"Let's talk about it when I need you to save me." Su Yuan directly pressed Coca-Cola and closed the communication.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Networkโ†’๐“ฝ๐”€๐“ด๐“ช๐“ท.๐“ฌ๐“ธ๐“ถ]

Women are inherently emotional thinking creatures.

Arguing with a woman on such a philosophical issue of human nature is undoubtedly something only someone who has been kicked in the head by a grulmon would do.

"Xu Qingruo..." Su Yuan tapped his temple with his index finger and murmured to himself: "This name sounds more and more familiar to me. I must have heard of this person in my previous life."

"Grandma, maybe he's an acquaintance!" Su Yuan thought to himself.

You have to build a coral reef fortress quickly, otherwise when the zombies siege the city, there may be a scene where you need to be rescued, and it will be embarrassing then.

Su Yuan climbed up to a high place and looked down at the terrain near the ruins.

He thought about where to set up fire points, where to dig traps, and where to focus on defense.

The terrain under Su Yuan's feet was like a huge volcano-shaped ashtray.

The wreckage of the Trident is a thick cigar resting on an ashtray.

The location of the ancient war tree is in the sinkhole at the bottom of the ashtray.

In the construction plan of the Coral Reef Fortress, all materials must be taken from the wreckage of the Trident, so by the time the fort is built, the Trident should have been completely dismantled.

On both sides of the fortress are two cliff mountains that are hundreds of meters high and go hand in hand.

"Master Qi, didn't you say you were a general? Come on, help me give me some advice." Su Yuan called the old madman to his side.

He pointed to the mountain walls on both sides and said: "Look, our coral reef fortress is located in a ravine between two mountains, so the only places that need to be defended are the front and rear sides of the ravine."

"I wanted to extend the circular outline of the coral reef fortress into an olive shape, following the trend of the mountains."

"Then set up firepower points with a multi-layered three-dimensional layout on the mountain walls on both sides of the fortress. If there is a wave of zombies coming, we will beat them until they can't even recognize their mother."

The old madman nodded, "I have thought of this too. Not only do we need to set up firepower points on the mountain wall, but we also need to do something on the ground."

"For example, digging the ground into an undulating wave shape like a washboard. This is equivalent to extending the distance that the zombie tide needs to travel in the same space, and also increasing the time and area for them to withstand firepower."

"This is a good idea." Su Yuan gave the old madman a breath of the sea, and the old man and the young man squatted together and puffed away.

"Since you want to cultivate it into an undulating appearance, you should cultivate it more thoroughly. The gap should not be less than ten meters no matter what."

Su Yuan squinted his eyes, letting out bad water one after another.

"I need to set up barriers in the raised areas, and dig more traps in the sunken areas. No matter how large the tide of corpses is, when I get here, I have to fill up the traps first before I can touch the fortress."

The old madman nodded in praise and said, "Catch that fat boy and ask him to spit a layer of venom into every pit."

"Then why don't you vomit the fat man dry?" Su Yuan said with a smile.

At this time, Helena also rushed over with the second-generation armor. When I heard that Su Yuan was discussing defense facilities with the old madman, I was so excited that my little tail was raised so high!

"How can traps be enough?"

Helena projected a projection, pointed at a starfish-shaped machine in the projection, and said:

"This is the PDX-327 induced killer, also called a zombie crusher. It consists of five serrated blades and a central inducer."

"Each blade is fifteen meters long. Once rotated, it becomes an out-and-out flesh and blood millstone."

"Cooperate with this again." Helena said, and cast another projection. This time the machine looks like an octopus, with eight tentacles that are hundreds of meters long.

"The tidal vortex maker can pack mutants within a diameter of one hundred and fifty meters into a ball."

During this time, Helena had gradually begun to learn to communicate using words familiar to Su Yuan.

She was no longer like before, always dealing with whale horns, tides and other Atlantis-specific units of measurement, which made Su Yuan have to do some calculations in his mind before he knew the exact values.

Su Yuan was extremely satisfied with the two devices proposed by Helena.

"This is good! This thing looks like Patrick Star and Squidward, and then there's Spongebob. We can rename it Bikini Fortress."

Helena stretched out her little hand, "Then you have to give me the crystal core. In the words of your Sixth Age humans, even the most skillful woman cannot cook without rice."

"You're talking about 'It's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice', right?" Su Yuan felt kidney pain when he heard the word "crystal core".

"It means the same thing." Helena flicked her tail and said, "The fifteen thousand energy points you gave me are not enough to make metallurgical bugs and engineer bugs.

You want me to build weapons and armor, as well as induced killers and tidal vortex makers. Isn't this making things difficult for me? "

At this time, Su Yuan only hated why there were only four people in the Wolf, Bug, Tiger and Leopard team. If there are forty people, wouldn't it be possible to sell them forty wave-cutting knives?

If that's the case, why do we need to worry about the crystal core?

In desperation, Su Yuan only kept a thousand energy points as backup, and gave the rest to Helena to make Patrick Star and Squidward.

Even so, it was still not enough. The manufacturing cost of the second-generation armor was compressed again, and only then could the cost of making a Patrick Star be barely raised.

The second-generation armor removed all the exquisite and elegant carvings and patterns, and replaced them with the spikes and blades that Su Yuan repeatedly mentioned. Overall, it completely met Su Yuan's expectations.

The only flaw was that the helmet of the armor was also turquoise.

The weight of the second-generation armor exceeded 100 kilograms. Although the armor was equipped with a crystal energy weight reduction assist system, there were no extra crystal cores to drive it for the time being.

If ordinary people put it on, they couldn't even move a step, so Su Yuan gave the armor to Sanglong, the extraordinary person.

When Sanglong saw the armor, his eyes were straight, and he couldn't stop exclaiming "Oh, my God!"

Others drooled all over the floor, looking at Sanglong with envy, and looking forward to getting a set of them.

If you can get such a set of iron-skinned turtle-like equipment, you won't be afraid even if you roll in the zombie tide.

Sanglong was so happy to get the armor that he was like Sun Wukong who had just learned the seventy-two transformations.

Lao Caibanzi knocked on the armor with a kitchen knife, making a "clang clang" sound.

"Why should I give you the first set of armor?" Lao Caibanzi said sourly:

"In terms of seniority, among all of us, except for the few people around the boss, Keba and I have been with the boss the longest."

"You know shit, you?" Sanglong said proudly: "Why not give it to you? Don't you have any idea?"

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