A layer of yellow light instantly surged from Tang Zhen's body, and the rock armor thickened rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, Tang Zhen turned into a huge stone ball.

Master Guangming's eyes twitched, and he secretly cursed Tang Zhen for being disloyal. You old boy are good at defense, but what should he do as an old Taoist priest?

Just when Master Guangming didn't know what to do, the servant of the sea god suddenly walked out of the surging waves and came in front of Tang Zhen.

The servant of the sea god slowly raised his right hand, stretched out a finger, and pointed at the stone ball that Tang Zhen turned into!

"Bang! Boom..."

It's hard to imagine that the power of a finger can be so strong that it's like a meteorite impact. The stone ball wrapped around Tang Zhen's body instantly shattered into countless pieces.

Tang Zhen inside groaned, and a blood mist spurted out with a "puff", and the whole person flew backwards like a stupid bird hit by a plane.

Master Guangming widened his eyes and his jaw was almost dislocated. The old face was so shocked that the wrinkles on his face were stretched.

Even Tang Zhen, who was like a stone lump, was beaten like this by a blow.

Master Guangming felt that his old arms and legs didn't need a finger, and he was afraid that if someone pulled out a leg hair, he would be beaten to death!

Master Guangming didn't wait for the blood mist sprayed by Tang Zhen to dissipate, and immediately raised his hand and shouted: "I, I have something to say!"

"I'm different from him. I am a believer of the sea god. I grew up by the sea and worship the sea god every day, really!"

"I came here specifically to admire the majesty of the sea god. I respect the sea god too much. If I don't burn incense to the sea god for a day, I can't even eat."

Su Yuan secretly cursed the old ghost Guangming for being shameless. What he hates most is the guy who is as slick as him.

Poor Tang Zhen was lying on the ground at this time, blood was oozing out of his ear holes. The blood at the corners of his mouth was oozing out, and he was gasping for breath.

"You said you are a believer of the Sea God. Do you have any evidence?" Su Yuan, who was wearing the Eda armor, said lightly.

Master Guangming was stunned. Evidence? What evidence? The certificate of ordination is evidence of monks, the cross is evidence of Christians, and what is the evidence of believing in the Sea God?

"I... I..." Master Guangming's back was sweating coldly, and suddenly he said in a hurry: "I didn't bring my evidence today. Let me go, I will come back with the evidence to show you."

"Yeah." Su Yuan suppressed his smile, nodded, and secretly informed Helena to tear off the illusion.

With Su Yuan's strength, of course, it is impossible to be so strong that Master Guangming and Boss Tieyan are scared to pee their pants.

Everything just now was just Helena starting the first stage of the conscription trial.

If Helena hadn't focused most of her energy on fusing soul crystals, Su Yuan's original plan was to pull everyone into the environment.

In desperation, he had to settle for the second best and only pit Master Guangming and Tang Zhen. Everything in the illusion was an illusion, but the blow that Tang Zhen received was real!

Tang Zhen thought in the illusion that he had arranged a rock armor for his body. In fact, in reality, he and Master Guangming were standing there stupidly.

Su Yuan took advantage of Tang Zhen's consciousness falling into the illusion, and put all his strength into punching Tang Zhen's chest!

This blow was completely due to the bonus of the Eda armor, which caused such serious injuries to Tang Zhen.

However, the Eda armor is not used at will, just like Iron Man's clothes also need energy support, the Eda armor consumes crystal core energy.

This punch that took away half of Tang Zhen's life directly consumed nearly 100 energy units of Su Yuan!

Su Yuan was so distressed that he felt distressed. The Eda armor is good, but it burns too much crystal core.

Su Yuan was very depressed, feeling like a person who finally bought a car but couldn't afford to add gas.

The reason why he attacked Tang Zhen instead of Master Guangming was that he had his calculations.

The cooperation between Master Guangming and Tang Zhen was not good for him, so he had to find a way to destroy it.

Injuring one of the two and destroying the current situation of equal strength between the two sides was the first step.

Since one had to be injured, of course he would choose the one that was more difficult to deal with.

Master Guangming's ability to control a large number of zombies seemed powerful, but in fact, Master Guangming himself was a fragile person with pitifully low defense.

Tang Zhen was different. The defense of earth-type extraordinary people was generally high, and after the previous test, Su Yuan could basically determine that Tang Zhen's second ability was strength-related enhancement.

If Su Yuan left Tang Zhen, a person with high attack and strong defense, alone, he would be a fool.

When the mermaid princess dispersed the illusion, Master Guangming and Tang Zhen rubbed their eyes and found themselves back in the ruins covered with bronze. Everything just now seemed like a dream.

At this time, when they looked at the "servant of the sea god" covered in black armor, they no longer dared to have any contempt or doubt in their expressions.

Su Yuan took a step forward lightly. The show of power was completed. He was going to officially implement the deception plan.

It didn't matter that he took a step forward. Master Guangming and Tang Zhen were both shocked and stared at him as if they were facing a great enemy.

"What are you looking at?" Su Yuan said lightly: "Didn't you say you have evidence of believing in the sea god? If you can't show it, I will beat you up too.

"Yes! Absolutely!" Master Guangming didn't even look at Tang Zhen, who was vomiting blood, and respectfully said to Su Yuan: "I will go back and get the evidence and bring it to you. Please wait a moment."

As soon as these words came out, Tang Zhen looked at Master Guangming in surprise, and secretly cursed the old guy for being unloyal.

Su Yuan was also stunned. Evidence for belief in Poseidon?

That stuff was just what he was talking about. Not to mention him, not even Helena, the princess of Atlantis.

But looking at Master Guangming's vow, it doesn't look like he's talking nonsense.

Su Yuan was wondering, could what this old ghost said be true? Is there really anything that can prove a person's belief in Poseidon?

Su Yuan was silent, thinking about how to round out this lie.

When Tang Zhen saw that believing in Poseidon would save him from being beaten up by this mysterious servant of Poseidon, he immediately swore that he was also a believer in Poseidon.

He also said that he didn't have any evidence with him and would go back with Master Guangming to get it.

Su Yuan's face hidden in the armor smiled with interest. He wanted to see what tricks these two people could play?

Su Yuan thought to himself, if I let you go, what can I do?

When the fusion of the crystal core energy in my body is completed, I will be completely upgraded to a black iron level transcendent. Combined with the fire element transformation factor, I can kill both of you when the time comes.

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