"Sea...ah, sea, God, God, God's servant Ba, ah...ah, Ba Ba!" Xiao Keba respectfully raised the bag of crystal cores above his head with both hands.

"I...I want to turn the wheel, wheel...wheel!"

"The glory of the sea god shines on you!" Su Yuan chanted like a chant.

Su Yuan swept his mental power and instantly put the crystal core bag into the storage space. The scene of this object disappearing out of thin air fell into the eyes of others. That was the miracle of the sea god!

The spinning wheel touched everyone's heart, and Xiao Keba was as nervous as a husband waiting in front of the delivery room.

Su Yuan was very reliable and used the projection on the wall behind him at a very fast speed to flash one dazzling treasure after another.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝙩𝙬𝙠𝙖𝙣.𝙘𝙤𝙢]

In fact, where the roulette wheel will eventually point to is not entirely decided by Su Yuan, the dealer?

This is the first time the market has been opened, and Su Yuan feels that he should give them some benefits. So he made up a story that Xiao Keba was favored by the Sea God and got a mechanical trilobite!

When Xiao Keba took the mechanical insect back, it was immediately snatched away by Master Guangming.

"This... this is true!" Master Guangming was so excited that his beard trembled, holding the mechanical insect and refusing to let go.

Su Yuan thought to himself that Master Guangming had better put the mechanical insect and other treasures together, and then he would cut off the firewood from Master Guangming, and take away all the good things.

So, the grand roulette event began.

Everyone turned into pangolins, digging for crystal cores scattered around the ruins. Those with shovels used shovels, those with superpowers used superpowers, and if that didn't work, they used explosives.

Crystal cores fell into Su Yuan's pocket like snowflakes, and he just needed to take out a few things from time to time to fool people.

The second person who came to exchange was Tang Zhen, who had earth-related superpowers and was best at digging things in the soil.

In addition, as the boss of the Tieyan Base, even if others dug up crystal cores, they would be taken away by him, so Tang Zhen brought a thousand crystal cores at once and asked for ten consecutive draws.

The roulette was just a cover. Su Yuan looked at people and served them according to their wishes. He said that the roulette would stop at the grid where he wanted it to stop, and no one knew the words on the roulette.

As usual, Su Yuan muttered to Tang Zhen: "The glory of the sea god shines on you," and let Tang Zhen push the roulette himself.

In ten consecutive draws, Tang Zhen received the [Blessing of the Sea God] six times (which is equivalent to the thank you for your patronage in the beer cap).

A mysterious potion (Su Yuan found a glass test tube from the medical cabinet, and he didn't know what was inside).

Ten crystal cores twice.

The last time, with Tang Zhen's face uglier than a dead person, he finally got a mechanical trilobite!

Although Tang Zhen didn't get the artifact-level treasure he wanted, he got the same mechanical trilobite as Master Guangming, which made him satisfied and more motivated.

After him, Master Guangming also came with a thousand crystal cores, and also drew ten times in a row.

Su Yuan still remembered the matter of this old immortal refining the Nine Yin, and directly gave Master Guangming five blessings from the Sea God.

The sixth time, he gave Master Guangming a pair of Atlantis underwear. Of course, Su Yuan said that this pair of underwear was [a part of the raging wave armor].

The remaining four times were all blessings from the Sea God.

Master Guangming looked like "Am I a non-African?" and walked away holding a pair of underwear, not knowing whether to be happy or sad.

After Master Guangming left, Su Yuan suddenly remembered that he should have burned a handful of sand into glass, crushed it and sprinkled it in the underwear before giving it to Master Guangming.

"Alas... I am still too kind and always can't think of ideas to hurt people." Su Yuan sighed.

Su Yuan was secretly regretting, but the third person who came to exchange arrived at this time.

Heishan came a little secretly, waiting until there was no one around, and then sneaked over. It is estimated that he came without Master Guangming's knowledge, and he only brought 200 crystal cores with him, which seemed to be hidden.

"My Lord Servant of God, I want to turn it twice." Heishan put the crystal core in Su Yuan's hand, and before Su Yuan finished saying "The glory of the sea god shines on you", he impatiently grabbed the roulette and pushed it hard.

Su Yuan deliberately controlled the roulette to keep turning, just non-stop.

Heishan was so anxious that he scratched his head and kept turning his head to look behind him.

Su Yuan was more certain that this guy had come here secretly, and he was overjoyed!

The roulette stopped, and Su Yuan immediately said: "Lucky boy, your luck is enough to make the goddess of luck ashamed. Congratulations, you got the chance to rise to the top in one step."

"Reaching the top in one step?" Heishan rubbed his head with his carrot-like fingers, "What is rising to the top in one step? Does it mean that I will become very powerful all of a sudden?"

"Almost," Su Yuan opened his hands and said to Heishan without question: "Turn around, close your eyes, and feel the power of the sea god!"

Heishan obeyed and turned his head to face Su Yuan obediently.


The sharp bevel of the syringe pierced his head, and Heishan didn't even make a sound, and he "reached the top in one step!"

"Your grandfather, dare to poison me, this is rising to the top in one step!"

Su Yuan immediately analyzed Heishan's power ability, extracted life essence, poured out the fat man's venom, and destroyed the body.

When the fourth person came, Su Yuan was still wearing a black battle armor, standing there like a solemn god, as if nothing had happened.

The fourth person was Xiao Lan. Su Yuan liked Xiao Lan, so when Xiao Lan came to spin the roulette wheel, Su Yuan said that Xiao Lan was favored by the sea god and got a [Fatal Bowstring].

In fact, it was a leather rope that Su Yuan transformed with a few Atlantis underwear. However, the tensile strength of this leather rope is absolutely beyond doubt, and it is stronger than any material in the world.

Qin Rui, who has the ability to transform into a beast, came to spin the plate, and Su Yuan said that he had obtained ten crystal cores, plus the blessing of the sea god, wishing you peace and health, and good luck next time.

Of course, the most he gave out was the box of men's underwear. However, he had already transformed them into headgear with mechanical insects, and called them advanced soft armor.

In addition, there were unmatched combat boots, which he said were part of the suit of armor.

The useless unknown potion was regarded as holy spring water.

He threw out seahorse-shaped bubble machine toys and lobster water guns in the name of artifacts. He also said that only water element transcendents could use such artifacts.

From time to time, Su Yuan would also send out a few blue crystal shells, saying that they were high-level tokens and symbols of status.

Anyway, no one knew the words on the roulette wheel, so whatever he said was what it was.

If it was just these, it would be okay for a while. After a long time, people found that what they got were all junk.

Those treasures that were called artifacts on the screen were not obtained, and they began to feel that something was wrong. After all, no one was a fool.

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