"Okay, who did you learn this from? Kneel down and kowtow at every turn. If kowtow works, why don't you kowtow to the zombies?"

Bailirou straightened up, knelt down next to Su Yuan, and said, "I learned it from the people here. I think this is how they beg for mercy from those who are more powerful than themselves."

"Does it work?"

Bailirou shook her head, "I don't know, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't."

"Then why don't you let yourself become more powerful, so you don't have to beg for mercy?" Su Yuan thought for a while and then said:

"Now it's not like before. In the past, many people couldn't break the barriers between classes no matter how hard they tried."

"I heard Lao Liu say that when they found you, you were driving a limited edition BMW? In the past, many people might not be able to afford that kind of car even if they worked hard all their lives."

"But it's different now. As long as you pick up weapons and dare to fight, it's no problem to drive one car and throw another. Do you understand what I mean? If you want food and live with dignity, you can only go spell."

Bailirou lowered her head, "...I, I'm afraid. I've seen zombies eating people, and I'm afraid of being eaten by them."

"Then you are not afraid of being 'eaten' by Han Lihua and Liu Fangde? Look at yourself, they have eaten your dignity, and you are staying in a stranger's bed.

As long as I am willing, I can do it for you, and I don’t care whether you are willing or not, and I don’t need to take any responsibility. "

Bailirou nodded, then immediately shook her head, "I, I am willing, I am willing! They said that if I can't serve you well, they will drive me out of the village or drag me into a chicken coop."

Su Yuan asked in confusion: "What is a chicken coop?"

Bailirou explained: "The chicken coop is a big house, and the most unpopular women here will be thrown there. Those men who go outside to find food can sleep with the women in the chicken coop without paying. "

"What?" Su Yuan cursed Liu Fangde in his heart, "He was just planning to take me to the chicken coop?"

Bailirou shook his head and said, "No. The women there are all bad-looking or old and lustful. How could Brother Liu take you there?"

Bailirou smiled bitterly, her smile full of self-deprecation.

"He wants to take you to a place where good-looking women like me live. Here, if anyone wants to sleep with us, they need to pay. The money can be food, ammunition, medicine, as long as Anything of value will do."

Having said this, Bailirou quickly defended herself: "I'm still clean and haven't accepted guests. They didn't give me food just because I refused to accept guests."

Su Yuan asked, "Am I not a guest? What's the difference between you sitting naked on my bed and receiving a guest?"

Bailirou was silent, and after a while she said: "You are different. I heard them say that you are very powerful, more powerful than everyone here. So I think...if I want to take it, I would rather take you!"

"And they value you very much. As long as you touch me, they will never touch me again. Then I will find a way to stay by your side. It is better to be slept with alone than to be treated with a box of penicillin, It’s better to have a handful of bullets at your disposal.”

"Yes, I understand." Su Yuan nodded and moved to the side to make way for Bailirou to lie down.

Then he turned his back to her and said, "It's very late, close your eyes and go to sleep."

Bailirou was stunned and asked in disbelief: "What do you mean...you don't plan to touch me?"

"Am I not pretty enough? I know I can't compare to Xu Jiajia in terms of fame, and I can't compare to the one who looks like Battle Angel Alita in terms of cuteness, but I'm really clean. I've only had one boyfriend in my life. We broke up three years ago.”

Su Yuan said without looking back: "This has nothing to do with whether you are clean or not. I only drink safe milk."

In the last days, people are unpredictable and cannot help but be careless.

This woman was arranged by Han Lihua and Liu Fangde. Things like hiding thunder in the crotch and poison in the vagina are not just something you see in TV series.

The nine years of apocalyptic experience in his previous life had told him with bloody facts. Many times, many strong men are often overturned in the hands of seemingly weak women.

Men use force to deal with the apocalypse, and women use scheming to deal with men.

Su Yuan couldn't help but shudder when he thought of those strong men who once dominated the world but died on a woman's belly in the end.

He would rather face zombies and mutated creatures with his head in his hand than a woman's scheming.

Although Bailirou said that she wanted to use his power to protect herself from other men, but people were separated from each other, and who knew what her real purpose was.

When it comes to women, Su Yuan's aim is to drink breast milk only if it is safe!

Bailirou on the side was stunned. She didn't believe that there was really a man in the world who could not eat any meat that was put into his mouth.

After a long silence, she took two deep breaths. The expressions on his face changed one after another, and finally he seemed to have made up his mind.

She suddenly hugged Su Yuan from behind, and at the same time stretched out a hand to grab the Su family.

At this moment, she suddenly felt an invisible but qualitative force appearing between her and Su Yuan's bodies without warning, pushing her away like a pair of powerful hands!

Su Yuan turned over and sat up, with a cold light flashing in his eyes as he stared at Bailirou gloomily.

Bailirou suddenly cried, as if all the fear that had been accumulated in her heart for so many days was vented at this moment.

She cried pitifully, raising her fist and hitting Su Yuan's chest again and again.

"What should I do to make you hit me? Isn't it enough for me to beg you? I just want to find someone to rely on. I don't want to be ridden by thousands of people and slept with by thousands of people."

She felt terrified just thinking about the experiences of those women.

Especially the women in the "chicken coop", their status is not even as good as that of the ladies. At least the ladies have the freedom to choose whether to accept customers or not, but they have been deprived of everything and have become a tool for some people to vent.

Baili Rou kept begging Su Yuan: "Please, take me, I have no way out. If he finds out tomorrow morning that I haven't been touched by you, he will definitely throw me into the chicken coop."

"Okay..." Su Yuan sighed, and while speaking, he slapped Baili Rou, hitting her so hard that tears were about to fall out of her eyes.

Baili Rou screamed in pain.

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