"Put it on quickly," the messenger urged, "This is the Sea Soul Armor that only a fifth-level warrior can have. If you put it on, Master Guangming and Boss Tieyan are no match for you."

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Su Yuan didn't even look at the armor, and stood there motionless.

"Why don't you wear it?" The messenger urged again, "The trial is not over yet. If you don't put on the armor, how can you pass the next level of the Iron Blood Hundred Battles?"

"Humph!" Su Yuan sneered and said slowly, "There is falsehood in the truth, and there is truth in the falsehood! Atlantis is also an expert in playing illusions, but it's still a little naive to deceive me."

The messenger was surprised and said, "Are you crazy? What's deceiving you? The illusion is over, and you have come out. This is your reward for passing the level."

"Your trick doesn't work, do you have any other tricks?" Su Yuan shook his head, looking like he wouldn't believe anything you said.

After a moment of silence, the world in front of Su Yuan suddenly shattered like a mirror.

"Great. I thought you would be defeated in the last illusion." The voice of the messenger can clearly be heard with deep worry. "Can you tell me how you saw that the last scene was also an illusion?"

The messenger was very puzzled. The truth of the last scene was hard to tell, and many reserve soldiers with the strength of bronze-level extraordinary people could not see through it.

"Haha." Su Yuan smiled and said, "In fact, I didn't see it was fake at all. I just wanted to be careful and make the boat last for a long time, so I tricked that girl."

"You..." The messenger was speechless, "You are really a little smart ghost."

Su Yuan thought to himself: I have to be smart! In this doomsday, if I am not smart, I am afraid that my body will be cold.

Now Su Yuan has indeed broken through the illusion test. When he lowered his head, he saw that his abdomen was bleeding. It turned out that he didn't know when he turned the fang gun and shot himself.

"It should be when I pulled Brother Luo's arm in the illusion, right?" Su Yuan muttered to himself, gritting his teeth and pulling out the fang gun. He covered the wound with his hand and looked up at the surrounding environment.

At this time, he was standing in a narrow passage.

Behind him was a solid and heavy bronze wall, and the walls on both sides were also smooth as a mirror. It was pitch black above his head, and he couldn't see anything. There was only one way forward, in front of him.

"I don't know how the others are now? I hope they will take care of themselves." Su Yuan looked around.

He was seen holding the wall with his hands, trying to climb up. But he would slide down as soon as he tried hard. After trying several times without success, he gave up.

Under his feet, there was a pool of dark green residue dust. Su Yuan crushed it with his feet, but he couldn't tell what was so rotten.

"This is the basic weapon prepared for the reserve soldiers who will participate in the Iron Blood Hundred Battles," the messenger explained to him, "Unfortunately, it has long been rotten."

"Are you kidding me?" Su Yuan grabbed a handful of residue and found that the mass was rotten and thinner than milk powder.

"There are still some residues left in the weapons and armor outside. I should have picked up two outside earlier."

The messenger said, "After all, these are the basic weapons prepared for the reserve soldiers. Of course, the quality is incomparable to that used by real soldiers. It is indeed rotten."

Su Yuan thought, more than clean, it is very clean!

What "Iron Blood Hundred Battles", just hearing the name, you know that you are going to fight with real swords and guns. Fortunately, I still have the fang gun in my hand, otherwise I would have to go up and fight with others?

The messenger said again: "But don't worry, according to the original setting of Iron Blood Hundred Battles, an offensive reserve soldier like you needs to defeat 100 mutant creatures of the same level to pass the level.

"But now it seems that the facilities of this level of trial checkpoints are also seriously damaged. Otherwise, the weapons and armor would not be so completely decayed, and naturally there would be no mutants for you to kill. Perhaps, you just need to walk to the end of the passage. "

"One hundred mutants of the same level? So exaggerated?" Su Yuan asked the messenger as he slowly walked along the passage, "Are all the warriors of Atlantis so fierce? The reserve warriors can fight one against a hundred, so wouldn't their elite warriors be able to fight against ten thousand people?"

"That's not the case." The messenger said bitterly: "This is the Trident-class flagship. In that era, the people staying on the flagship were all the royal family of Atlantis. The warriors selected here are naturally the royal guards."

"So, your trial is far more cruel than the general Atlantis conscription trial, and it is much more cruel. "

Su Yuan grinned. He knew that the so-called Royal Guards were similar to the Zhongnanhai bodyguards, or the imperial guards around the ancient emperors. The selection criteria must be much higher than that of ordinary soldiers.

Now he had nothing to do except curse in his heart, and could only pray in his heart. It would be best if all the trial facilities were destroyed, so that he could win all the trials without any effort.

It seemed that Su Yuan's prayers had an effect, and he just kept walking along the corridor.

After walking for a long time, he passed a very spacious square hall in the middle. Finally, after walking a few dozen meters in the corridor, he finally came to a closed metal door at the end of the corridor.

The metal door had no handles and no buttons. Su Yuan scratched his fingernails until they turned red, but he failed to pry open the iron door.

"Damn it!" Su Yuan cursed inwardly. Could it be that he had rusted to death? How could he get out?

The messenger was at a loss for this situation, and finally told Su Yuan that he could only wait.

The Iron Blood Hundred Battles has a time limit. Within a certain period of time after opening, if the trial is not completed, the trialer will be sent out of the venue directly.

Su Yuan was too lazy to ask how to send him out.

After this stroll-like walk, under the influence of the altar of the gods, his mental power had long been restored. The life source in his body was also very full, and he would not starve to death even if he did not eat or drink for a few days.

Su Yuan sat down with his back against the wall next to the iron gate, holding the fang gun in his hand, sitting there with his eyes closed to rest.

The messenger has been talking a lot during this period. If Su Yuan was not always in danger, he would have fallen asleep long ago.

So the messenger also took advantage of this rare quiet period to restore his soul power by circling the altar. There are still several checkpoints behind the Iron Blood Hundred Battles, and he must be well rested so that he can always escort Su Yuan.

The surroundings here are closed, except for metal, and the sun cannot be seen. Su Yuan has nothing on him to show the time, so time just passes by little by little, and he doesn't know how long it is.

Until Su Yuan couldn't help himself and walked the passage from beginning to end for the third time, and he was a little hungry.

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