There are also records saying that Jiuying has nine lives. If they cannot be killed all at once, even if nine heads are chopped off and only one is left, Jiuying can recover as before.

This is not nonsense. Since Jiuying's spiritual power is integrated, even if eight of the nine bodies are destroyed, as long as there is one intact, eight more bodies can be found to make up Jiuying.

Even Su Yuan, who is well-informed, got goose bumps after listening to the description of the messenger.

In his heart, he wanted to kill all the people involved in this matter immediately!

What kind of perverted person can figure out such a dehumanizing ritual?

I don't know where the word "light" in Master Guangming came from. He is called Guangming, but he actually does nothing human!

Su Yuan thought about it. I have never heard of the deeds of Jiuying in my previous life. I think Master Guangming in my previous life also failed.

No matter what caused Master Guangming's action to fail in that life, Su Yuan knew that the person who destroyed Jiuying's plan this time must be him, Su Yuan!

At this time, Su Yuan had already sentenced Master Guangming, Boss Tieyan, Tang Yin, Tang Jun and others to death in his heart. What was yet to be discussed was how to kill them.

Su Yuan took a deep breath. Before that, he decided to thoroughly find out how many people participated in and knew about the Nine Infants Plan. All those who were involved, whether they were the mastermind or the accomplice, must die, and this evil magic must be completely eliminated from the world.

Yale's neck was still pinched by Su Yuan. Seeing Su Yuan's gloomy face, she was immediately nervous.

When Su Yuan looked at her again, Yale immediately begged for mercy: "Brother Su, you, you let me go. I know where Cheng Xue is imprisoned. I'll take you there, okay?"

"Okay." Su Yuan suppressed all his murderous intent in his heart, slowly loosened his hand, and pulled off the bronze bracelet by the way.

In the previous life, this bracelet was definitely not something Yale got from Cheng Xue. In this life, due to the existence of Su Yuan, the variable, although the results of many things are still developing along the established trajectory, the process has completely changed.

Su Yuan tried to touch the bracelet with his mental power and found that the bracelet was broken. However, the damage was not serious, and it could be repaired in a few minutes by throwing it to the mechanical trilobite.

After repair, it can only have one cubic meter of storage space, which is the lowest-grade space folding equipment.

To say it is the lowest grade is also from Su Yuan's perspective.

Since this bracelet can fall into Yale's hands, it is estimated that the people here have not yet realized the preciousness of these relics from Atlantis in the Fifth Era.

In other words, they can't recognize what these seemingly broken copper and iron things are, they only know that weapons and armor are good things.

Yale will wear it on her hand, just because it is beautifully carved and looks good.

"Tell me, where is Cheng Xue imprisoned?" Su Yuan asked.

Yale moved a few steps tremblingly, a little further away from Su Yuan, as if this would give her a sense of security.

She pointed to the wall behind her and said, "It's in the room at the other end of the third floor. In addition to Cheng Xue, there are three other girls locked up there."

Su Yuan felt like crying but couldn't. There were only three rooms on the third floor of the iron house. If he had chosen the other side of the third floor when he jumped out of the window, he might have safely left with Cheng Xue.

He opened the door a crack and saw two guards standing in front of the room at the end of the corridor.

At this time, Su Yuan saw a black hooded cloak hanging on the hanger next to the door, so he pulled it over and put it on, lowered the brim of the hat to cover his face, and asked Yale to walk in front.

He planned to get in front of the guards first, and then suddenly kill them!

The reason why he had to take Yale with him at such a close distance was, of course, because he was worried that Yale didn't tell the truth.

The two of them left the room one after the other, and only walked halfway to the corridor, Tang Yin actually ran up at this time.

Tang Yin walked so fast that he almost bumped into Yale.

"Hey? Why did you two come out?" Tang Yin saw Yale and Su Yuan wearing a cloak behind Yale, and immediately thought that the person in the cloak was Wei Qiluo.

Because Tang Yin was standing at the bottom of the stairs at this time, it was not easy to tell the height from the bottom up, and Wei Qiluo herself was not short, so Tang Yin hurriedly thought that the person in the cloak was not his little sweetheart.

Then he heard Tang Yin continue: "It's just right that you came out, I was just looking for you. I have a good idea, let's go directly to the crystal core library to play, and no one will come to disturb us."

Then, he grabbed Su Yuan's hand through the cloak without saying anything, and walked downstairs impatiently.

At this time, Tang Yin looked no different from a sow waiting to charge into battle, and his whole body was full of excitement.

The stairs lead directly to the first floor, and even a fart might be heard by the people downstairs. Taking action here would definitely attract the attention of Master Guangming and Boss Tieyan on the first floor.

Su Yuan had no choice but to endure the discomfort, hunch his body a little, and pretend to be Wei Qiluo, and be led away by Tang Yin.

Yale's face turned green as she watched from the side. He was really afraid that Su Yuan would get mad on the spot and kill Tang Yin directly.

If that happened, she didn't know how Tieyan would deal with Su Yuan, but she, Yale, would definitely be implicated and killed.

"Second... Young Master... Second Young Master!" Yale hurriedly chased after him and shouted, "Wait a minute, wait a minute, let go first!"

"Shut up!" Tang Yin waved his hand and slapped Yale, "Qi Luo didn't say anything. How can you be so nosy?"

Tang Yin's mind is now full of fighting scenes in action romance movies produced in a certain country. If anyone dares to delay him from doing "business" at this time, he will immediately get angry with that person!

He has been coveting Wei Qi Luo for a long time. A young man like him, how can he resist Wei Qi Luo's intentional seduction.

In addition, when he went downstairs just now, he found that Wei Qi Luo's husband Yan Kai was there. This feeling of watching someone else's husband cheating made Tang Yin so excited that his blood vessels almost exploded.

In fact, if you talk about it in detail, Tang Yin suddenly had the idea of ​​taking Wei Qi Luo to the crystal core library to do something, and he also had the purpose of seeking excitement in his heart.

He just wanted to pull Wei Qi Luo and walk in front of Yan Kai!

Tang Yin was still worried that Wei Qiluo would not agree, so when Yale stood up to stop him, he was so angry.

But in fact, the person wrapped in the cloak was Su Yuan!

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