Su Yuan stretched out a hand and pressed it against the tree trunk.

After the surrounding air condensed crazily towards his palm, it exploded violently. With a "boom", the tree trunk was blown to pieces!

Countless dried fruits and pine nuts were seen flowing out of the damaged hollow trunk like water.

To the ears of these hungry ghosts, the "squeaking" sound was even more pleasant than the sound of gold coins hitting each other.

The dark-eyed writer wondered: "It's amazing! Boss, how did you know there would be so many dried fruits here?"

"Use your brain more." Su Yuan picked up a pine nut, broke it open and threw the nut into his mouth. "When small animals are injured, they will run away to the safest place they think. For them, the safest place is Of course it’s my own nest.”

"Chipmunks, like squirrels, have the habit of storing dried fruits for the winter. A little thing like this can store at least 6,000 dried fruits."

"This was before they mutated. Now look at the size of this flowery mouse, it's almost catching up with a rabbit. So their storage capacity will increase more than ten times!"

Everyone was drooling when they saw it, and they hurriedly grabbed dried fruits to eat.

Seeing that Su Yuan stopped eating after tasting one, the old waiter couldn't help but asked: "Boss, why don't you eat it?"

"I won't eat it, you can eat it. If you eat too much of this stuff, you'll get angry."

As Su Yuan spoke, he grabbed a large handful of dried fruits, crushed them all, and then sprinkled the broken nuts on the ground. Suddenly, the sweet fragrance of dried fruits floated far away along the cold wind.

There was really a lot of dried fruits, and people didn’t have sacks with them, so they stuffed them into their pockets desperately.

When the pockets were full, I took off the outer layer of trousers, tied up the trouser legs and stuffed them into the trouser legs.

More than 40 people ate and took away the dried fruits in a tree hole in a blink of an eye. Their speed at picking up bargains is no worse than their speed at escaping.

Everyone looked around and suddenly realized that Su Yuan had disappeared. They suddenly felt panicked.

When he looked up, he found that Su Yuan had climbed to the top of the tree to smoke.

"Hey, boss." The old, weak, sick and disabled had something to fill their stomachs, and their attitude towards Su Yuan became more and more respectful. "You just smoke, why do you go to such a high place?"

Su Yuan hooked his fingers and asked them all to find a big tree to climb up, and then just waited, sitting on the branches and blowing the northwest wind.

Not long after, another chipmunk with a fat head and a big butt suddenly came running.

The little thing moved its eyes slyly, and its little nose wrinkled up and down. The scent of dried fruits captivates its soul.

I saw it circling around the dried fruits crushed by Su Yuan a few times, and suddenly it screamed "Zhi Zhi Zhi", as if it was angry about why the dried fruits were all broken.

Just when it turned around to leave, a group of monkey-like figures suddenly jumped out of the tree and surrounded it in an instant.

Before its poor brain had time to process what was going on, it was pinned to the ground with various hands and feet.

The chipmunk was frightened, and its huge cheeks trembled rapidly. The dried fruits held in its mouth were swept towards the crowd like cannonballs.

In an instant, the dozens of people surrounding the chipmunk were beaten with bruises and swollen faces, and were lying on the ground rolling in pain.

The dried fruits shot out are so powerful that they are no weaker than the enhanced slingshot.

When the remaining people saw how powerful this flowery mouse was, they immediately wanted to throw it away and run away.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the "ammunition" in the chipmunk's mouth was exhausted, and it became a toothless paper tiger.

The small hot pot is the fastest and the most sneaky.

He grabbed Chipmunk No. 2 with both claws and bites, and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Dark circles under your eyes! You bastard, where are you going? Come and show me your pen."

With dark circles on the verge of tears, he stared and shouted: "You, don't even think about it! My pen is for writing, not for arranging flowers."

"You bastard, the lid is off," the little hotpot was so thin that it was already very difficult for him to hold down the chipmunk, so he had no time to argue with the dark circles under his eyes.

Seeing that the dark circles under his eyes refused to lend him a pen, he looked around, picked up a branch of about the same thickness from the ground, and without thinking, he stabbed it along the chipmunk's rear orifice!

A group of people followed Chipmunk No. 2, laughing and joking about how many dried fruits they could get this time.

At this time, they completely forgot that this was a dangerous mountain forest, and vicious large mutants would rush out at any time and beat their teeth as a sacrifice.

As the sun climbed towards noon, Su Yuan obtained the bodies of five chipmunks. This was specially reserved for Su Yuan.

In their words, the younger ones eat vegetarian food, while the boss eats meat.

At this time, everyone was carrying large and small packages, and all the places that could be packed with dried fruits were filled. I have already taken off my clothes and pants so much that I can no longer take them off. If I take them off again, I will only be left with my underpants.

I had been chasing chipmunks all over the mountain, but I didn't feel cold yet. Now that I stopped and was blown by the cold wind, I began to regret that I was too greedy.

My clothes and trousers to keep out the cold were filled with fruits. If I couldn't go back quickly, I might freeze to death on this mountain.

The old vegetable waiter's teeth chattered with the cold, and he shouted shiveringly: "Let's... let's go... back. There are so many dried fruits, enough... enough, enough to eat... for a long time."

"You want to go back now? It's still early!" Su Yuan threw the strange shrimp medal to Fatty and told him to put all the dried fruits collected by everyone into the storage space.

"I told you when I went out that today's meal will be hot pot."

Xiaohuoguo said with a smile: "Boss, you are kidding. There are more than 40 of us. How can we eat those five chipmunks? That's not a hot pot, it's a soup pot."

Su Yuan ignored him and cut the intestines of the five chipmunks and hung them on a tree branch half a person high.

His actions made everyone's faces change wildly.

Dark circles shouted hurriedly: "No, no! This blood may attract something deadly. Isn't this courting death?"

Su Yuan sneered: "If you want to eat meat, don't be afraid of death. If you are afraid of this and that, you might as well eat shit."

"Stand still!"

Su Yuan took a square step, and his knife-like eyes swept across everyone's faces one by one.

"No matter what is attracted later, you will swarm and stab me with the wave-cutting sword as a javelin!"

"Even if you want to run or escape, you have to let the enemy see blood first. Do you understand?"

The wave-cutting sword is the weapon that Su Yuan distributed to them. These weapons were carried on their shoulders as poles just a second ago.

Now, under Su Yuan's command, they all stood on the ground in unison.

"This time, if anyone dares to throw away the weapon, or escapes without throwing the weapon..."

As Su Yuan spoke, he suddenly condensed a huge wind blade more than ten feet wide, and "whoosh" cut a tree more than one person thick in half!

"This is the end!"

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