"What happened?"

"Isn't I dead?"

Su Yuan opened his eyes suddenly, his mind still immersed in the memory of the scene before his death. The bronze badge on the back of his hand that represented his strength level was gone.

"Am I...reborn?" Su Yuan looked around. This is Jinxing Community, Qingzhou City, his home.

But everything at home made him feel familiar and strange, as if he had a dream.

He looked at the electronic perpetual calendar hanging on the wall, which showed that it was July 12, 2039.

"July 12, 2039? Isn't this... the day when the disaster came!"

Su Yuan remembered that it was the evening of this day when a doomsday disaster suddenly came, and the modern civilization that humans had built for thousands of years was wiped out overnight.

Countless creatures turned into bloodthirsty monsters, and the world became a purgatory on earth. Only a few people survived. Humans fell from the top of the food chain to the bottom of the valley, and could only survive in the cracks.

In the ninth year after the apocalypse, Su Yuan was very lucky to discover an ancient relic that was suspected to be 65 million years old, which contained countless treasures that could be called artifacts.

But as soon as he stepped into the gate of the relic, his body was shattered by a strong soul wave!

Suddenly, a cell phone rang, disrupting his thoughts.

After answering the phone, a hoarse voice said in a low voice: "Su Yuan, is it? Your sister is in my hands. I give you three days to bring three million to see me in Chashan, Jiangbei Province, otherwise you will be waiting for her body to be collected!"

"Sister? Ling'er!" Su Yuan was shocked, and then he cursed: "Bullshit, you lied to me?"

"My sister is the most promising female warrior in Yunze Base who has the greatest hope of breaking through the gold-level extraordinary. She died in the battle of the rift not long ago. Now you actually say that she is in your hands? Do you think you are the god of death or God?"

Su Yuan roared like a machine gun, and suddenly heard a girl's muffled groan from the other end of the phone, and then someone shouted: "Brother! Save me!"

When Su Yuan heard this voice, it felt like a sharp ice cone pierced deeply into his heart, and his mind became blank at this moment.

But this time the other party did not give him any chance to speak, and hung up the phone directly!

Su Yuan suddenly woke up, and the long-lost memories were like a flood that flooded his mind.

He remembered everything!

Now it was the year when he was just a sophomore. His parents' company went bankrupt and they disappeared after owing a large amount of high-interest loans.

The debt collectors couldn't find his parents, so they kidnapped his sister Su Linger who was studying in Jiangbei Province and threatened him to pay the debt.

Su Yuan glanced at the time, 08:40 in the morning. There were still 8 hours before the doomsday disaster!

He hurriedly tried to call back.

"Sorry, the user you dialed is turned off..."

"Asshole!" Su Yuan clenched his fists tightly. Jiangbei Province and Qingzhou City are separated by half of China, and he couldn't get there anyway. Thinking of his sister's helpless look at this time, he wished he could fly to Jiangbei with wings.

All he could do now was to pray in his heart that his sister would be safe and sound like in her previous life. Then make good use of the remaining time to make full preparations for the coming doomsday.

At this moment, Su Yuan's eyes were suddenly attracted by a piece of news that popped up on his mobile phone.

[Recently, a quadrilateral pyramid has appeared all over the world. It is made of metal and is three meters high. No means known to mankind can destroy or dismantle the object. Scientists are trying to study it. Please do not approach it easily...]

He quickly enlarged the picture on his mobile phone, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

That's right! This is what is called the altar of the gods in later generations.

At 19:17 tonight, some unknown force will erupt from the altar of the gods and sweep across the entire planet in an instant.

More than 90% of humans have become zombies. There are also animals, marine life, including insects, and even plants. No creature can be spared. All have become terrible monsters.

The mutated creatures will grow crystal cores in their heads. The crystal cores of some mutated creatures will also emerge from the center of their eyebrows, which can be seen at a glance.

Kill the mutated creatures to get the crystal cores, and then put the crystal cores on the altar, and a miracle will come, which can strengthen the body of the sacrificer and even gain superpowers.

