Dugu Pang was the first to slide down from the tree, following the traces left by Su Yuan and the violent bear in the snow, looking for traces of Su Yuan.

The snow has long been trampled to pieces. It is not easy to find the exact direction of Su Yuan and Bao Xiong.

Lao Caibanzi, Xiao Qiba, Hot Pot, Black Eyes and others also silently searched for Dugu Pang.

"Why didn't you run away?" Dugu Pang asked with a cold face.

He still remembered that when he was chased by a violent bear and had no way out, none of these people were willing to rescue him.

The old waiter and others looked at each other and said, "Don't run away. We ran away before because no one cared about our lives. If we didn't run, we would die."

"But the boss is different. Today, our lives were all saved by the boss. In the past, no one was willing to take risks to save rotten people like us."

"So, no matter whether the boss is dead or alive today, we have to get him back. If he is dead, we must at least dig a hole and bury him."

He quietly wiped his sore eyes with dark circles, "I will write a eulogy to my boss sincerely."

The little hot pot said: "I want to make a real hot pot for the boss and let him know that seasoning the base is also a specialty."

The old waiter let out a long sigh, "What a good man. If we hadn't held him back, Boss Su would have been able to escape even if he couldn't defeat the violent bear by himself."

Although Dugu Pang had confidence in Su Yuan, the violent bear was still too ferocious after all. His intestines were leaking all over the floor, but he didn't die.

Dugu Pang secretly thought that this violent bear was probably the king of the nearby mountains.

A group of people searched like a net, and finally saw a violent bear in a valley!

The violent bear seemed to have mutated again. The body size is much smaller, becoming only the size of an ordinary person.

At this moment, he was facing away from them, sitting on the ground with his head lowered, his shoulders moving, not knowing what he was doing.

Everyone hurriedly fell down, lying in the snow and squinting their eyes to see. Looking left and right, they couldn't see Su Yuan's shadow.

People didn't even dare to take a breath, staring at the back of the violent bear and not daring to move. They were anxious and wondering where Su Yuan had gone.

At this moment, the violent bear suddenly swung its claws and threw out a clean bone!

Everyone's expressions changed drastically at the same time.

Dugu Pang lowered his voice and yelled: "No, the violent bear has mutated again. Look at there is a lot of blood there. It's over, it's over, it must be eating the boss's body!"

Thinking of this, Dugu Pang felt that the blood all over his body ran cold, but there was a fire burning in his heart.

"Fuck!" Dugu Pang's heart was beating wildly and his body was shaking uncontrollably. With red eyes, he looked around, then suddenly grabbed the wave-cutting knife in Xiao Hotpot's hand.

"Give me the knife! I...I'm going to fucking fight that bear. We can't let the boss die without even a complete corpse!"

The little hot pot clutched the wave-cutting knife tightly and refused to let go. He also shouted: "No! The bastard's cover is dripping. I have to fight with that bear. I can't let it eat the boss. I can get as much as I can back!" "

The fat man's wave-cutting knife had long been twisted into twists by the violent bear. When he saw that the hot pot refused to be given to him, he went to grab the knife from the old waiter.

Unexpectedly, the old waiter also had the guts to say, "Bah! I don't have a few years left to live as an old guy, so I want to be a man for a while today."

Dugu Pang was a little moved. It is not easy for these old, weak, sick and disabled people who only know how to escape to say this.

At this time, Dark Eyes suddenly gave Fatty his wave-cutting knife.

Fatty sighed secretly, after all, not everyone has this kind of backbone.

Even Su Yuan couldn't beat that violent bear, so they had to rely on their lives to fill it when they rushed over.

He reached out and took the wave-cutting knife from Black Eye Circle, and had no intention of talking about Black Eye Circle anymore.

Unexpectedly, Dark Circle suddenly patted the fat man on the shoulder.

"I'm weak and can't even hold a knife. But I can run fast. I'll lure the bear away later, and you guys can rush over and grab the boss's body."

At this time, there was another tall and thin man who pushed aside the dark circles under his eyes and spoke with a strong local accent.

"Get out of here. If you want to lure that bear away, I will do the same. However, I guess I won't be able to hold on for long before I'm done. You can come back after I'm dead."

Then, many more people stepped forward and said they were going to lure away the violent bear.

Dugu Pang was so moved that tears filled his eyes. He held everyone's hands and said, "I'm so touched by you. I didn't expect that you were willing to help me avenge the boss. I thought you were all cowards who only care about yourself."

"You...you are fucking lying to me, right? Don't wait for me to pass by and turn around to find that you have all run away."

The fat man's answer was an eye-sealing hammer, a belly button cannon, and a kick to tease the vagina.

The fat man arched his body in pain and looked at everyone with bared teeth, "I just want to ask, why are you still in such a hurry?"

The little hotpot and the tall and thin man stared at the fat man and said, "You bastard, I have a conscience too!"

"Fat Master, I'll knock you down first this time. If I can survive, I'll come back and f**k you to death, do you understand?"

It's more civilized to have dark circles under his eyes, just use the pen as a stick to stab the fat man in the face.

While poking, he said: "First, the boss snatched each of our lives from the bear's mouth. We remember his kindness."

"Secondly, the size of the violent bear is now much smaller, only as big as an ordinary person. We still dare to provoke this heavyweight mutant."

"Third, Baoxiong fought with the boss for so long, it's impossible that he didn't get hurt at all. I guess Baoxiong must be at the end of his strength now, and he will definitely not be as powerful as before."


Xiaohuoguo interrupted Heiyanquan's nagging with a slap, and said with a jump: "Oh, the fourth bastard! If you keep nagging, the boss will have nothing left!"

The thin and tall man also felt that Heiyanquan was talking too much, so he pulled the fat man up, hooked the fat man's neck and said: "Anyway, we are not idiots who fight desperately when our brains are hot. We dare to touch Baoxiong's flowers after careful consideration."

"Don't waste time, hurry up!" The thin and tall man weighed the Zhanlang Knife, crouched down and touched Baoxiong in the valley.

The others hurriedly followed, moving forward and spreading to both sides.

The stealth process was unusually smooth. When people were less than 50 meters away from Baoxiong, they stopped at the same time.

The tall and thin man wiped his frozen snot and said to Fatty and Hotpot: "I'll go and stab the violent bear's ass in a moment. After I lead the bear away, you can rush up and grab the boss's body."

"Don't worry!" Dugu Pang said solemnly: "If you are pinned down by the bear, we will send people to rush over to save you!"

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