End of the World: Start by controlling a god's altar

Chapter 218: Mutual calculations, all succeeded

That was a look of ecstasy that could not help but show. Su Yuan was stunned for a moment.

At this moment, he put himself in Tang Yin's position and went through all the things that had been done before with Tang Yin's interests as the starting point.

He told himself to be calm in his heart. When he was calculating others, others were also calculating him.

Why was Tang Yin not surprised but happy when he was caught?

Su Yuan immediately thought that the reason why Tang Yin showed such a look must be that something that Tang Yin expected or hoped to happen happened.

In other words, Tang Yin hoped to be caught by Feng Feng.

Then, Feng Feng asked Tang Yin to take him to find the treasure, and Tang Yin had no intention of resisting or refusing. Similarly, Tang Yin hoped to take them to find the treasure.

"Great..." Su Yuan said in his heart. Damn it, this kid is holding back bad water, and he is definitely not leading us to a good place.

However, you have a plan, and I have a ladder. Boy, let's see who can beat who!

At this point, it was meaningless to continue pretending with Tang Yin. Su Yuan ran to Feng Feng and saluted Feng Feng with an awkward salute.

"Report! Captain, I have completed the task of asking questions and request to return to the team!"

Feng Feng was stunned and looked at Su Yuan with a very strange look. He thought, what medicine did Su Yuan take? Why is he so respectful to me suddenly?

Tang Yin was also stunned. He was stunned and his face was full of astonishment.

"Are you fucking crazy? In order to deceive my trust, you even killed your own people? And you killed three at once?"

He thought to himself, kill them, the crazier the better, this is what we want.

Su Yuan and Feng Feng looked at each other and smiled at the same time. Those three "people" were actually zombies. They would not die unless their heads were chopped off.

Su Yuan only stabbed them a few times with a dagger at that time. For zombies, that little injury was nothing.

“Be careful, all of you! There is something bad going on in Tang Yin’s loincloth.” Su Yuan avoided Feng Feng and reminded Cheng Xue, Fatty and other close friends.

“What bad things?” Dugu Pang was puzzled, “Did that kid pee in his pants?”

“That requires pants for him to pee in.” Su Yuan smiled, “You’ll know in a moment. I can only say that Tang Yin might want to use us.”

Several people nodded, secretly reminding themselves to be more cautious.

Others didn’t notice the strangeness of Su Yuan and others at all. At this time, they were full of the treasure that was about to be in their hands.

Everyone’s face was flushed, and they were as excited as the prostitutes queuing outside the brothel.

Feng Feng was obviously the one who was holding back the most and was the most impatient.

Because this prostitute hadn’t even seen what the girl looked like, he had already taken the drug.

"Hurry up!" Feng Feng pushed Tang Yin, who was held by two zombies, and said, "If you don't want them to have a negative distance contact with you, don't dawdle."

The village, which had long become a ruin, was full of broken walls and many places collapsed at the touch. People walking in it must always pay attention to their feet.

After only advancing less than 200 meters, several unlucky people were injured by the second collapse of the ruins.

However, Feng Feng didn't care about this at all, but kept urging Tang Yin to walk faster.

In addition, in order to increase Tang Yin's psychological pressure, he specially arranged three zombies with the largest "guys" to walk closely behind Tang Yin's buttocks.

As long as Tang Yin walked a little slower, three big birds would immediately land on the sunflowers.

This arrangement made every hair on Tang Yin's body curse Feng Feng violently, and at the same time greatly accelerated the pace of the team.

When everyone walked to the middle of the ruins under the leadership of Tang Yin, and then walked parallel to the other side of the ruins, suddenly everyone screamed excitedly.

Even ordinary people who have not been baptized by the altar can feel that there is a strong energy fluctuation constantly churning under the ruins not far ahead.

"This is the place." Tang Yin covered his loincloth and pointed to the front with his chin, "This is the closest way to the treasure."

Looking at the location pointed by Tang Yin, there is a very strange dry well.

The well mouth is very large, and it is surrounded by black things, like melted paraffin. It is very hard and feels like cooled lava.

The closer to the well, the more obvious the impact of the energy fluctuation.

"Damn!" Dugu Pang turned around the well mouth, "Did something expand the well mouth when it drilled out from below?"

He measured it with his arm and found that the diameter of the well mouth reached nearly three meters, and the whole was in a torn state.

If there was no cradle specially used to fix buckets next to it, people would hardly believe that this was once a well.

Moreover, due to the terrain conditions of the ruins being high at one end and low at the other, the well mouth that was supposed to be vertical to the ground is now tilted.

It looks like a half-collapsed circular door, except that there is no door panel.

At this time, the only people who still have the mind to observe the environment are those who knew from Su Yuan that Tang Yin had bad intentions.

Everyone else looked at Feng Feng.

Feng Feng pondered for a moment, then seemed to think of something and turned to look at Xiao Lan.

The two of them thought of the powerful mutant that was led away by Master Guangming and Boss Tieyan.

It is said that the mutant is the biggest obstacle to the treasure.

If this passage was made by that thing, it is indeed the closest way to the treasure.

"How did you find this place?"

Feng Feng's head, which was already filled with greed, still had a little rationality left. He looked at Tang Yin with a wary face.

"Can't you guess it?"

Tang Yin said: "Except for the mutant led away by my father and Master Guangming, who else can drill such a passage from deep underground?"

As soon as the voice fell, the ground under the feet of the crowd suddenly shook violently!

The intensity of this shaking was like a prelude to a volcanic eruption.

Everyone staggered in an instant. Countless ruins and rubble swept down from the top of the ruins like a mudslide.

"It's okay, it's okay." Tang Yin stood there with his arms folded, calmly.

"This damn place shakes every few hours. Since we arrived here yesterday, there have been at least four or five such shakings.

After each shaking, the center of the ruins will be much higher than before."

People looked at Tang Yin at the same time. They wondered in their hearts, what's wrong with this guy? Instead of escaping in the chaos, he warned people?

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