End of the World: Start by controlling a god's altar

Chapter 20: Extracting teeth from zombies

"... This... This, are these all zombies?" Professor Hu felt a chill running down his tailbone to his head, and his voice was split when he spoke.

He didn't bother to look closely at the moment, and without saying a word, he turned around and ran. Ding Nan had intended to leave, so he naturally followed. Zheng Xuan saw that his girlfriend had left, so he hurriedly asked Cheng Xue to leave together.

What people didn't expect was that Cheng Xue pursed her lips and shook her head, and her eyes were on Su Yuan.

At this time, Su Yuan was pressing down on a zombie's head and prying its teeth with a Swiss Army knife.

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Fortunately, he had his back to the door, otherwise if Professor Hu saw this scene, there was an 80% chance that he would be scared to death and lie on the ground.

Zheng Xuan watched Ding Nan and the others running farther and farther away. He gritted his teeth and followed Cheng Xue without caring what she wanted to do.

When the footsteps of Ding Nan and the others faded away, Cheng Xue pondered for a moment, tilted her head and asked Su Yuan: "You just deliberately sprayed Ding Nan with zombie blood to cover up the bloody smell on her body."

Su Yuan stopped moving. Using the smelly blood of zombies to cover the blood of living people looks like taking off pants to fart, but in fact it is the experience that Su Yuan gained in his previous life.

It's ridiculous that Ding Nan thought Su Yuan was deliberately targeting her. Dog bites Lu Dongbin - don't know good people.

But this copycat Alita is still a wise person.

Seeing that Su Yuan didn't respond, she continued to ask: "Can the blood of zombies really cover up the smell of living people? Will the zombies stop biting her if she does this?"

"You can try it yourself." Su Yuan threw away the zombie head with all the teeth pulled out in his hand and reached out to pick up another head.

Cheng Xue felt that the man in front of her was becoming more and more mysterious. First, he had two extremely sharp knives, and then he lost a lot of weight overnight.

Even when there were zombies knocking on the door outside, he was still in the mood to eat.

When facing zombies, he was not panicked or afraid, and killing zombies was even more casual. Now he was holding a terrifying human head to extract teeth!

Who is this person?

What kind of hobby is it to extract teeth from zombies?

Is there any deep meaning?

Cheng Xue was thinking wildly there. Su Yuan on the side was very fast, and he was not much inferior to a professional dentist.

In a short while, he had already extracted all the big teeth from the two zombie heads.

He wanted to extract Wang Bin's teeth as well, but then he thought that Wang Bin was Cheng Xue's friend and classmate after all. Doing this in front of others was somewhat suspected of desecrating the corpse, so he just gave up.

Anyway, two teeth are enough for a while. Now the world lacks everything except zombies. At worst, I can just find a few unlucky guys to extract teeth later.

Su Yuan tore off a piece of jeans from the corpse and wrapped the zombie teeth. Then he found a large piece of Shoushan stone ornaments in the room and used it as a hammer to smash the zombie teeth into pieces.

He also removed two steel pipes from the coat rack, found a bed sheet and tore it into strips. He wrapped the steel pipes with the drunken powder made from the zombie teeth.

Soon, he made two things that looked like oversized cotton swabs.

Cheng Xue thought Su Yuan would stop there and was about to ask what these things were used for.

Su Yuan dragged over another corpse that looked the fattest, cut open the belly, and fished out two large pieces of fat from it.

Even though Cheng Xue majored in pharmacy in college and occasionally saw seniors from other disciplines taking dissection classes, where had she seen such a scene?

Her face immediately turned green, and she screamed, then turned her head, bent over, and vomited, all in one go.

At an angle that Cheng Xue couldn't see, Su Yuan's mouth slightly raised an arc.

In his opinion, Cheng Xue was already quite courageous. If it were an ordinary girl of 18 or 19, she would probably urinate out of fear.

Cheng Xue was able to vomit and scream, which was already a very brave performance.

After vomiting, Cheng Xue no longer dared to stand aside and watch, and hurriedly ran to the door of the room with only a door frame left to keep watch, alert for zombies that might appear at any time.

On the other side, Su Yuan found some things to start the fire, then built a bonfire and roasted the two large pieces of fat he had dug out on the fire.

Then Su Yuan used the extra-large cotton swab to absorb the grease flowing from the fat until the cotton swab could no longer absorb even a drop of grease, and then he put out the fire.

The powder made from the crushed zombie teeth and the corpse oil made from the zombie fat. The torch made from the two things emits a special smell when burning.

This smell is a bit like the stench emitted by the ultrasonic vibration pen when people wash their teeth and clean tartar and tartar.

If it is said to be smelly, it is not too smelly, but it is extremely disgusting. Fortunately, as long as you don't get close and take a deep breath to smell it, it is not a big problem.

The reason why Su Yuan spent so much effort to make these two torches is because this smell can effectively drive away zombies!

Wherever this smell exists, zombies will be like living people passing through an open-air public toilet, wishing to stay as far away as possible.

Unfortunately, this method is only suitable for use in relatively closed spaces with little wind. If it is placed outdoors in the wild, the smell on the torch will be blown away by the wind and will have no effect at all.

It didn't take long for Su Yuan to complete the production of the torch.

This kind of torch has a nickname in the apocalypse, called "stinky torch".

If we use the game setting as an analogy, the functions of these two torches are lighting +5 and survival coefficient +30.

For Su Yuan, the memory of the previous life is an inexhaustible treasure.

If the apocalypse is compared to a game, then Su Yuan is equivalent to a super player who is familiar with the game strategy when the game is just launched.

Su Yuan threw a stinky torch to Cheng Xue and told her that if she encounters zombies, lighting the torch can temporarily resist for a while.

Cheng Xue witnessed the whole process of making the torch. At this moment, when she got the torch, she immediately felt a chill from the bottom of her heart. It felt like holding a handful of caterpillars in her palm.

But when she heard that this thing could actually deal with zombies, she immediately put it away as a treasure.

Before the two of them walked out of the door, they saw Ding Nan and Zheng Xuan and a few others running back like crazy.

Then there was a thunderous sound of chaotic footsteps, accompanied by a group of zombies chasing after them.

"Help! Help!"

Ding Nan and the other four even threw their shoes off at this moment, and the great terror stimulated all the potential in their bodies.

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