End of the World: Start by controlling a god's altar

Chapter 239: A Hundred Battles of Iron and Blood

The passage behind the guide monument changed dramatically. Su Yuan walked inside, feeling like he was walking in a transparent glass tube suspended in a sea of ​​blood.

Everything he saw was blood red. If it weren't for the occasional large bronze walls or floors that remained the same, Su Yuan would have thought he had been moved again without noticing.

In addition to the shrill and violent roars, there were also faint shouts of killing. If you pay a little attention, the shouts of killing will immediately become obvious.

This sound seemed to have some kind of magic. After Su Yuan heard the shouts of killing, he immediately had the illusion of walking on a battlefield.

He clearly didn't understand the language of the shouts of killing, but he became uncontrollably agitated, eager to fight, eager for blood, and eager to tear everything he saw with his hands.

The messenger explained: "Don't worry, this is just a kind of psychological hypnosis, it's harmless. Obeying this impulse in your heart can make you braver in the face of battle."

"I don't need this thing, it's better to sing a little song for me." Su Yuan had experienced countless battles in his previous life, and the most important thing was the courage to face the battle. He was not a rookie who had never seen blood.

Walking slowly forward, he came to the wide area where the passage was interrupted.

At this time, it was crowded with all kinds of mutant creatures. Su Yuan was startled at first, and thought that these mutant beasts were old mummies of the same period as the Atlantis ships.

After a closer look, he found that they looked familiar.

"Snakes, spiders, killer bees, aren't these all the things I've seen in the woods before? And saber-toothed rats, sickle-tailed geckos... are they really moving in a zoo?"

Su Yuan pointed to the herd of animals drooling at him in front of him and asked the messenger, "Are you sure the consciousness of this ship has no hands-on ability? How did this herd of animals get here?"

The messenger said, "Atlantis was a very brilliant civilization in the last era after all. It's not easy to attract some low-level mutants?"

"It's just... your opponents in the Hundred Battles Trial are a little more, twice as many as in a normal trial! It seems that your act of completing the guidance monument has attracted the attention of the ship's consciousness."

"Child, you must be careful! There are peak-level second-order mutants among these mutants."

Su Yuan wiped the corner of his mouth with his thumb. He also saw a huge toad that looked extremely ugly in the middle of the herd.

The various mutants around were obviously very afraid of the toad the size of a buffalo. Within a diameter of ten meters around it, no mutant dared to approach.

At this moment, Su Yuan suddenly found a piece of text he didn't recognize on a bronze wall beside the passage.

He walked through the entire passage space three or five times, so he was 100% sure that these words appeared suddenly.

"This is Atlantis text. The first line says reserve soldier, Su Yuan." The messenger explained.

"It can also know my name?" Su Yuan raised his eyebrows, "Then what are the two rows below?"

The messenger read: "The following probably means that you are the best among this batch of reserve personnel, so it is preparing an officer trial for you. No wonder there are so many mutant creatures? It intends to make you the captain of this batch of reserve soldiers."

"It's understandable, after all, it is now a commander without troops." Su Yuan handed the fang gun to his left hand, and his right hand instantly condensed a one-meter-long wind blade.

"Too many debts don't worry, too many lice don't itch. One hundred is to kill, two hundred is to chop. But this is too much of a compliment to me. So many mutants, if they come together and step on me, they can also crush me to death."

"This..." The messenger sighed, "Have you forgotten the pile of ashes you saw when you just got here?"

"Under normal circumstances, when the Atlantis trialists reach this level, they will receive a set of primary defensive armor and weapons. With the protection of armor, the trialists will at most be seriously injured, and rarely die."

"Then let's fight. It's a good time to try my new tricks!" Su Yuan stepped into the battle area, and two hundred mutants roared in unison and rushed towards him at the same time!

What does it mean that two hundred mutants are running at the same time?

Su Yuan felt that he was facing a tank regiment, and the ground under his feet was shaking with a "boom".

Before the herd rushed to the front, a fishy wind blew Su Yuan's hair.

Su Yuan's eyes condensed instantly. He knew very well that he must not panic when facing the impact of the beasts!

In the front, there were more than a dozen heavy trucks with sharp horns, which were mutated domestic oxen.

They were so large that they ran like a heavy truck with a brake failure!

"Isn't it good to use a tractor to plow the land? Why do you raise so many cows for no reason?" Su Yuan complained in his heart. He didn't need to guess that these cows must have been raised in the village before.

It's just that these originally docile animals have become more ferocious than hyenas on the grassland. They neither plow the land nor eat grass, but eat people!

The wind blade that Su Yuan had prepared in his hand shot out instantly. The crescent-shaped wind blade flew close to the ground and slid into the depths of the beasts in an instant.

I saw more than a dozen heavy trucks leaning forward, and the wind blades cut off their knees below, and the cow hooves flew.

A large group of beasts fell to the ground collectively, and were caught up by the beasts behind, trampled, and rolled into a ball.

Su Yuan grinned. Even he was shocked by the attack power of the wind blade.

He didn't expect that the wind blade was so sharp. Cutting the mutant beasts was like cutting tofu with a knife. Even an iron pillar could not stop the wind blade's attack.

The screams of the mutant beasts whose legs were cut off were suppressed to the bottom by the beasts behind them before they could even scream out. The sticky and smelly blood quickly dyed the ground red like a stream.

Su Yuan took this opportunity to quickly retreat into a relatively narrow passage.

Facing the beasts alone, the most fearful thing is to be besieged.

He had no defensive armor on him, so he couldn't dodge and move among the beasts. He could only try his best to keep a distance from the beasts, and then use the long-range attack of the wind blade to wear down the beasts.

Moreover, the passage was a straight line, which was very conducive to the attack of the wind blade.

What Su Yuan didn't know was that in the Iron Blood Hundred Battles, the trialists were prohibited from retreating into the passage. Once they retreated, they would be disqualified from the trial. Atlantis didn't need warriors who didn't dare to charge.

If Su Yuan knew, he would definitely curse.

Fortunately, this time, the goddess of luck got on Su Yuan's bed. The facilities that blocked the trial participants from returning to the passage were damaged. Even if Su Yuan retreated to the passage, it would not affect the results of the trial, and it also slightly made up for his disadvantage of not being able to receive the armor.

When the large mutant beasts in the front rolled into a ball, the smaller flying killer bees had already rushed towards Su Yuan like a cloud of black smoke.

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