End of the World: Start by controlling a god's altar

Chapter 331: All members are extraordinary

Su Yuan split the ugly cat's head with a wind blade, and then patted the loyal bionic beast.

He looked at the big-headed mutant who was dead and couldn't die any more, and sneered: "Your illusion is indeed powerful. But unfortunately, bionic beasts are mechanical life forms, and they perceive everything through instruments and will not be affected by any illusions."

Cheng Xue and Xu Jiajia, who had just learned the news and the crisis had been resolved, complained to Helena, why didn't you tell them in advance that the bionic beast was back? They thought Su Yuan was dead this time.

Helena spread her hands, "The bionic beast just came back, I just wanted to tell you, but I didn't have a chance to tell you."


The remaining dozen zombies were used as targets for practice and were solved one by one.

When all the zombies and mutants that attacked this time were killed, the hearts of the group of people finally settled down completely.

The air was filled with a pungent and fishy smell, which was emitted from the body fluids and minced meat of the dead zombies and mutants.

There was also a smell of blood mixed with metal, which really made me feel like I couldn't eat for half a year.

The mechanical bugs that Su Yuan had withdrawn to the rear since the beginning of the battle came out one after another and began to continue the work of building the coral fortress.

The people who were exhausted physically and mentally took off their armor, gathered in groups of three or two, smoking cigarettes, and boasted loudly about their respective achievements and how many damn things they had just stabbed to death.

From time to time, there were one or two sounds of blades entering flesh and bones breaking and tendons breaking.

That was Fatty and Liu Xianguang cleaning the battlefield, and they would add another knife to the zombies that were not dead.

There were three or four layers of corpses near the wall, and the bodies were full of meat and blood plasma cut by zombie crushers, and some had already been frozen together in the cold wind.

The metallurgical bugs removed these in large pieces like shoveling garbage. Helena asked, where should these corpses be thrown?

Su Yuan thought about it and felt that the super sinkhole in the center of the fortress was a good Feng Shui treasure land.

For the survivors, every close contact with zombies is like a nightmare.

The fact that they did not lose any people in the battle, especially that they were not the ones who died, was the most pleasing thing for them.

Although people have armor as protection, their weak physiques of ordinary people will make them dizzy even if they hide in the armor and are hit by the powerful mutants.

Fortunately, no one was fatally injured in this battle. After this fierce battle, everyone has made great progress in both mentality and strength.

Su Yuan stood in front of Lao Caibanzi and others with a gloomy face, and after pacing back and forth for a few steps with his hands behind his back, he said:

"Although I don't like you guys who are less courageous than rice grains, I still have to admit that your performance this time is not bad."

"But I still don't know whether you finally found your courage or you can't run because your armor is too heavy. Anyway, this is the first time I see you dare to fight against mutants head-on!"

Su Yuan pointed at Lao Caibanzi and Xiao Hotpot, "You two, come here!"

The two hurriedly straightened their bodies and stood up, looking at Su Yuan with trepidation.

"In fact, running away is also a skill. You two can bring everyone back alive, which is also a merit." Su Yuan stretched out his hands, dragging a ball of white light in each hand.

"These are two speed-type metal-type physical gifts. After fusion, you can become extraordinary people with the ability to metalize your body."

Lao Caibanzi immediately couldn't help licking his lips, and Xiao Hotpot also looked happy.

This is what they dreamed of. As long as they integrate this, they will also be members of the extraordinary people in the future!

Then, Su Yuan walked back and forth a few steps, "The rest of you, your performance is quite satisfactory. Since you like to escape so much, I will give you the ability of speed."

"If any of you know Feng Feng from the Bright Base, Feng Feng's ability is speed-based."

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience immediately fell into deathly silence, followed by a deafening cheer!

All the staff became extraordinary people. If they followed Yan Kai and Tang Jun, they would probably die and never expect such treatment today!

At this time, Su Yuan continued to say: "Although we won today's small fight, in the days to come, there will be one battle after another, each one more tragic than the last!"

"As long as there are zombies and mutants in this world, no one can live a peaceful life!"

"So, I hope you can be more proactive when you encounter battles in the future, and hone and improve yourself in battle. Only by constantly improving can you survive in this fucked up world."

"Because if you don't improve, zombies and mutants are constantly evolving. Maybe in the next battle, the rotten meat lying on the ground will be you!"

This speech made everyone look stern, and they all lowered their heads and kept silent.

"Now..." Su Yuan sighed slowly, "Who can tell me what happened to you outside? Where are Sanglong and Black Eye Circle?"

Little Hotpot and Old Vegetable Board looked at each other, and the two pushed each other back and forth, and finally explained the whole thing to Su Yuan.

It turned out that since they had brought back a mutant corpse for free the first time they went out, Black Eye Circle was blessed by God to become a superhuman. After tasting the sweetness, the morale of the people immediately rose, and they set out again to search for mutants with special abilities.

This time, they summed up the lessons learned from the last time and felt that they should stay away from the village.

Because the most likely thing in the village is a large number of zombies, which is more dangerous.

It is better to choose places that are sparsely populated but not too desolate.

Not only do you have the opportunity to encounter various mutants in the wild, but the vision is wide and the terrain is open. If you encounter any situation, it is also easier to escape.

For this reason, before they left, they ran to the old madman and flattered him, asking for a divination comment that "there will be something to gain in the southwest direction", and then they left the fortress happily.

I don’t know whether the divination of the old madman is really effective, or whether they are lucky, and they really encountered a lone mutant in the wild.

According to Lao Cai Ban Zi and Xiao Hotpot's vivid description, the mutant looks like a black rhino that is only as big as a guinea pig.

And it is docile and even more timid than them!

It will not attack people when it encounters them, but will just flick its little hoof and turn around and run away.

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