End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 96: Combat training for new recruits, stress test

Several tons of frozen chicken and duck meat, after thawing, exuded a fishy smell, accompanied by the splashing of blood.

Soon, a large number of red beetles were attracted, and they poked their heads out of the newly dug holes.

Eating plants and wood alone is not a complete nutrition. They need to eat blood and flesh to obtain many trace elements.

At this moment, in the packaging boxes carried out by the recruits, there were bags of frozen chickens. The ice cubes precipitated blood and dyed the thawing water red.

According to the instructions of Shen Jie and others, outside the wormhole, the plastic bags were cut open and blood was sprinkled to continuously attract the red beetles to leave the hole.

This way, there is a chance to shoot and wipe them out.

As the red beetle swarm climbed onto the road and away from the wormhole, the first batch of recruits had loaded their bullets and raised their rifles to aim at the heads of the insects.

There were more than fifty red beetles, gnawing and filtering the soil soaked with blood on the ground.

At Shen Jie's command, dozens of gunshots rang out one after another. Many of the fifty recruits were shot in the head with two or three shots, completing their first kill.

But there were also some who missed the opportunity because of nervousness, disturbing the red beetles, and frightened them to run back to the cave entrance.

Fortunately, Shen Jie and his men have been paying attention to the situation in their team. As long as there are red beetles escaping, they will directly shoot and break their abdominal feet.

Don't let any one go.

Once they escape and tip off, it will not be as easy to attract the red beetle group out of the cave in the next round.

Just like fishing for lobsters, red beetles are timid by nature in the wild now. If you want to catch them continuously, try not to let panic spread.

The broken-legged red beetles that fell to the ground were handed over to the recruits who had not yet upgraded by Shen Jie and his men, and they were shot one by one.

According to Lin Feng's arrangement, every recruit should experience the feeling of strengthening and upgrading in the first two days, at least safely through the weakest initial stage.

When everyone is at level 4 or above tomorrow, they will no longer be full-time nannies, and let them learn to trap and kill insects by themselves.

Whether to kill together or act alone, it all depends on their own choice.

The captains, including Shen Jie, were only responsible for dealing with the sudden black-spine swarm.

As for the flying winged chariot parked nearby, Lin Feng and Chen Yanyan, in addition to finding out the movements of the black-spine swarm, also had to deal with the possible appearance of the green-winged worms and the second-level tiger-spine worm squad with a very low probability.

Lin Feng certainly hoped that the latter would show up again.

The lv19 howitzer in his hand and the lv20 flying tiger armor on his body had been waiting for a long time and were impatient.

It was a pity that since the last time they first appeared, they were hit head-on by Qin Hu. No trace of tiger-spine worms was seen on the highway or on the front battlefield for several kilometers.

It is estimated that the queen mother was also very distressed about the loss of the second-level Zerg.

They cannot be mass-produced, and they rely entirely on the cumulative evolution of low-level insects.

So each one is very precious.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to fight fiercely for the corpse of the tiger-spine worm, and Qin Hu would lose his left leg.

This is rare good news for humans. After all, the second-level tiger-spine worm, which is as big as a small building, is definitely a weapon to break the stalemate.

If the second-level Zerg, like the black-spine worm, attacks in overwhelming numbers, humans will have no chance of winning.

But for Lin Feng, it is a long wait.

He is waiting for the second-level Zerg to appear. Fortunately, after killing it, he will complete the second-level awakening, and at the same time have an orange-quality equipment, which will make the copy ability shine.

Unfortunately, such opportunities are often hard to come by.

During the waiting period, the biggest gain was the 96 recruits of the 201st Company. After one round, they basically killed one or two red beetles.

Feeling the strengthening effect brought by the warm current entering their bodies, they were ecstatic one by one, and became more and more active in throwing blood and flesh to seduce red beetles and killing insects.

After all, the rumors were verified on him, and the sudden increase in the strength of his arms could not deceive people.

Lin Feng looked at their impatient expressions, and recalled his experience in Haicheng City, where he was surrounded by insects and became stronger by killing them. He was immediately filled with emotion.

