A distance of a hundred meters is just a blink of an eye for the extraordinary.

When Su Yuan was about to step into the pig farm, he suddenly raised his left hand and signaled everyone to stop.

The cooperation between everyone and Su Yuan was far from tacit.

When Su Yuan suddenly waved his hand, the people behind him couldn't brake in time and suddenly squeezed into a mess.

The old vegetable board chanted Amitabha while staring forward with wide eyes.

However, there was nothing in front of him, and Su Yuan was so nervous that everyone was scared and thought they saw a ghost.

One by one, their feet trembled and their calves became weak.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝐭𝐰𝐤𝐚𝐧.𝐜𝐨𝐦]

Su Yuan took out the Eye of the Giant Beast identification glasses, pulled open the sleeve and looked through the glasses behind the gate.

I saw that in the empty void, there were actually many blue dots floating like dust, just like water molecules floating in the mist.

"So that's it!" Su Yuan muttered to himself, "It seems that these things are what affect the spirit of the dragon."

While paying attention to the movements around him, he used his supernatural power to increase the oxygen concentration around him.

After creating an air mass of nearly pure oxygen around him, Su Yuan walked directly into the area where the blue dots were floating.

Then a ball of fire suddenly broke out on his body. In such an oxygen-rich environment, even the most ordinary candle can burn dozens of times more flames than before.

The raging flames burned all the invisible dots. Su Yuan was like a walking fireball, circling the door with flames all over his body.

After confirming that all the blue dots nearby were eliminated, Su Yuan raised his left hand and pointed forward, signaling everyone to follow.

This pig farm is an open-top breeding farm. There is only a row of brick and tile houses that look like breeder dormitories and warehouses in the entire farm area.

Most of the tiled houses had collapsed, and only the two near the corners were still intact. His old friend, the "Turtle", was parked next to the factory building.

When Dugu Pang saw this old acquaintance, he immediately shouted happily: "Hahaha, isn't this Chocolate's mother opening the door for Chocolate - is it a coincidence? We are just worried about not having a car to use, drive away!"

Su Yuan secretly raised his vigilance in his heart. He covered his body with the Eda armor,

and then sent a mechanical trilobite to the Turtle to check if there was anyone inside.

The mechanical trilobite executed his orders exactly.

It is estimated that throughout the history of Atlantis, there is no second person who has used a mechanical trilobite as a spy.

Through his mental connection with the mechanical trilobite, the optical sensor on the mechanical worm is like Su Yuan's eyes.

It can be seen that there is no one in the Turtle, and the carriage is filled with various supplies in large and small packages.

Su Yuan looked at the only two brick houses that were not very spacious. The Turtle couldn't have driven itself here.

If there was someone here, the most likely person was hiding in the factory. And this person was most likely the one who attacked Sanglong!

Su Yuan relied on the protection of the Eda armor and the super recovery ability of the Wood God Blood. Even if he wanted to die, it would not be easy, so he kicked the brick wall directly.

With a "boom", the not-so-strong wall collapsed by him, revealing a hole more than one person high.

In this way, even if someone was hiding behind the door and ambushing, they would never think that Su Yuan would come through the wall!

However, what Su Yuan never expected was that the person in this brick house would be Xiao Lan!

And it was Xiao Lan who was unconscious and seriously injured.

At this time, Xiao Lan's face was as pale as paper, obviously due to a lot of blood loss.

Her right hand, which was pulling the bow, had five fingers bleeding, and the wound was deep enough to see the bone.

Su Yuan gently picked up Xiao Lan's hand and took a look, and found that it was cut by the bowstring.

How many arrows must be shot to injure the hand like this?

Looking at other parts of Xiao Lan's body, there are two lacerations, one on the left shoulder and the other on the right side of the ribs.

The wound on the shoulder is less than one centimeter away from the carotid artery. If it is a little more off, Xiao Lan will die.

Strangely, Xiao Lan has many scalds and burns on her body, as if she was splashed with boiling water.

Su Yuan put his finger in front of Xiao Lan's nose. Xiao Lan's breath is very weak, with more exhalation than inhalation.

There are bloodstains on the nose and corners of the mouth, and it is very likely that even the internal organs have been seriously injured.

He was just trying to wake Xiao Lan up when he suddenly heard a messy fight outside the field house.

He had clearly seen that there were no zombies or mutants here before, so who were the fat man and the others fighting with?

Su Yuan cursed inwardly, this is really a case of suppressing one problem and then another. It is not clear who injured Xiao Lan like this, and what kind of moth has happened on the other side.

Su Yuan's mental power swept outward, and he suddenly found that the sound of fighting was actually because of the internal fighting of the more than 40 old, weak and disabled people he brought with him!

"Collective hypnosis!" This thought suddenly came to Su Yuan's mind.

The messenger also reminded him in his heart: "This is a psychedelic ability! It should come from a butterfly called Morpho.

Pay attention to the surrounding environment. Morpho can not only use the scales on its wings to affect people's spirits, but also is very good at camouflage."

"I know," Su Yuan responded in his heart. He had encountered similar opponents in his previous life, so he was not panicked at this moment.

The top priority is to find a way to find out where the other party is hiding.

Under normal circumstances, opponents who are good at creating illusions generally have weak physical combat abilities, so as long as they are found by him, there is basically no suspense about the outcome.

Su Yuan first used the amplification of the spiritual power ring to search all the places in the tile-roofed house. After finding nothing, he set his sights outside the house.

At this time, he had already held the Eye of the Giant Beast in his hand, trying to see from which direction those blue scales were floating.

In the field of vision of the Eye of the Behemoth, all the blue scale powder is slowly floating from top to bottom, like snowflakes.

Su Yuan couldn't help but raise his head, "Is it in the sky?"

At this time, there were seven or eight people in the crowd injured from killing each other. The longer the time went on, the greater the casualties would be.

Seeing Dugu Pang opening his big mouth, the venom that could corrode a person into a skeleton in an instant was about to be sprayed on the face with dark circles under his eyes.

Su Yuan was eager to save people. When he saw a plastic bucket for feeding pigs at his feet, he put the plastic bucket on Dugu Pang's head without even thinking about it.

In the plastic bucket, there was also a small half bucket of rotten pig feed that was frozen into ice lumps. The wheel was heavy and heavy.

This time, it hit Dugu Fatty on the head, almost knocking him unconscious.

Seeing his people stabbing each other, the overwhelming anger and powerlessness made Su Yuan's eyes almost burst into flames.

What he hated most in his life was killing each other.

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