End of the World: Start by controlling a god's altar

Chapter 333: The North Wind Wolf's Request for Help

As soon as everyone heard that Su Yuan was going to take the initiative to find the giant beast, the fat man stood up with a bang!

He didn't look at the wonderful expressions on others' faces and said very simply: "Boss, I'll go with you!"

Su Yuan shook his head, "This isn't about fighting for your life, why are you following me?"

Su Yuan glanced at the ashen-faced Lao Cai Ban and Xiao Hot Pot, "I think it's best for you two to go with me. When it comes to escape ability, Fatty is far from as good as you two."

The old waiter had a fake smile that was uglier than crying, and he didn't know whether Su Yuan was praising him or hurting him.

"Lao Cai Ban and Xiao Huo Guo are coming with me. I'll leave the fort to you to guard."

Su Yuan looked at the fat man and the old madman, "I won't take a single energy point from the crystal cores collected by the wave of zombies just now. I will give them all to you to build the defense system of the fortress."

Cheng Xue and others who have been with Su Yuan for a long time know that Su Yuan is usually very carefree and easy-going.

But when it comes to key issues, he always insists on telling the truth, and even if he tries to persuade him, he can't be persuaded.

But Cheng Xue still said uneasily: "Would it be too risky for the three of you to go? Just as the bionic beast is back, you take it with you. Even if you don't fight the monster, the bionic beast can still be a monster. Use the mount."

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝔱𝔴𝔨𝔞𝔫.𝔠𝔬𝔪]

The strength of the bionic beast has improved compared to before, and it seems to have some of the same earth-type abilities as Tang Zhen. It should have successfully killed Tang Zhen.

At that time, the bionic beast was sensed by Su Yuan when it was walking underground, so Su Yuan seemed so calm when facing the siege.

Su Yuan shook his head and refused: "The defense of our lair is still too weak at the moment. The crystal core cannon costs money, and the zombie crusher has no mobility at all. Keeping the bionic beast can just improve and make up for the mobility. shortcomings.”

Liu Xianguang stood up again and said: "Then let me drive the Turtle and go with you. If the crystal core cannon is unloaded, at the speed of the modified Turtle, few mutant creatures can catch up."

This proposal was unanimously approved by everyone. On the one hand, they were worried about Su Yuan's safety. On the other hand, Liu Xianguang's proposal had no impact on the defense of the fortress.

Su Yuan thought for a while, but still didn't agree.

Finally, Helena slapped her tail and made the final decision, saying that she would build a base for the crystal core cannon as quickly as possible and then install it on the highest point of the fortress.

Su Yuannai couldn't bear the kindness of everyone, so he reluctantly agreed.

He has tried his best to consider the safety of the fortress, and even promoted all members to transcendence, in order to maximize the guarantee that the defense of the fortress will not be too empty after he leaves.

At this time, the old madman came to Su Yuan mysteriously. Su Yuan said hurriedly: "Stop, if you want to give me a divination, then forget it."

The old lunatic suddenly curled his lips, "Huh, you ignorant young man. I have revealed too many secrets in recent days, and I am afraid that I will displease Heaven. So if you beg me, I won't give you any predictions."

"Take it," the old madman threw something like a "big brother phone" to Su Yuan.

"This is a radio communication device. As long as you are within a hundred kilometers of the base station, you can use it to keep in touch with us at any time, and you can also connect to the public channel of Beifeng City."

The big brother bought it heavily, probably no less than twenty kilograms. The material was completely made of secondary sea soul gold, and it felt like a big brick in his hand.

Su Yuan weighed it in his hand and found that it was quite useful to hit people with, so he thanked the old madman, got on the Turtle and drove towards Hequan Town with the old madman showing him the way.

Lao Caibanzi and Xiao Hotpot were originally frightened, but when they heard Liu Xianguang say that the theoretical speed of the Turtle was faster than the high-speed rail, they suddenly breathed a long sigh of relief.

They made up their minds in their hearts that they would never get off the bus easily.

From the map, the straight-line distance between Hequan Town and the fortress is only a little over sixty kilometers.

But since this place is located in a mountainous area, the actual distance is slightly longer.

Since the old lunatic had just walked this road once, and he followed the map according to the map, he was already familiar with the road.

The sky and the earth are covered with white snow, and there is a vast expanse of white everywhere, which makes people’s eyes dazzled.

Occasionally, you will see some frozen zombies in the snow. They have been frozen like a lump of iron. It is not known whether they are dead or dormant.

Su Yuan had no intention of causing trouble, so he didn't pay much attention to it. Even if a few blind mutants pounced on the car, they would just hit it and crush them to death.

The closer they got to the town, the more nervous the old foodie and the hotpot looked.

The pale face, panicked eyes, and unconscious trembling of the body clearly revealed the fear in the two people's hearts.

"The best defense is offense!" For some reason, Su Yuan suddenly remembered this old saying.

This is just a small town at the moment. If the large-scale migration of half of the province really gathers here, even the Trident in its heyday will not be able to do anything.

Rather than sit back and wait for death, it is better to take the initiative!

After solving the hidden danger from this big guy, we should consider how to take the initiative to deal with the coming zombie tide.

"In the worst case, I'll just lead a fucking team of people and lead the tide of corpses into the mountains to fight guerrillas." Su Yuan thought to himself.

What is this move called? It seems to consume the enemy in motion and then further eliminate the enemy.

He said to Lao Cai Banzi and Xiao Hotpot: "We are just going to investigate. There is no need to be too nervous. No matter how powerful the monster is, it can't kill people just by looking at it from a distance."

The two of them reluctantly raised their lips in response. I thought, when you see the real body of the monster, I'm afraid it won't be so easy.

Su Yuan continued: "Isn't the monster just huge? There is nothing to be afraid of. In ancient times, there were dinosaurs everywhere, so other small animals didn't live? Don't they still have to eat and drink?"

While he was chatting, he was checking the map, trying to find out which road would be more suitable to lead the monster away.

Dozens of kilometers passed in a flash, and just when the hazy outline of the town just came into Su Yuan's eyes, his "Brick" walkie-talkie suddenly rang!

Beifeng Wolf's anxious voice came from the loudspeaker, "Can anyone hear me? Can anyone hear me? I am Beifeng Wolf, I am Beifeng Wolf, requesting support, requesting support!"

Beifeng Wolf's call was set on the public channel, so as soon as he finished speaking, the girl codenamed Xiao Caiqi from Beifeng City immediately responded:

"Beifeng City received, please describe your current situation!"

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