Now they seem to be upgrading easily, but once they encounter a swarm of black-spine insects, they will surely die.

Soon, hundreds of red beetles died in succession within a hundred meters, attracting the attention of the black-spine insect patrol.

They are now strengthened, with each group of more than fifty to deal with a human company of a hundred people.

In this way, even if the two sides fight, the Zerg side can achieve certain results, and it will not be like before, when more than twenty black-spine insects were eliminated one by one by those machine guns under the suppression of rifle fire before they rushed to the front.

Before the recruits noticed the threat, Shen Jie and his awakened companions received Lin Feng's advance notice, and through enhanced vision, they had already seen a black swarm of black-spine insects a thousand meters away.

The number is far greater than that of ordinary patrols.

They raised their large-caliber rifles and fired to suppress the swarm of black-spine insects.

When the black-spine worms approached within 500 meters, the strengthened recruits finally saw a black shadow coming at them at high speed, and they all showed terrified eyes.

They had not seen the black-spine worms with their own eyes, but from the front-line videos on the Internet, they had already known the horror of this soldier worm.

Each black-spine worm was like a light tank, far beyond the reach of ordinary humans, and it was difficult for ordinary firearms to cause effective damage to it.

Only awakened people holding heavy weapons, or special awakened people with powerful superpowers, could fight against it.

But according to what the instructor said before, even the awakened ones would find it difficult to escape safely when surrounded by several black-backed insects. Now there are more than dozens of them, and there are only eight captains on their side.

Eight awakened ones, dealing with dozens of black-backed insects.

The result is obvious!

Many people have already had the intention to retreat, and even proposed to Shen Jie and his team to drive away.

But Shen Jie looked at these recruits who had the intention to retreat. Deserters who left their posts without permission on the battlefield were the most hateful and unforgivable mistakes.

The anger was released along with the powerful momentum of the awakened ones. Just a cold snort scared the recruits and they dared not retreat half a step.

"What are you afraid of!"

"Everyone line up for me, listen to the captain's command, and continue shooting as arranged before!"

Shen Jie shouted loudly. What they are training now is the courage of the recruits, which is more important than improving their personal strength.

Especially now is not in the fortress.

There are no protective measures in the wild.

If the recruits can still hold on like this, their psychological quality will be greatly improved.

When the battle breaks out, even if they face hundreds of black-spine insects, they can stick to their posts and ensure the continuous output of each firepower point.

Under the command of Shen Jie and others, the firepower of nearly a hundred rifles poured out to suppress the attacking black-spine insects in batches.

Although they cannot break the defense, they can effectively slow down their forward speed, and the same hit part will also cause some minor damage.

Accumulating a little can also seriously injure several black-spine insects.

Time passed by every minute and second. As death approached, the hearts of the recruits were already in their throats. At this moment, they no longer had the joy they had when they first arrived. Instead, they experienced the cruelty of the battlefield under the fierce attack of the black-spine insects.

During this period, Shen Jie observed the behavior of each of them. There were ruthless people who aimed calmly, and there were also novices who panicked and shot randomly.

These performances determined their future arrangements.

When the black-spine insect swarm rushed into the 300-meter range, the flying winged tank that had been watching finally took action.

Lin Feng sat on the observation deck. After confirming that no green-winged insects appeared, he immediately raised the muzzle of the lv19 howitzer, aimed at the black-spine insect swarm not far away, and used firepower to cover it!

Two seconds later, like a cluster bomb, countless shells landed in the black-spine insect swarm, covering the entire 200-meter-long highway.

The fierce explosions stunned the recruits present.

They couldn't even find the source of the bombing, and thought that a bomber flew over the sky.

It wasn't until Shen Jie turned his eyes to the RV and got eye confirmation from their commander that the recruits realized the power of the sergeant from the smoke drifting from the muzzle of the tank observation deck.

It also verified the rumors in the training camp before...

In the highway service area, there is a powerful super-powered bullet awakener, and the power of the gun in his hands can be multiplied!

It is comparable to more than ten howitzers!

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