Su Yuan was thinking about how to convince Helena to withdraw her kindness. No matter how good your steak is, it is not as good as the stinky tofu I love.

Suddenly, the messenger said, "Why don't you take it? The Poseidon Medal is the treasure of Atlantis. It can give the soldiers of an entire legion the "Poseidon Blessing", and it also comes with a cubic kilometer of storage space. If you don't want such a thing, what else do you want?"

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"One cubic kilometer?" Su Yuan's eyes suddenly widened like copper bells. The storage bracelet he had been thinking about only had one cubic meter of storage space. This one is great, it came directly to a cubic kilometer!

How big is that?

Su Yuan immediately took the Poseidon Medal at the speed of pulling out the teeth of a cobra, as if he was afraid that Helena would regret it.

"Ahem, that... the glory of Poseidon guides us forever." Su Yuan blushed and put the Poseidon medal close to his body, and asked the messenger: "What is Poseidon's blessing?"

"Poseidon's blessing is actually a large energy field that can give a 5,000-man army the ability to fight underwater without being affected."

The messenger explained: "This ability will be very useful in the future. When the mutants in the sea are strong enough to land on the mainland, you will know."

"The sea tribe landed?" Su Yuan felt that his brain was not enough today. He was the little princess of Atlantis and the son of the era, and now he was told that the mutants in the sea would land on the mainland in the future?

The number of lives in the sea is tens of millions times the number of land creatures. Once the sea tribe lands, it will definitely be a catastrophe for human survivors!

At that time, humans will face a double attack from land mutants and marine mutants. That kind of scene, just thinking about it will make people feel chilling.

If such news is known to others, they will be scared to death, either committing suicide in despair, or giving up on themselves from then on.

But Su Yuan had already died once. He didn't say that he was open-minded about life and death, but he also had an understanding that ordinary people couldn't match.

He knew that at least within nine years, the situation of the sea tribe's counterattack on the mainland as the messenger said would not happen.

It took Su Yuan a long time to digest this explosive news that shocked everyone. As a result, Helena's other question shocked him.

Then Helena asked in a singing tone: "Respected Son of the Epoch, the doomsday of this era has passed for three months. Why is your strength only a junior eight-star?"

Su Yuan's old face flushed immediately. Unexpectedly, he was looked down upon by a mermaid girl who looked sixteen or seventeen years old.

"What's the matter? What's wrong with the junior eight-star? Who hasn't come step by step from this time? If you don't accept it, you can go through the Hundred Battles Trial again and see how I can overturn the sky with a spear."

As soon as he said this, Su Yuan regretted it. When he was not paying attention, he heard "I" and his gentlemanly image collapsed instantly. He was still hoping to find a way to kidnap the little mermaid.

This is a person from the last era, and she is also the intelligent life of the Trident ship. If she is fooled here, then this ruins can be indirectly renamed Su?

Helena didn't care about Su Yuan's words, and waved her hand and said, "No, no, no, I don't mean to question your strength."

"It's like this, I hope you can take me away with you. My life core is in the Deep Sea Scorpion escape boat at the deepest part of the ruins. But with your junior eight-star strength, you can't dig out the Deep Sea Scorpion even if you dig for decades."

Helena looked depressed. Time is actually meaningless to her who is immortal, but the taste of waiting is always tormenting.

It turned out that in the war that year, the Trident was too badly damaged. Helena's brother, who was the commander-in-chief of the legion at the time, decided to die with the enemy.

Helena was forced into the Deep Sea Scorpion lifeboat by her brother, hoping that she could escape.

Unfortunately, the battle was too tragic. In the devastating explosion, the Deep Sea Scorpion lifeboat was blasted deep into the seabed and was crushed by the huge wreckage of the Trident.

In despair, Helena's soul magically merged with the ship's crystal brain intelligence and became a new form of virtual life.

One hundred and thirty years later, she fell into a long sleep due to energy depletion and was not awakened until the day of destruction.

The seabed abyss once became land under the cover of layers of soil. Helena was buried deep underground with countless ship wreckage.

Now she wants Su Yuan to go down to the bottom of the ruins, find the Deep Sea Scorpion lifeboat, and take her life core with her.

To put it bluntly, the little mermaid just wants to follow Su Yuan.

Of course, 99.9% of this is for the face of the mysterious messenger.

Otherwise, with Su Yuan's junior eight-star rookie strength, our mermaid princess would not fall in love with him even if her head was hit by a whale.

However, Su Yuan didn't care who the mermaid looked at. Anyway, he knew his goal and had achieved it before he even opened his mouth.

"Dear Princess Helena, of course I won't leave you alone here. To be honest, I just followed the guidance of the messenger and came here to find you."

Su Yuan didn't even need a draft to make up a lie. He was a national first-class liar and spoke as if it were true.

What is the identity of a simple mermaid princess? How could anyone tell lies to her? He immediately took Su Yuan's words seriously and was so moved.

Su Yuan stopped immediately and hurriedly moved the topic elsewhere.

"Are you saying that this ruins is actually a naval battle battlefield tens of thousands of years ago. In addition to the Trident, there are hundreds of wrecks of small ships buried in the surrounding land?"

A look of great pride appeared on Helena's face, and she said proudly: "You are not accurate enough, Your Excellency, the respected Son of the Era. It should be said that except for the wreckage of the great Trident, there are only other ships here. Just fragments of it.”

"Those are the fragments of the Mosmar battleship. Those damn guys! The Trident proved to them with its bravery and power how stupid their behavior was!"

After that, Helena spent more than thirty minutes of non-stop speeches, impassionedly praising the bravery, elegance, and greatness of Atlantis, as well as the despicability, stupidity, and unforgivability of the Mosmael tribe.

The mermaid said so excitedly. Su Yuan wanted to ask Mosmael what he was, but he couldn't get a word in.

Su Yuan sighed helplessly in his heart, thinking that this little fish must have been driven crazy by being suffocated for a long time. He finally caught a living person and kept talking.

If she were sent to do stand-up comedy, she would be well off just by selling tickets.

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