But he was so shocked by what he saw that he was speechless.

The ruins were dotted with clusters of crystals that looked like small trees.

White, blue, purple, and red, this place was like a place where God specially stored gems, and it was like a kaleidoscope filled with colored glass.

He waded through the waist-deep blood plasma, walking towards the village with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

Although it was weird here, at least there was nothing that could kill him immediately.

And the blood pool was so deep, who knows if there was anything vicious underneath? Anyway, he didn't want to soak here for a second.

After walking out of the blood pool, Su Yuan found that his clothes and pants had been torn into pieces. That little bit of cloth couldn't even cover his buttocks.

The same was true for everyone else. Whether male or female, they all wore backless tops and pants that exposed their buttocks.

If these people were not covered with thick blood plasma, this scene might look very funny.

But no one can laugh now.

People crawled to the edge of the blood pool, and the moment they stepped on the dry soil, they fell to the ground one by one as if their bones were pulled out, and lay there staring blankly.

They were now at the end of their rope. All their equipment was thrown away when they were riding the bugs.

It was also thanks to the fact that they were all strengthened, otherwise it would not be just the equipment that was thrown away before. Even the people might have been thrown to pieces.

Su Yuan took a rough look and found that only the old madman and the fat man had their backpacks still on.

The others were all the same as when he just got out of the blood pool, their clothes were torn into ghillie suits, and even their buttocks were exposed.

Su Yuan had to admire the greed of these two people. Knowing that the Thousand People Drunk in the backpack was a good thing, they threw away everything else, but they still managed to keep the backpack.

Cheng Xue and Xiao Lan only had their underwear intact on their upper bodies, but their pants were not good, so they had to cover them with their hands.

Feng Feng looked at his watch. It was less than two hours since they entered the forest. But everything they experienced made people feel like a lifetime had passed.

Su Yuan covered his buttocks and wanted to find one or two things to cover his body in the ruins of the village.

He thought to himself: What if I can find a ladle? It would be good if the important parts are not messed up in the wind.

It is said that luck is a mysterious thing. If a person is unlucky, don't be discouraged, don't be discouraged, and don't compromise with the goddess of fate.

Because after a certain degree of bad luck, it will hit the bottom and rebound!

This is what Su Yuan is like now. He just wants a ladle to stop Xiao Jiji, but God sent a crashed helicopter in front of him!

Next to the broken and deformed cabin, there are four or five boxes made of aluminum alloy. The boxes have also been smashed to pieces.

Unfortunately, these boxes are all empty. The things inside have obviously been taken away.

Su Yuan wanted to burst into tears. He wanted to find a helicopter so that he could get to Jiangbei as quickly as possible, but he couldn't find one.

Now, including the one at the military station, he has seen two crashed helicopters in a row.

He circled around the wreckage of the plane and finally took off a set of clothes from the pilot's body and put them on himself.

The blood plasma hardened when it was exposed to the wind, and it stuck to the skin and curled up like scales. He grabbed some sand and rubbed it with his hands, and it could be rubbed clean.

The feeling of putting on clothes again made Su Yuan feel refreshed. He rummaged in the pocket of his clothes and found another card of Tieyan Base.

His heart suddenly "clicked"!

He thought, not good! If this plane belongs to Tieyan Base, it means that the people of Tieyan Base have arrived at this place at least a whole day earlier than them.

At this time, he suddenly thought of the body that the old madman and Dugu Pang found when they were digging grass before, and the metal block held by the body.

Su Yuan thought to himself, could it be that the treasure has been taken away by the people from Tieyan Base? Thinking of this, Su Yuan became impatient.

He didn't care about the treasure or not, the space bracelet that must have come from here was what he was determined to get!

He immediately returned to the blood pool in a hurry. There was another person who was picked up from the forest by them, who should also be a member of the Tieyan Base. Maybe he could ask something from that person.

At this time, Feng Feng was smashing those crystal trees frantically. I saw that those seemingly solid crystal trees were actually very brittle. A random smash would break them into countless small pieces, which looked exactly the same as crystal cores.

Feng Feng was not the only one who was crazy. Everyone was like Feng Feng, they all thought these things were crystal cores.

Countless crystal cores, as many as sand on the beach!

Su Yuan had such an impulse when he saw it just now. But he immediately found that these things were just some kind of silicide, or to put it bluntly, stones, without any energy in them.

But who would believe this?

It's like a group of people found a mountain of RMB, and everyone's mind is filled with the word greed.

At this time, tell them that these are fake money, and you will get hemorrhoids if you use them to wipe your butt. Whoever dares to say this is courting death? They will be torn to pieces by crazy people in a minute.

Su Yuan just watched from a distance. He knew that these people would turn from ecstasy to crazy beasts after they found out that what they robbed was a pile of rags.

Because their greed has been completely aroused, but there are not enough treasures to fill their greed.

And greed is a desire that expands the more it is not satisfied!

Su Yuan forgot where he saw a passage, saying that a group of tomb robbers who had gone through untold hardships finally came to the coffin of the tomb owner.

Along the way, they didn't get a single hair. Now only the tomb owner's coffin has not been moved. Whether they can get valuable treasures depends on how much hard goods are in the coffin.

However, this coffin is very dangerous. Just from the outside, you can know that there must be zongzi, that is, zombies, in it.

If it were usual, tomb robbers who encountered such a coffin would wisely choose not to touch the coffin. Unfortunately, the consumption and losses along the way have made them red-eyed.

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