

The long-awaited Green Winged Insect reveals its true form.

In fact, Lin Feng has been avoiding them to avoid exposing his ability information.

But this time, besides helping Qin Hu complete the upgrade, his real purpose was to come for the Green Winged Insect.

At this moment, the three security vehicles rushed back to the area of ​​the armored fighting vehicle, attracting the attention of Green Winged Insects...

Lin Feng, who was waiting for help, directly informed Chen Yanyan from the observation tower to use bioradar to locate the flight path of the Green Winged Insect, and then control ten heavy machine guns to attack it.

The lv19 howitzer in his hand caused explosion damage covering a radius of more than 20 meters, and its power was as high as a terrifying 190 points.

These green-winged insects, which are at most mid-level one, cannot withstand even one cannonball.

The last time Lin Feng dealt with them, he used the Eye of Death's locking headshot to blow up all the corpses.

At this moment, in order to preserve the whole body as much as possible and collect usable materials, Lin Feng took the initiative to switch the howitzer mode to the lv9 god-level pistol mode...

Relying on Chen Yanyan's crazy shooting, he restricted the movement trajectory of the green-winged insect, and then he activated the metal storm attribute and shot towards the sky.

With the blessing of infinite bullets, in an instant, a dense mesh net composed of bullets was formed, and each shot had 40 points of damage.

As long as two or three shots hit, the green-winged insect can be seriously injured.

In order to achieve high-maneuverability flight, the defense structure of the green-winged insect is far less solid and heavy than the black-spine insect on land.

So even if it is only a lv9 god-level pistol, it can easily tear its fragile armor.

Immediately, two green-winged insects lost their balance after the film was shot through...

Wandering all the way, gliding and falling down.

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