This behavior is very similar to the ancient times when people used various sacrifices to pray for the gods to grant them strength, and the altar got its name from this.

The ones that appear now are only primary altars, which can strengthen the body of the sacrificer and grant supernatural powers.

There will be intermediate, advanced, and even legendary god-level altars in the future, and their functions are more magical than one another!

Su Yuan tried hard to recall and said to himself: "I remember... there is an altar in the Lakeside Park in Nangang District, which is no more than 20 minutes away from me!"

Thinking of this, Su Yuan felt that his blood was boiling!

It took more than a month after the last time the god's altar descended, and some people gradually figured out how to use the altar.

By the time Su Yuan obtained supernatural powers, more than three months had passed.

And because he was worried about Su Linger's safety, he spent almost all his energy in the first five years after the doomsday disaster to find Su Linger's whereabouts. So that until his death, he barely reached the strength of a bronze eight-star extraordinary person.

In the end, he finally reunited with his sister Su Ling'er, but because of his lack of strength, he could only watch his sister die in the battle during the Battle of the Rift.

But in this life, he was reborn with sufficient preparation time and had the opportunity to go in front of everyone and become the first person in the world to activate the altar!

In the past, among those peaks that he could only envy and look up to, there must be a place for him in this life, or even higher!

This time he could stand in front of Su Ling'er and block all crises for her. The battle of the rift will not become Ling'er's burial place.

9:03 am.

Su Yuan quickly packed up and borrowed from all the loan platforms he could think of. Regardless of how high the interest rate was, there was no need to pay it back anyway, so he cashed out a full 270,000 yuan at the maximum amount.

If the house hadn't been mortgaged to the bank by his parents, he would have even wanted to do something bigger!

Walking out of the house, you can clearly feel the depressive atmosphere hanging over the community.

Because the altar of gods looks like the product of an alien civilization, many people speculate that this is a prelude to aliens attacking the earth.

People were panicked for a while, and long lines formed in supermarkets and shopping malls, all rushing to buy food, drinking water and other survival supplies.

But Su Yuan, who has experienced the apocalypse, knows very well that without strong strength, no matter how much supplies he rushes to buy, it is just a reserve for others.

In the apocalypse, all materials are occupied by the strong and can be squandered.

And the weak will even be miserable to the point of exchanging their children for food!

After leaving the community, Su Yuan immediately found a place to change all the money into cash. Then get in a taxi and go straight to the city’s largest flower, bird, fish and insect market.

In this period, it is better to have money in your own hands. Otherwise, if your online banking is suddenly frozen or paralyzed, the numbers in your balance will be just numbers.

Compared with other places, the business of the Flower, Bird, Fish and Insect Market is obviously too cold. The shop that used to be bustling with people could not even see a single customer at this time.

Su Yuan's eyes quickly passed over the flowers and plants, and finally stopped on a few praying mantises that looked like flowers.

"Found it!" Su Yuan's eyes lit up and he greeted the people in the store: "How many mantises do you have? I'll cover them all!"

The shop owner was a middle-aged man with a stubble on his face, and he was drinking wine with a sad look on his face. When I saw business coming to my door, I hurriedly greeted him.

But when he saw that the person was a poor student with a handsome face, and the clothes were sold at street stalls for tens of dollars a piece, his excitement and enthusiasm suddenly died down.

"This is a top-notch magic flower mantis, and it's very expensive! Normally, it costs three thousand yuan."

The shop owner muttered: "Forget it, business is hard to do now, so I can give you a 20% discount. Of course, if you can't afford it, I also have cheap ones. Ordinary green mantises cost thirty yuan each." pick."

Su Yuan interrupted the store owner's chatter, took out 20,000 yuan in cash from his bag and threw it away, "One price, 50% off. No matter how many there are or what species they are, as long as it's a mantis, I'll cover it all."

"...All, all included?" The store owner looked at Su Yuan as if he were a fool, "Why do you need so many mantises? Do you know how much it costs?"

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