Then it suddenly turned into golden sand, and a golden sand grain separated from it and flew towards Su Yuan!

The remaining golden sand grains were all integrated into a small tree that looked inconspicuous.

These golden sands gradually condensed into a crystal core composed entirely of golden sand grains in the body of the small tree!

The moment the crystal core condensed, the branches, leaves, and even roots of the small tree trembled, and then began to grow wildly!

Its root system was like a winding tentacles, spreading wildly around in the land. Once it encountered other plants, it would pierce its roots into the bodies of other plants and then devour them greedily.

Every time it devoured a plant, a branch would grow on the small tree. This new branch would have the characteristics of the plant it devoured!

Soon, a branch on the small tree grew buds, and then quickly bloomed into gorgeous flowers.

A strong bloody smell emanated from the flowers, and the zombies around were immediately attracted like flies smelling shit.

Whenever a zombie ran near the small tree, it would be tightly entangled by the vines growing from another branch of the small tree.

Then these vines would branch out countless slender branches, drilling into the zombies' mouths, nostrils, ears, and even eyes, and actually devour the zombies' blood.

There would also be a branch with sharp thorns on the tip, which would inject a liquid similar to digestive enzymes into the zombies' bodies, turning all the zombies' flesh and bones into a pool of pus and blood, which would eventually be absorbed by the roots under the ground.

Not long after, the area around the small tree had been flooded with pus and blood from the zombies, turning it into a swamp.

This small tree, which had been integrated with the altar of the gods, was growing and evolving rapidly in this horrifying way.

At the same time, the separated golden sand grain penetrated the glass curtain wall of the hotel building and the thick and solid reinforced concrete wall as if nothing in the world could stop it.

Finally, the golden sand grain floated directly in front of Su Yuan and went to the mark on Su Yuan's forehead without any pause.

It even penetrated his body directly and left a mark on Su Yuan's soul!

Su Yuan only felt that an extremely strong murderous intent was instantly locked on him, as if someone had pierced his head with an awl, making him fall into an ice cave in an instant!

The residual soul hidden in his mind immediately erased the mark and sent a strange and bizarre picture to Su Yuan.

In the picture, it was the small tree that merged with the altar of the gods!

Su Yuan woke up from the spiritual world and found that he was like a fish thrown into the desert, and the water in his body was almost exhausted!

His lips were chapped and his throat was so thirsty that it seemed that he could spray dust with a cough. His body was even thinner!

Su Yuan raised his arm with difficulty, and the diving watch on his wrist showed that less than two minutes had passed!

One minute and forty-six seconds!

But his body seemed to have been hungry for half a month. If he had not been transformed into a superhuman by the God Altar before, and had not eaten a lot of mutant mantis meat rich in source essence, he would have been left with only skin and bones at this moment!

"Huh?" Su Yuan suddenly noticed that the superhuman badge on the back of his hand had become different from before. The badge that was originally a hexagram pattern has now turned into an altar-shaped emblem!

After a slight sense, this altar-shaped superhuman badge was actually connected to the God Altar in his body. The relationship between the two is like that of a host and a client.

Although Su Yuan still doesn't understand the purpose of this change, he found very sadly that the 10 energy points he had finally obtained were also cleared.

"Golden sand... residual soul... and that little tree..." Su Yuan muttered to himself, his head was completely messed up.

The gold sand is closely related to the altar of the gods, and the residual soul is closely related to the cause of his death in his previous life.

The last small tree... Su Yuan felt that it was not a tree at all, but a cold-blooded killer!

Just like the alien in the movie, the meaning of existence is killing, and the target that the tree wants to kill is undoubtedly him, Su Yuan!

"Where did I offend the altar?" What Su Yuan hates most is this unknown feeling that everything is out of control.

At this moment, Cheng Xue suddenly banged on the door frantically outside, and shouted something loudly.

But Su Yuan's physical condition is now extremely poor, and his spirit is a little dazed. He feels that he is out of touch with the whole world and can't hear what Cheng Xue is shouting at all.

He picked up a bottle of mineral water on the bedside table and gulped it down.

A whole bottle of mineral water poured into his mouth, finally pulling him back from the state of near death.

But this alone is obviously not enough. At this moment, he is already hungry and red-eyed, and there is only one thought in his head, that is food! A lot of food!

"Help! Help! A zombie broke in!"

Su Yuan finally heard what Cheng Xue was shouting, and immediately rushed over to open the door.

Cheng Xue looked terrified and pointed at the door.

Without Cheng Xue's guidance, Su Yuan noticed that the knight and Wang Bin were holding the door of the room. In addition, there was a beautiful young woman who was crying anxiously.

Two zombie arms with festering skin and sharp nails were caught in the crack of the door, scratching randomly.

The festering sores on the zombies' arms exuded a strong stench, and the nails covered with black dirt seemed to be able to dig out the eyeballs of the three people blocking the door with a little more force.

Seeing that the crack of the door was getting bigger and bigger, Su Yuan picked up a bottle of high-proof vodka on the cabinet, smashed the bottle mouth against the corner of the wall, and then poured the whole bottle of vodka on the zombies' arms.

The zombies outside the door were completely unaware. Under the flushing of white wine, a lot of dirty blood immediately flowed out of the festering parts of the zombies' arms, and was thrown everywhere by it.

The knight man was surprised and said, "What are you doing? Invite them to drink?"

Before he finished speaking, Su Yuan had already lit a lighter and threw it over. With a "bang", a blue flame suddenly ignited on the zombies' arms.

As soon as the fire started, the zombies roared and retracted their arms, and the door was finally closed successfully. His mental strength was completely exhausted now, and he could not activate his supernatural powers. He could only use this method to force the zombies back.

But this behavior was like drinking poison to quench thirst. The flames ignited by the strong liquor could not kill the zombies at all, but only made them more violent. Moreover, the struggles and roars of the zombies would attract more zombies to gather here.

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